A fitting tribute, and the picture which says it all

Published: March 16, 2012 at 10:13am

19 Comments Comment

  1. ic-chunky says:

    Thank you for sharing this photo, Daphne.

  2. Joe Micallef says:


  3. Taks Fors says:

    Not exactly in the ‘proper’ attire, but there you go. It speaks volumes of the man who was ever so keen to explore, form an opinion and then share it with anyone. A true gentleman and also young at heart. And a fine example of ‘behind a great man there is a greater woman’, literally in this case.
    Grazzi Cens.

  4. mattie says:

    They weathered the storms together. They’re a great example of two beautiful people, in the true sense of the word, who led beautiful lives.

  5. Richard Muscat says:

    Thanks for sharing this photo. Censu’s radiant and natural smile will remain in our memory.

  6. u Le! says:

    Old in age but young in spirit. His life should inspire all of us to do our best selflessly and if possible with a smile. He should be a role model to all our politicians. He embodied JFK’s famous words. Rest in peace, President Censinu.

  7. A Montebello says:

    When great statesmen like Censu Tabone pass on, you just know that there is nobody – nobody at all – to replace them.

  8. A. Charles says:

    When I was student some 45 or more years ago, the Faculty of Dental Surgery had a dental laboratory (not surgery) in the basement of the out-patients department at St. Luke’s Hospital.

    Next door, there was the OP Ophthalmic Department manned for long hours, every day, by Dr. Vincent Tabone. We, students, had the frequent knack of putting splinters into our eyes when we were using the high velocity polishers.

    Dr. Tabone was always available and his kindness and professionalism were a relief. He made it a point that we, dental students, were given priority and treated immediately.

  9. Six years ago I had the honour of interviewing Censu and Maria Tabone about their (then) 63 year old marriage.

    I wanted to know what made their relationship tick and one of the things that Censu Tabone advised was to never go to bed angry.

    In a sad but mystical turn of events, six years later, the sweet gentleman, dies in his sleep.

    I’m sharing the interview here – http://www.alisonbezzina.com/censu-maria-tabone-the10-secrets-of-their-love/

  10. MM says:

    now…here’s two people who really weathered the storms (with apologies to Mattie)

  11. Rita Camilleri says:

    He was forever young at heart.

  12. A true gentleman. Met him only once. A memorable experience.
    The present bunch pale in comparison.

  13. Stanley J A Clews says:

    They made the greatest contribution in time of war and peace. My personal gratitude to you both from the George Cross Island Association. You were both a wonderful example for your love for Malta and for each other, Maria.

  14. Miss O'Brien says:

    I met him several times because I am friends with some of his grandchildren. A true gentleman through and through and a fine conversationalist. I will miss you greatly.

  15. edgar rossignaud says:

    I have such pleasant memories of Censu and Maria in my youth at St. Julian’s. I needed some help in my Physics A-Level, particularly the optics section, and while Censu (then a Minister) patiently explained the subject to me and to his son Colin, Maria kept producing wonderful ‘hobz biz-zejt’ and home-made cake. A wonderful couple if ever there was one.

  16. Grezz says:

    What a sweet photo, and what a lovely couple, with no pretentions whatsoever.

  17. H.P. Baxxter says:


    Have a look at the video above. If there’s someone in the room who should rock the boat and be hated for it, then it must be me. There’s so much that is wrong in that video.

    The man died at 98. It’s not as if he was in the prime of life. He lived a good, fulfilling life, rose to the highest position in the land, and then died peacefully in his sleep. So why the continual zooming on the crucifix and the dying Christ? I mean it’s a death. Sad for his immediate family, certainly, but not a tragedy.

    The Archbishop certainly didn’t help with his glum face, trying to squeeze out a tear or two. (is he getting fatter and squarer, or what?) This should have been a the occasion for a dignified salute, not a “wied ta’ dmugh” exercise. And the way his speech drags on and on, never rising above 5 rpm. Man up, look God and the audience square in the eye, and speak at normal speed.

    And so I come to the last and most irritating point of all: the flag draping the coffin. IT’S FOUR SIZES TOO SMALL! It happened with all previous state funerals. Agatha Barbara’s was worst. For heaven’s sake, the flag should be large enough to be draped over the whole coffin and cover all of it, including the ends. That flag is too small. It looks ridiculous. Someone needs to put the RSM himself on a fizzer.

  18. Silvio farrugia says:

    I remember his grandson David telling me in an excited tone ..my grandfather is jet skiing.He was a “youth ” for ever.

  19. Mark Azzopardi says:

    My Grandfather :) Thank you for this tribute even if I’m only seeing it now.

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