Will the newspapers and talk shows please stop treating this man as though he has any credibility at all?
January 29, 2012 at 12:53am
Jeffrey should just crawl under a stone, quite frankly. Instead he’s all over the place, talking about slow punctures and early elections, when the fact is that he’s the wheel that’s got the slow puncture. And because he won’t allow the wheel to be changed by resigning his seat, he’s dictating that we should change the whole car instead.
Imagine that. You get a puncture, and when you try to change the wheel, the wheel squeaks, ‘Ma tarax! Irrizenja int! Ikollna elezzjoni! Nixtru karozza gdida!’
What a total prat. You might not recognise him in these videos, because his hair is dyed.
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Daphne, I understand your concern, but you have to understand JPO’s situation. The boom in the dentistry business will only take place once Labour gets into power. At which point, the Mintuffiani will be busy smashing our teeth to create a SAFE Malta, because we bite.
Until then, JPO is better off on his MP’s salary.
Doesn’t this guy know when to shut up?
Poor Jeff only had one jacket back in 2008. Miskin.
He is quite dishy though, don’t you think Daphne?
[Daphne – Not my type at all. Too small and smooth and petitu. And dyed hair is not a good look in a man. It was a wise decision to stick to grey.]
It depends on what you plan to use him for Amanda.
Yesterday’s man. Add Franco, Mugliett, Arrigo (borderline)..they are all electoral and political toast.
Can’t Jeffrey and Arrigo see the irony in mentioning slow punctures?
Michelin came up with a permanent solution, the airless tyre. Guaranteed to do away with the hassle of checking the amount of air within.
I’m really sorry that we gave him our votes. My son used to help him too. With us he lost all the credibility that he ever had. A man tas-sold (penny) my mum used to say when a person doesn’t keep his word and honour. Vera bniedem tal-biki.
Another politician with a hair obsession?