Liberal Labour still thinks women are inferior

Published: March 17, 2012 at 12:25pm

The chavvy one in silver wellies and a LV bag is 'Mrs Michelle Muscat', but this lady is 'il-mara ta' Gonzi'

This was part of my column in The Malta Independent, last Thursday.

I am really tired of the inherent misogyny and belittling of women in speech and the media. The Labour Party, for all its much vaunted liberal principles and modernity, is one of the worst offenders.

It actively selects and promotes in its media and on its political list mainly young women who fashion themselves in the mould of over-egged Italian ‘ragazze immagine’ with theatrical make-up and tortured hair, and champions their appearance and Middle Eastern grooming techniques over their intelligence, competence and abilities.

It is no coincidence that a 23-year-old ‘ragazza immagine’ with far too much foundation and eye-shadow – you don’t need to wear any at that age – has been elected Labour mayor of Hal Qormi, while the owner and promoter of Middle-Eastern-style grooming and hair removal salons near the Blue Grotto has been elected Labour mayor of Zurrieq. Those are the values and standards of Labour today.

The default position for a woman, if she is not trowelling on the make-up, getting her lady-garden trimmed into the shape of a heart at one of Natius’s salons, or trailing behind her husband the Great Leader in a pair of silver rubber Gucci-print wellies, is in the kitchen.

Joseph Muscat, the liberal socialist leader in his late 30s, told his people last Sunday that they should head for homes and “talk to women in their kitchens”. Indeed. Perhaps they could be really daring, break with the rules, and talk to some of those women while they’re disinfecting the lavatory with Toilet Duck instead, or make things even more simple and just stand on their doorstep and chat to them as they’re scrubbing it or polishing the brass knockers. And no, not the brass knockers they’ve had inserted in their chests on the advice of Natius Farrugia the Grooming Consultant and Labour Mayor of Zurrieq.

Then yesterday, the Labour Party’s news website, Maltastar, ran a leading article which mentioned, in passing, somebody called “Gonzi’s wife”. That’s right: Gonzi’s wife. You know, that thing in a skirt suit which is occasionally attached to Gonzi’s side, the one not wearing Gucci-print wellies to brave the weather and vote.

No name, no Mrs Gonzi or Catherine Gonzi or even Kate Gonzi – just ‘Gonzi’s wife’.

Maybe it’s not only misogyny. Maybe it’s also the appalling manners of people raised in the materialistic gutter, who think that buying an Alfa Romeo and a North Face jacket (and some Gucci-print silver wellies) is enough to get them out of it.

15 Comments Comment

  1. Jozef says:

    Nor does it make him an Alfista.

    When a thirty-six-year-old man, with newborn twins, goes for the mid-range saloon, opting for black, the contrived reasoning is evident, leading to ‘tamarreide’, (chav-itis in Italian)

    Alfa counterbalance this by offering the sportwagon, traditionally the better looking car, especially in lighter colours including the famous Alfa baby blue.

    Alfa is actively exploring the male/female nature of their cars, the Milano Torino being the first, a direct reference to the long standing love hate affair between the two cities.

    The MiTo name was chosen after Junior, the purists’ choice, was declined, after considering the risk of putting off first time female buyers due the connotations carried, effectively defeating the model’s purpose.

    I think they’ve cracked it with the Giulietta. The Alfisti confraternity, in 2012, includes women who want to enjoy their family.

    Turning back to Joseph, the current 159, his car, was deemed too masculine as soon as it was launched and hasn’t matched the sales success of its predecessor.
    A replacement couldn’t come too soon. Industry sources report it could be named Giulia.

    People like Joseph are considered ‘un male necessario’, after all, he’s also a politician who should know better.

  2. raphael borg says:

    Jiena f’hajti ma nobghod lil hadd.

  3. raphael borg says:

    L-Mibghieda firda biss ggib

  4. josephine says:

    As a 23-year old woman, I feel insulted by the Labour image of the successful woman with her flawless blowdry, her faux-classy clothes and the layers of paint on her face (not to mention their narrow idea of female beauty).

    They mistake hollow ambition for class, and arrogance for competence. So sad.

    • Sonia says:

      What’s the problem? She’ a 23 year old determined lady, beautiful and talented ….get over it!

      I just think she’s great! Well done!

  5. TROY says:

    You should see Mr. Alfa Romeo and ‘il-mara tax-xufier’ cruising in Joseph’s black beauty. It’s like watching beauty and the beast, beauty being the car.

  6. rustic fairy says:

    What do you think of l-istorika tal-Partit Laburista, Jackie Mercieca? She promotes the programme like she is promoting lip enhancement surgery…

  7. Mercury Rising says:

    I am convinced it’s just a matter of bad manners and an attempt at belittling this wonderful lady while being blatanly rude to Dr and Mrs Gonzi.

  8. ciccio says:

    Obviously, referring to Mrs. Gonzi as “Gonzi’s wife” in Labour’s official media is an example of how Joseph’s Labour practices what it preaches: “Fejn hemm id-dlam, hallini nixghel id-dawl…”

  9. Manuel says:

    They have absolutely no shame. Eventually, when they get Castille, they will dish out to Dr. gonzi et al the same treatment given to Eddie Fenech Adami during the taparsi-Golden Years, the years when Malta awoken to the sound of L-Ghanja ta’ Gensna u the MLP emblem instead of the National Colours.

  10. Phuuu ghalihom says:

    ”once a peasant always a peasant”, or is it, ”breeding will out”, or maybe even ”money doesn’t buy you class” or perhaps ”Baxxi kienu u baxxi baqaw”. Take your pick Mixx and Joey.

    • Not Tonight says:

      Joey is what we used to call ‘pastaz imbiddel’. No matter what he wears or drives, his true breeding will show through, it’s bound to.

  11. DICKENS says:

    Wow! Another attakk sfrenat u fahxi minghand dawk l-ghajjurin hodor ta’ Nazzjonalisti fuq il-Misis ta’ Doctor Muscat!

  12. No Problem says:

    Mrs Gonzi = Il-Mara ta’ Gonzi
    Michelle Muscat = Lil Din.

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