How unlucky for The Underdog

Published: February 22, 2012 at 10:45am

Left click on the image to make it larger. Karnival? TVM must be doing it on purpose. Jason Micallef, the Prattikament head of the national television station, must protest at once.

15 Comments Comment

  1. Voltaire says:

    Ara vera ma fadallekx ma xiex tqabbad dufrejk ja xiha zmagata.

  2. Fatta! says:

    Tajba din!!

  3. Mandy Mallia says:

    “George Debono

    Today, 17:09

    You are right, Mr Massa. May God protect us from another Mintoff. What you mention he did, he built form robbing those who worked hard for their money. You forget to mention that he took over every private bank he could lay hands on to fund these so caled “enterprises”. ”

  4. C Falzon says:

    Well, one prominent criminal lawyer whose name eludes me right now did say that TVM was nowadays worse than in the early 80s.

    They even made that information panel bright blue, for which the Prime Minister-to-be had to turn bright red to compensate.

  5. Stephen says:

    Good one – how apt.

  6. Allo Allo says:

    Could be PBS’s attempt of political satire in carnival, or maybe simply a statement of fact.

  7. Antoine Vella says:

    Speaking of carnival, it seems the PL have recruited Yana Mintoff for their parade of grotesque masks.

  8. etil says:

    So Joe Debono Grech will be a candidate in the next general elections. New Labour my foot.

  9. etil says:

    And Yana Mintoff too !

  10. Claude Sciberras says:

    Tajba, is this your photo?

    [Daphne – No.]

  11. Riya says:

    ‘Ara vera ma fadallekx ma xiex tqabbad dufrejk ja xiha zmagata.’

    Xiha u zmagata? Ma’ kontx naf li Daphne ghandha l-karta tal-anzjani wkoll.

    Kellhom bzonn l-anzjani kollha ghandhom mohh bhal ta’ Daphne ghax kieku zgur hadd minnhom ma’ jitthallat mal-PL.

    Zmagati huma dawk li ipprovaw iqabbdu dufrejhom mal-Arriva u dawk li ipprezentaw vot ta’ sfiduccja bla bzonn, u hasbu li se jaqa’ l-gvern. Izda malajr dahlu kollha f’qoxrithom!

  12. Riya says:

    Zmagati huma dawk li kull meta jitilfu jghidu li rebhu.

  13. Martin says:

    I see you deleted my post – who would have thought you were so gutless?

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