Is this for real?

Published: March 7, 2012 at 9:29pm

Labour MP Owen Bonnici asked in parliament tonight what the government plans to do about the suggestion that the ‘Gozo flag’ be displayed at all official events there, alongside the Maltese (I think he means national, rather than Maltese as opposed to Gozitan) and EU flags, while the ‘Gozitan anthem’ is played formally.

The Minister for Gozo said that the government plans to leave protocol as it is.

This is the Gozo flag. I imagine it symbolises the three hills of Rabat. The kinder view is that it looks like one of those Victorian jelly-moulds. The more acerbic view is that it looks like something very naughty indeed.

The Gozitan anthem?

22 Comments Comment

  1. C Falzon says:

    The pratikament Vici Pirministru got the budget day wrong by one week, so I suppose one can forgive Owen Bonnici for getting April fool day wrong by three.

  2. Jo says:

    U dan, meta skond huma hawn dizastru f’Malta.
    Ara veru ma jisthux. Tghid meta jkunu fil-gvern jaghtu l-indipendenza l-Ghawdex?

  3. thinker says:

    Does Gozo have an anthem?

    • silvio says:

      Yes they do,it goes like this:

      Gzira helwa taghna.
      Art ta’ fjuru u cannabis.
      Ahna uliedek inhobbuk
      Ghax ghandhek il-gbejniet
      Mahrufihn id-dinja kollha
      etc etc.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        I thought it was this:

        Oh kif qalbna thabbat tnejn
        Meta jaqsmu s’ghandna il-Maltejn.
        Kemm niehdu gost nahxuhom
        U ircevuta qatt ma n’tuhom.

        Nghollu doppju l-prezzijiet
        Niftahru bil-bizzilla u l-gbejniet.
        Nerdghu kull sold li l-Ewropa ‘ttina
        U issa rridu li jibnulna mina.

        Helwa Ghawdex art twelidi.
        Kemm nahxi bik ha nkabbar gidi.
        Go fik taparsi resident
        Ha nerda’ s-sussidji sal-inqas cent.

        Bilfors kellhom jaghmluna regjun.
        Dak ic-cent issa sar miljun.
        Ahna gzira ta’ hallelin
        U x’ghalazobbna mill-Maltin.

  4. Antoine Vella says:

    I can’t understand why it was Owen Bonnici and not a Gozitan MP who asked the PQ.

  5. H.P. Baxxter says:

    A very cunning plan to attract the nudist niche market to Gozo. Raise that flag and you’d have the whole global skinny-dipping community hitting Xlendi and Marsalforn faster than you can say “gzira tat-trihills”.

  6. Pisces says:

    Those three hills represent Nadur, Xaghra and Zebbug. They are built on hills with Zebbug being the highest.

  7. PhiliP says:

    Hal Luqa ghamlulhom wiehed biss.

  8. Mister says:

    Is it a slow day at the MLP headquarters?

    Owen …. f’idejk li issaqsi domanda illum. Ghax ghandi erba bicciet ta’ San Frangisk t’Assisi x’naqra.

    Ok Boss. Ghandi domanda… bomba.


  9. Neil Dent says:

    Looks a bit like Gozo giving the rest of us the finger! Nothing new there then…

  10. Kurt Mifsud Bonnici says:

    I love Gozo, I really do. The place is just beautiful, especially in the winter months. Nevertheless, it is ridiculous that any Gozitan would request the Gozitan “flag” be displayed and “anthem” be played during official functions.

    The U.S. is made up of fifty states. Each have their own flag and distinct laws no less, never mind a state “anthem”. However, I do not recall all fifty state flags being displayed at every official function.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Wrong comparison. The U.S. is a federal republic. Malta isn’t. We’ve already gone too far down the slippery slope with a regional council, a ministry, and all the trappings of an independent state for Gozo (bar a power station and an airport).

  11. Pejxu says:

    @ Silvio & Klawdju
    Very sorry to note that your sense of humour is of the lowest level . I do not know why you choose to try to ridicule us Gozitans. Please Daphne next time around do censor such silly comments.

  12. C Falzon says:

    There should also be an Innu Tas-Sawt and a flag.

  13. ray says:

    That flag looks like someone drowning.

  14. Spiru says:

    I don’t know why you belittle Gozitans, believe me. I find goods to be cheaper over there, aluminium services, garage doors, furniture, to name but a few, are made there after the raw materials are shipped from Malta, and brought over and still cheaper than Maltese goods.

    We buy concrete iron rebar shipped from Malta to Gozo and back, and cheaper. I use welding services in Gozo, happy to send a truck over, and work it out cheaper, and when I sell goods over there, nobody pays as fast as the Gozitans.

    By the way, do you know that new cars are cheaper there? And that a hobza tal-Malti is heavier and more wholesome? And a scoop of ice-cream from Granola cost me one euro last week from Xlendi – where do you find that in Malta? I wonder who is screwing who.

  15. Don says:

    There actually is a gozitan anthem, written by Mro. Joe Vella and poet Gorg Pisani. Here’s a link (melody only):

    Having said that, it is plain ridiculous to suggest playing it at every official occasion. And believe me, as a Gozitan, I DREAD the idea of “independence”. That surely does not make me want to vote Labour, quite the contrary.

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