Two freaks

Published: April 25, 2012 at 11:37am

On yesterday afternoon:

Dr Pullicino Orlando commented on Facebook this afternoon that “Prolonging the inevitable has now not only become humiliating ……. it is not in the national interest.”

But Dr Debono said soon after: “There is no need for an early election if the Prime Minister’s decisions are dictated by reason and not just by some of his ministers’ reluctance to shoulder responsibility and resign. They must realise they are embarrassing the Prime Minister, the party and the government.

“I have done my utmost so that this government endures the whole legislature.”

My God, when nerds hit the ‘bigtime’ and go wrong, they really go wrong in a big way.

Some nerds with a problem pick up a submachine gun and take out people in a crowded mall. Others who are in a position to do so just hold the country to ransom instead, enjoying the thrill of threats and blackmail while the entire population is forced to look at them.

What do these two imagine – that their motive of death by a thousand cuts is not transparent? If they hate their prime minister and party leader so much that they can’t bear to take orders from him or even cooperate with him, and they truly have the best interests of the country at heart, they would resign their seats and let more civilised individuals take their place.

After all, there are just a few months left to go even if the government makes it to the full term, and neither of them is going to be in parliament next time. Jeffrey has said already that he will not stand for election (preempting his deselection). His longtime girlfriend is working for Labour now and will probably be a candidate.

Franco Debono will be deselected. And if he is not, the electorate will deselect the Nationalist Party.

So if they’re both out within the year anyway, they might as well do the decent thing and leave now. In exercising their personal demons on the public stage, they have frayed everyone’s nerves, even those of Labour supporters who favoured them at first and who now see them for what they are.

Note to the Labour Party and Super One: by clinging to and promoting Jeffrey and Franco, you have begun to look increasingly stupid and desperate. You are out of synch with public sentiment.

Nerd gone wrong No. 1

Nerd gone wrong No. 2

32 Comments Comment

  1. jimi says:

    You have omitted a third member of this club, ex Minister Jesmond Mugliett.

  2. Sowerberry says:

    From 1971 I have always voted PN but if Franco Debono, JPO, Jesmond Mugliett and, perhaps, Robert Arrigo are PN candidates for the next election, be it now or 2013, I will just not vote.

    • Angus Black says:

      Wrong Sowerberry!

      You vote for the favourite Party candidate of your choice. If any one of those you mentioned happens to contest in your area, just don’t vote for him. Each Party has a multiple of candidates contesting in the same district, so it is not difficult to make an alternate choice.

      By not voting you will be helping the Labour Party and now the picture is totally different. It is a choice of either having a Party with enough years experience governing behind it and which has transformed our country and turned into a modern democracy, with an open economy, or a Party which has brought the country to the brink if democratic and economic collapse and which still embraces remnants of the past, favours policies of the past and which is prone to dismantle what we have rather than build on it
      Logic points to only one party which will be good, preferably minus the latter two you mention and definitely without the first two.

    • Scoobs says:

      Sorry but i dont agree with your reasoning on Robert Arrigo. Whilst being critical on various options of the government, he has always been loyal to the party and never tried toppling the government. Nothing wrong in being critical but knows his limits.

      • Sowerberry says:

        But is the PN such a glutton for punishment in accepting Franco Debono, JPO and Jesmond Mugliett on its party ticket for the next election ?

        As regards Robert Arrigo I accept Scoobs reasoning; in fact in my original comment Robert Arrigo was prefaced with a “perhaps”.

  3. Jozef says:

    Franco shut up abruptly on Inkontri yesterday, even blurting a ‘sorry’ to someone off screen. I had just flipped channels to check whether he’d be there.

    Does he realise how he’s used to fill airtime?

  4. JoeM says:

    “… exercising their personal demons”.

    You probably meant “exorcising”.

    [Daphne – No, I actually meant exercising.]

  5. Anthony says:

    We Maltese have always been very adept at outflanking the British.

    They had two pretenders the Stuart father and son. The old and the young. Britain spent the best part of the eighteenth century wrangling with their antics.

    We, in Malta, have three (at least). I am not sure which ones qualify as young or as old.

    We are one up on them.

    Interestingly both the British pretenders died in Rome.

  6. john says:

    ‘so that this government endures the whole legislature’

    Actually it is you, Franco, that we can endure no longer.

  7. mark v says:

    The PN needs a term in opposition to come to terms with internal strife. Sadly at the expense of good governance.

  8. Stingray says:

    The end is nigh

    • Antoniette says:

      Joseph Muscat is using Franco just as he used Alfred Sant before him. He seems to be an expert at using people’s weaknesses to his advantage.

      Once he gets what he wants he will disassociate himself from Franco and the stupid idiot who thinks he’s God’s gift to humankind will be old hat once and for all. I’m sure that that will be the only thing Joseph M does that I will agree with.

    • FP says:

      I’m sure they were arguing about their Form IIC school reports.

  9. Karl Flores says:

    “I have done my utmost so that this government endures the whole legislature.” ENDURES THE PAIN IN THE ARSE.

  10. A Montebello says:

    If, as predicted, Labour do win the next election – the only consolation would be that we’d be seeing the end of these two hissy queens.

  11. Stanley J A Clews says:

    Why Robert Arrigo? Although disappinted at not getting a ministry he has always toed the party line as far as I know?

    Maybe I have missed something along the way?

  12. Sitting here, high in the Alps, these small potato nitwits appear even more insignificant than usual. Perhaps they could join me. I’m sure my Swiss friends could find an accompdating avalanche.

  13. xmun says:

    To JPO – fortunately for us, your own political demise is now inevitable. I just cannot wait for the day to see you leave parliament building for the last time.

    To FD – “Lawrence Gonzi is inflicting the same harm on the political class as his uncle Archbishop Mikiel Gonzi had inflicted on the Church and he should resign,” Dr Debono said.
    Attacking the messenger instead of the message is a clear sign that you have lost the argument. I do believe that you have now cornered yourself and most probably come next 09 May, you will commit the political suicide that JM has been praying for. Goodbye to you as well.

  14. J Abela says:

    More like two dick heads.

  15. Dee says:

    Mintoff Yana was on TX tonight reminding floating voters just why they should NOT be voting Joseph’s PL at some time in the future.

  16. elephant says:

    Xmun, above said “goodbye” – may I add a hearty “good riddance”

  17. oliver says:

    Bring it on JPO, FD & JM – the party will maximise its chances of survival at the next election.

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