And then they said that the US chambermaid was a liar and demolished her credibility

Published: February 21, 2012 at 11:35am

Shouldn't it have been obvious that the young women were prostitutes? Or are some men so vain that they actually think a young woman would want to sleep with this man without gaining financially from it?

Those who hold up French privacy laws, and the attitude of the French media towards the private lives of their politicians, as some kind of ideal model of how things should be would do well to reflect instead on the inevitable consequences of this ‘hands off’ attitude.

Some French politicians behave incredibly badly just because they can. And then you get situations like this.

But it’s not only the ban on press intrusion, is it. It goes way beyond that. There are serious problems in the social culture of the place itself. Italy has no ban on press intrusion and Silvio Berlusconi still happened.

Read this and marvel at the manner in which Strauss-Kahn’s lawyer speaks about his client’s orgies so matter-of-factly. Can you imagine it happening in Malta? Perhaps in some aspects we have been far more influenced by British culture than we think. And thank God for that.

I can see, of course, that some members of the present and former judiciary and some politicians would be more at home in that other culture of licentiousness and protection from the press, but fortunately, they are in the minority.

The Times, today:


Former International Monetary Fund chief Dominique Strauss-Kahn will be questioned today by French police investigating a suspected hotel prostitution ring.

Police in the northern French city of Lille are probing a suspected prostitution ring in France and neighbouring Belgium that has implicated police and other officials.

Police have questioned prostitutes who said they had sex with Mr Strauss-Kahn during 2010 and 2011 at a luxury hotel in Paris, a restaurant in the French capital and also in Washington, DC.

Mr Strauss-Kahn lived in the US capital while he was head of the IMF before resigning his position in May.

Two men with ties to Mr Strauss-Kahn have been put under preliminary investigation in France on charges including organising a prostitution ring and misuse of corporate funds.

Mr Strauss-Kahn’s name surfaced in the investigation last autumn and his lawyer has asked that Mr Strauss-Kahn be allowed to tell his side of the story.

One of Mr Strauss-Kahn’s lawyers has said that the former French presidential hopeful never knew that the women at orgies he attended were prostitutes.

“He could easily not have known, because as you can imagine, at these kinds of parties you’re not always dressed, and I challenge you to distinguish a naked prostitute from any other naked woman,” Henri Leclerc told French radio Europe 1 in December. (…)

9 Comments Comment

  1. And his wife still supports him.
    *shaking my head*

  2. Anthony says:

    The (former) managing director of the IMF goes to parties where guests are not always dressed. What ?

    Is it at all surprising that the entire world is in such a financial mess ?

  3. Stephen Forster says:

    “and I challenge you to distinguish a naked prostitute from any other naked woman,”
    How many of them slept with him “gratuit” mon ami?

  4. Albert Farrugia says:

    The Strauss-Kahn vs Diallo case was simply a case where money talked big time. The case was not dropped because Diallo was inconsistent about her story. No sir. The case was dropped because it was discovered that Diallo had “lied” when filling some tax return forms years previously, and because she had “exaggerated” a story of being gang-raped in her application for US residence rights.

    Because of this, the case against Stauss-Kahn was dropped because the prosecution became the defender of Stauss-Kahn and lost hope of presenting a credible case. What this means, effectively, is that the American justice system has declared Diallo to be a “rapable woman”: she can be raped by anyone, anywhere. Because if she goes to the police afterwards, they will ask her not about the rape, but about her income tax returns. Such, apparently, is American justice. Shame.

  5. Stanley J A Clews says:

    His wife supports him because he has the money – obviously.

    [Daphne – Aactually, Major Clews, it’s the other way round. She’s the one who supports him with her many millions, and he stays with her because she bails him out. She was asked why she does all this, and her response was that she is proud of her husband’s prowess. Oh well, it takes all sorts, I suppose.]

  6. Joseph A Borg says:

    I’ve come to the conclusion that our perceptions are heavily skewed by the self-perception of England, Italy and others.

    Italians are all the time riling against the malasanità but they seem to have a better quality national health service than the UK. Their life expectancy is better, they didn’t invent MRSA, mad cow etc…

    The biggest asset for Italy is that they have an independent judiciary that can poke at Berlusconi at his strongest and a left that can still fight on principle. England instead gives us public commissions that are only good at whitewashing and a left that became ‘new’ and lost its soul…

    In any two sufficiently big populations you’ll find the exact same problems. The differences might be in small percentage deviations and what the major media in the country want to talk about.

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