Would you buy a used car from this policeman?
May 14, 2012 at 9:55pm
This is Ramon Mifsud Grech, the police sergeant who says he didn’t assault, threaten and beat up a French student who photographed him drinking in uniform in a Paceville bar.
He is the very same one who blatantly told the press that he noticed the mistake on the charge-sheet when he was prosecuted, but said nothing about it because it was not in his interest to do so.
He is the same one who was severely reprimanded TWICE by his superiors for being drunk on duty.
And no, the woman in the picture is not his wife.
His wife, poor woman, has apparently had a great deal to contend with.
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Jaqqq. My skin is crawling.
Dan donnu ghadhu ma qatahiex iz-zejza, mid-dehra.
Maybe he is competing with Joey iz-Zejza?
Haven’t heard about Joey, lately.
Nice tits, horrible policeman! She must have been so very hard up, though really, she doesn’t look that happy, even though he looks thrilled.
[Daphne – She actually one of those whores who wrap themselves round poles (the metal variety, that is) for money. She may not look too happy, but women like that are accustomed to the unwanted attentions of ugly men. It’s all in a day’s work.]
Quite a lot of the police have shifty eyes, the sort of people who would be pulled over by customs officers in UK airports.
Unfortunately the selection process of police officers is ineffective. If you have rogue senior officers, they would only recruit rogue recruits and you cannot break the vicious circle.
That girl works as a lap dancer in Paceville……
Unless they scrap the system where 25 years of service guarantees one a full pension, then the police force will forever remain being too attractive for these types. They retire by age 44 when they should be in their prime. Lazy bastards and nothing else.
You pay for their undeserved and unearned pension with your taxes.
I think that Sergeant Sant, who was filmed assaulting a French lady, was reinstated into the police force after his conviction.
What message does this send?
As a young boy, I was always taught that a policeman was my friend and I should always revert to him when in trouble.
I’m afraid that what I teach my grandchildren will be quite different from that, if we are still getting persons of this type joining the force.
I don’t think the level of respect towards policemen has ever been so low.
Of course there are many of them who do their job as it should be. But funnily enough they all unite to protect one of their own, even if he happens to be nothing but a uniformed thug.
So my suggestion is play it safe and keep away from them.
The assault by a Maltese policeman on the old French woman in her car that was caught on film is one of the most dreadful scenes of police brutality I have seen.
If that happened in Tunisia it might have sparked a revolt. In Malta, life goes on as usual as if being beaten by the police in full view of the public is quite normal.
The policeman in question is Sergeant Sant, who I believe is still serving in the police force despite his criminal conviction.
Sergeant Sant was accompanied by another policeman who I assume witnessed the assault on the French lady. I wonder if this policeman was disciplined for failing to report a crime which he is duty bound to do or at least calm Sergeant Sant down.
@ silvio: I tend to agree with you wholeheartedly.
However, two and a half years down the line from this particular event, wouldn’t you say that the police corps has recouped some of its lost respect?
Holy Knockers!
You gotta love the crucifix nestling in her cleavage.
It makes for a snuggly soft crucifix.
Quite a dodgy looking individual and I’m sure that every police force around the world has similar individuals. Nonetheless, he still reports to a commissioner which in turn reports to a minister. I still hold his superiors responsible for allowing such behaviour and attitude.
To reply to your question, I would’t buy a new car from him let alone a used one.
Sleazy looking guy.
If he had more hair on top and wore it in a greasy duck-tail then he could almost pass for a sun burnt Gene Vincent.
I’d feel the need to shower if he so much as looked at me twice.
If you didn’t say he was a policeman, I would have thought he was some hardened criminal. I despair …
“Reprimanded twice by his superiors”
This shows how discipline in the police force has deteriorated to a dangerous low.
Pulizija bhal Ramon hawn kemm trid, u jmisna nisthu li dawn in-nies jigu itollerati li jibqaw fil-korp.
Pulizija bhal dawn meta tmur gewwa ghassa biex taghmel xi rapport jipprovaw jirredikolawk jew jaqtawlek qalbek biex taghmel ir-rapport. Jien din il-haga esperjenzajtha anke ma’ spettur dwar serqa ahseb u ara x’jaghmlu ta’ tahtu.
Mur gib lis-Sur De Gray jara dawn il-hnizrijiet.
Illum hafna mill-ufficjali fil-korp imisshom jisthu u nispera li din is-sitwazzjoni titranga ruha mill-aktar fis possibli ghax hija tal-misthija.
F’liema pajjiz tara tlett pulizija hergin minn ghassa biex johorgu citazzjoni kontra vettura?
Mhux ta’ b’xejn il-Kummissarju dejjem jghid li m’ghandux bizzejjed pulizija jekk biex naghmlu ogett zghir ta’ kontravvinzjoni irridu jkuni tlett pulizija.
U biex tkompli taxxaqha jekk dawn it-tlieta jiltaqghu ma’ xi ntopp icemplu mill-ewwel lil tal-Mobile!
Mela tal-ghassa jkunu tlieta u tal-Mobile ikunu tnejn! Vera sitwazzjoni redikola u tad-dahk, jew ahjar tal-biki.
X’imkien qrajt li Dr. Saliba, li huwa bniedem tal-affari tieghu hafna, qala ticket min ghand pulizija tat-traffiku ghax nizzel bniedem gewwa l-ajruport meta hu baqa fil-vettura u saq meta gie mitlub. Dik il-Pulizija tista’ taghmila biss meta tkun fuq double yellow line u tkun qed tostakola it-traffiku.
Daz zgur, ghax lil nies bhal Dr. Saliba iharrku il-pulizija li ghandna illum. Jekk ikun bniedem kriminali jew ikunu hbieb tieghu jew jibzghu minnu.
Din hija is-sittwazzjoni medjikri tal-korp tal-Pulizija ta’ Malta.
Dear Daphne,
May i inform you that my Auntie, the one in the picture who is from Valletta and Maltese more than you (ghax ma titkellimx kollha inglizati bhalek), have been with Mr.Ramon Mifsud Grech for more than 8 years and together they enjoy 3 kids and another on d way. So please inform yourself well before throwing such allegations on her behalf!
[Daphne – Does she register for social services as a single mother? Do tell.]
And does she receive assistance given to ‘single’ mothers?
Irrispondi jekk jghogbok Antida! Ha nkunu nafu kollox!
Dahka klassika ta’ persuna (ragel) li qed ihares lejn il-mara bhala oggett…
@ Pepe’ ma nahsibx li billi tbaxxi certu kundizzjonijiet ser tattira nies aktar serji fil-Pulizija. Dawk il-kundizzjoniiet saru propju meta is-servizz kien fi stat hazin (wara 1987) biex jattiraw generazzjoni gdida ta’ pulizija.
Il-problema llum hi nuqqasijiet fil-management u nuqqas ta’ necessitajiet akkademici.
Dan id-dipartiment ilu wisq ‘taht it-tapit’ b’konsegwenza li nies validi qed jitilqu filwaqt li ohrajn qedin xalata. B’hekk sfortunatament dan hu wiehed mill-prodotti tas-sistema prezenti.