Comment of the day

Published: March 30, 2012 at 8:48am

Posted by Grezz, last night actually, as an observation on Franco Debono’s unsolicited songbirds report to the prime minister:

Oh, I see. Debono jifhem fil-kant. Maybe he got his spelling wrong.

3 Comments Comment

  1. Angus Black says:

    Franco is a thornbird, not a songbird.

  2. ciccio says:

    Why, is there anything wrong with someone who can deal with a cock and with “kant” with equal fervour?

  3. silvio says:

    Yesterday I watched Affari Taghna with John Bundy on One TV.

    Dr. Franco Debono was one of the speakers. He gave such a good show of himself that all the other gentlemen on the panel ended up by approving most of what he had to say.

    [Daphne – They don’t approve of what he has to say, Silvio. They approve of his antagonism towards the prime minister and his attempts at destabilising the government. That’s because they’re Labour and salivating to get in there themselves. Super One does the same with that poor pathetic sod, Jeffrey.]

    I must confess I had a different opinion of him,but after yesterday, I will be following what he has to say in a different light.

    [Daphne – I can do better than that for you, Silvio. I can introduce you to him. Then you can sit there for two hours and have your brain battered while he goes on about himself with that fixated monotone that only people with a serious nevrastenija use. I speak from experience.]

    This man deserves the backing of all those who want our country to move forward, especially where it concerns democracy, something which I am sad to say,is being eroded
    at a fast step.

    Another thing to his credit is how in spite of all that was thrown at him he managed to come out stronger than when he started. This must surely show that he is a man of strong character and strong determination.

    [Daphne – Rubbish, Silvio. I know you tend to the far right and like these sorts of characters, but honestly, even you cannot possibly equate that sort of personality with anything positive. Twentieth-century history has some spectacular examples of ‘strong determination’ (your definition of ‘strong character’ is not mine, I gather – in English it means a person of good and decent character, who is correct and upstanding, and not a Benito Mussolini sort) that have brought destruction.]

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