Cyrus, they saved Private Ryan in the end
April 27, 2012 at 5:05pm
A reader sent me this screenshot of Cyrus Engerer’s Facebook wall. Cyrus, I don’t know how to tell you this, but…they saved Private Ryan.
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nice one
Austin Gatt (replacing Tom Hanks on the poster) will ‘die’ saving Lawrence Gonzi.
Austin has said that he will call it quits and won’t contest the next election – and he will probably resign his cabinet positionto work on the electoral campaign for the party.
Thanks, Cyrus, for this good news: Lawrence Gonzi will be saved and Austin will be the next president.
With colleagues like Cyrus the PL has another one shooting at its feet.
I love how the Labour Party tries to be witty… but fails miserably.
In Sliema the other name for Cyrus is TRAITOR and it will stick with him for the rest of his political future – if he has one now?
yes…. and they all end up dead!!
“Cyrus, I don’t know how to tell you this, but…they saved Private Ryan.”
Daphne, maybe you can tell Cyrus whether they saved Ryan’s privates?
[Daphne – What, so that he can circulate the photographs?]
‘li qeghdin jiprovaw isalvawh’
Alla jbierek, kemm jaf idur ghal min emmen fih.
Ghalfejn m’intix kandidat Cyrus?
Forsi ghax Joseph mhux cuc daqsek.
Cyrus, why do you and your friends hate Lawrence Gonzi so much? Is this liberal? Progressive? Moderate?
it didn’t occur to Cyrus (and whoever made the manipulation) that Private Ryan was saved from the Nazis.
Cyrus, postok hu bhala stand-up commedien fuq banketta f ‘ bar fi sqaq f Casablanca.
L-aktar kalamita qawwija biex wiehed jigbed is-simpatija lejh mil fidili tal Labour hi li jibda idahhaq u jikkummidja.Kulhadd mifquh bid dahk .Nawguralek Ciru
I think Cyrus would rather save Ryan’s privates.