And to think he’s still in parliament in 2012

Published: May 10, 2012 at 6:31pm

A Labour a paladin whose name will mean nothing to you uploaded this photograph on Facebook and asked his Facebook friends to guess who the prancing man with the whistle is.

He didn’t actually say prancing man, but anyway.

The responses, from people who are supposed to be really into the Labour Party and vote for it, were quite entertaining. Dak iz-ziju tieghek? Dak Guzi ta’ Lonza? That kind of thing.

He gave them a clue: this was in Birkirkara. But still, nothing.

Even before the mention of Birkirkara, I’d recognised the tom-fool, and couldn’t understand how they didn’t. It’s so unmistakably Joe Debono Grech, mannerisms, gesticulation, behaviour and all. You can almost hear his voice.

Of course, people might have been misled by the fact that the Labour paladin gave the man’s age as ‘around 80’. That should have gone down well with Debono Grech and Joseph, leader of the youthful party.

This photograph was taken in the 1950s, and still we’re having to put up with him, more than 50 years later. Why, it’s so ancient there’s even a woman wearing a faldetta in it.

It makes me wonder whether a generation or two as yet unborn will still be putting up with Joseph in 2052. Probably.

10 Comments Comment

  1. Rover says:

    The clown must have been on his way to a xalata.

  2. ciccio says:

    The way he speaks, you’d say he had swallowed that whistle.

  3. ciccio says:

    This is probably Labour’s concept of a whistleblower’s act.

  4. Min jaf says:

    Looks like the beginning of the Brigata Laburista – Mintoff’s version of the HitlerYouth; his first go at creating a socialist generation.

    When that scheme failed, two decades down the line, the MLP went on to attempt to close down all Church and private schools with declared objective of brainwashing an entire generation into a North Korean style submissive mindset.

    A substantial number of MLP diehards who pushed along those concepts 50 & 30 years ago currently form the hard core of Joseph Muscat’s “youthful” Partit Laburista.

  5. James II says:

    Ara veru dan il-bniedem huwa id-disgrazzja tal-Lejber. Il-veru bniedem pulcinell u hamallu. Lanqas Wizu Werwer ma kien jaghmel bhalu. Veru missu jistahba go ghar fejn ma jarah hadd.

  6. James II says:

    Lil dal-kummidjant tridu jiggvernalna l-pajjizna? Mhux bizzejjed ghamillu hsara lill-pajjiz?

  7. Herman says:

    Fifties? And to think Yana used to walk barefoot in the seventies.

  8. Rita Camilleri says:

    Pulcinell kien, ghadu u min dehera ha jibqa…

    • George Mifsud says:

      @ Daphne

      Are you sure it’s Joe Debono Grech? He looks more like Narcy Calamatta to me. He’s probably rehearsing his Wenzu role (Wenzu w Rosi).

      [Daphne – Is Narcy from Birkirkara? Then it could well be him.]

  9. Ken il malti says:

    That photo looks to be from the very late 1950s to the early 1960s. Faldetta wearing women could be found in Malta/Gozo villages up to the late 1960s to early 1970s with the Tal- Muzew spinsters.

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