Peter Serracino Inglott

Published: March 16, 2012 at 10:44pm

11 Comments Comment

  1. Paul Bonnici says:

    Thank you for sharing this video, I enjoyed it immensely.

  2. The Graduate says:

    During the graduation ceremony of my group at Tal-Qroqq, one of the girls in the hall kept interrupting the service by blowing loudly a whistle she had.
    On the stage, Fr. Peter, who was the Rector in charge, got very angry. At one point, he stopped the ceremony abruptly, pointed his finger in the direction of the girl and unceremoniously threatened her “Jekk terggha taghmilha ninzel minn hawn u nigi nikkonfiskalek l-istrument.”
    Everyone in the hall burst out into laughter at Fr. Peter’s reaction, but there was no more whistling till the end of the ceremony.

  3. Anthony says:

    Toni Abela, Peter ma iccappas ma ebda partit politiku.

    Peter kien akbar minn kwalunkwe partit politiku u ma kellu ghalfejn jiccappas ma hadd.

    It was Eddie Fenech Adami and Louis Galea, in their wisdom, who roped him in for advice.

    They had at their disposal, free of charge, a true son of Malta and one of the greatest intellects of the twentieth century.

    Maltese politicians who did not draw on Peter’s endless resources did so to their detriment and that of their country.

    This is recent Maltese history.

    Any attempt at twisting facts is futile.

  4. JM says:

    Thanks for this! Truly a great man.

  5. Frank says:

    A pity that most of the documentary is taken up by anecdotes about trousers and such like. Amusing as they are I would have liked to learn more about Fr. Peter’s intellectual contribution.

  6. melita Galea says:

    Dear,Daphne This Holy man ,left behind him ,Peace and Wisdom! Thanks to the Church .If it’s not for him and people like him,Malta would have remained,in dictatorship .

    Great thanks to you Daphne ,for sharing this Documentary with us.

  7. Oscar Cassar says:

    Prosit… bla kliem…

  8. Carlo Donzella (@nerissimo) says:

    I’d much appreciate English subtitles… He was much admired also by non Maltese speakers (like me)!

  9. Lomax says:

    Watching Bondi + on Peter Serracino Inglott. It is a pity to see that we’re losing these great minds.

  10. lola says:

    Fr.Peter was extraordinary. He knew at first hand what poverty was all about. That is why he became a priest. He had great love for others and he showed this by caring for his mother.

    Rest is peace and look on us from above. You are in a better place now.

    • joe felice pace says:

      I was a great friend of Peter, We met at University and at the Seminary. He was a walking encyclopedia, speaking with authority on a myriad of subject. His contribution to the nation was enormous. Yet he was very humble and was devoted to his mother, an old friend of my mother. I remember him taking her in a wheelchair around Pretty Bay, Birġebbuġa where the family rented a.small house during summer. One could write volumes about him.

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