Franco u r no longer d best !!!!

Published: May 10, 2012 at 8:53am

When it looked to the thickest of the lot that Franco Debono was gearing up to bring down the government (which would have spelled his immediate and permanent demise and the loss of his limelight), a bunch of flaming Laburisti set up a Facebook page called WE SUPPORT FRANCO DEBONO.

Franco l king!!!! Franco we need more ppl like you!!!! U r d best.

That kind of thing.

Now this morning the tone has kind of changed.

25 Comments Comment

  1. il-bonn says:

    Istra, the spellink seems to have gone a notch higher in quality – maybe in reality they’re not a bunch of flaming Laburisti at all.

  2. maryanne says:

    Coming from Maltastar, this is also very telling.

    “Many people on both sides of the political divide feel that Franco Debono cannot be trusted, simply because he did the opposite to what he said. He backed a government that, in his own opinion, should have resigned long ago.”

  3. Galian says:

    Tina Turner could be tempted to write a sequel to her 80s hit with that title.

  4. Socrates says:

    Bhalissa the PL crowd look like well-grilled hamburgers after their recent hero, Franco Debono, Dr, brought all their hopes of an early election to nought.

  5. Mister says:

    Oh so now they don’t like Franco Debono all of a sudden ?

    Franco Debono should know better. These people were all cheering him on… only to distract him to push him over the cliff for their own benefit.

    An open letter to Franco:

    Seriously Franco, we all know there are flaws in the government, in the police force and in the judiciary system….. but your approach is totally wrong.

    Oh… and again…. these situations you are creating stink so much of conflict of interest on your behalf and for your ‘innocent’ clients, that we dont believe a single word that you say. Every time you throw a tantrum, it is to get something for your own benefit.

    We are fed up of you and your smart-ass comments. Seriously Franco, SHHH.

  6. Dee says:

    Great article. I hope that now the ex-priest who was let off for abusing children ,because of a mistake in the charge sheet will have fresh charges filed against him and whoever made that mistake in the original charge sheet investigated.

    Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?

  7. silverbug says:

    Sic transit gloria mundi. Franco should know what that means. He went to St Aloysius.

  8. mark says:

    We have another hot shot, besides Franco, according to Maltatoday’s very own fraudster KSN. Please refer to the last comment of this article:

    [Daphne – There was a court notice in The Times (print version, of course) today. Melita plc is suing Karl Stagno Navarra for the sum of 900 euros. The court ordered that a notice of service be published in the newspapers, because he was avoiding service in the usual manner. Presumably, court officials turned up at the offices of Malta Today only to be told by the receptionist that he was never in.]

  9. Riff Raff says:

    Riff Raff and 3 others like this.

  10. silvio tas-sigarru says:

    So long, Franco – your antics are confusing il-partit progressiv whilst strengthening the core PN vote.

  11. TROY says:

    Mary, Mary, quite contrary – how does your garden grow?

  12. A. Charles says:

    This proves that Franco Debono must be the most hated politician(sic) from both sides of the political spectrum.

  13. Neil Dent says:

    He’s been barbecued in The Times too, even die-hard Labourites like Victor Laiviera have started to see through him.

  14. Johann Camilleri says:

    Oh come ON!

    Did anybody think this jackass was going to bring down the government before he had the chance to vote against Minister Mifsud Bonnici and Ambassador Cachia Caruana?

    I’m willing to bet this delusional twerp still thinks he can be made Minister for Justice.

    And what on earth was the St Edward’s dig about?

    [Daphne – Richard Cachia Caruana, who was at school there.]

    • el bandido guapo says:

      Fekin ovvja he was at school there, his father was headmaster. A very “proper” man indeed, very old-school English in mannerisms and character.

      • Johann Camilleri says:

        We all pretended to hate him but we all missed him when he retired.

      • Johann Camilleri says:

        He was the only one whose mere appearance or mention would silence the rowdiest class in a split second.

  15. Angus Black says:

    Wow! That’s encouraging. Most of them, undoubtedly Lejburisti are sounding more like Nationalists these days.

    Same thoughts and same feelings towards Franco. Their sentiments are much appreciated.

  16. Manuel Camilleri says:

    The only people who still show him some form of support are the Old Soldiers from (aka

    They are still hoping that before the next election, Debono-bird-lover will “invent” something new to “bring” the Government down early.

    Maybe next month, when he’s failed to take his evening primrose oil again?

    If you read their comments carefully, they instigate him to do so. U c-cuc jahseb li jissaportjawh.

  17. Clifford says:

    Soon he will become irrelevant as well.

  18. ciccio says:

    “woof woof I lost my teeth”
    “Franco Debono is just a tootless barking dog woof woof”

    Good. There’s an opportunity for Franco to go sit on Jeffrey’s chair at the Smile Centre to resolve the problems with his teeth.

    As a rebel back bencher, he might even qualify for a free mug of Earl Grey and free botoxing.

  19. Village says:

    It was predictable that he would become the laughing stock of all and sundry.

    What irks is his vemon and concocting to destabilise good government men like Richard Cachia Caruana. Shame.

  20. Bellicoso says:

    Talk about painting oneself into a corner.

    He went from being liked by supporters of both parties for the worthy causes crusades (or playing to an audience as the case may be) to having widespread Labour support (Fat Controller included) to having nothing, nothing at all.

    Sad, really.

  21. Ken il malti says:

    I think that Franco Debono runs a nutrition company under an assumed name.

    See for yourselves:

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