Why let them eat cake?

Published: April 23, 2012 at 7:29pm

13 Comments Comment

  1. Amanda Cortis says:

    This fat pig’s snout was in the trough for far too long. The man gives me the creeps.

    • DICKENS says:

      Get used to the idea of seeing him and his ilk rise to prominence again , once Joseph Muscat stops being a prattikament prim ministru.

      The New Labour Media has been well and truly hijacked by these ex-Mintoffians who are raring to run the show agin, after being consigned to the dustbin of history by Alfred Sant in the not so distant past.

      • ciccio says:

        “…after being consigned to the dustbin of history by Alfred Sant in the not so distant past…”

        That was the third time an attempt was made to consign them to the dustbin of history. The first time was in 1981, and then again on 9 May 1987.

      • DICKENS says:


        and still they come back again and again like the ” fuoco di sant antonio” years, after developing chicken pox.

  2. TROY says:

    Amblyrhynchotes Hypselogenion

  3. ciccio says:

    The Labour dinosours still hope to get back in government to be able to throw their weight around like they used to do during the Golden Years.

  4. Botom says:

    This is the same man who called Dr Fenech Adami, then leader of the opposition, “pufta” during a Labour mass meeting.

    • nobody says:

      He’s also the man who honored Net TV viewers with a similar programme in the past years – that’s what I find really strange – nobody called him names or ‘Mintoffjan’ back then.

      I lost credibility in this person when he was on Net, and even more now that he’s back on One. Talk about opportunism …

  5. Susan R says:

    ….. they’re all coming back – and this one needs his own area code.

  6. Tal_MAdum says:

    For God’s sake, he devours everything not just poor cakes.

  7. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Dazgur li hawn il guh fil-pajjiz. Joe Grima kiel kollox.

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