Dear God, just look at this unbelievable spoiling of useless people
L-Orizzont and Super One carried a shock horror report about a homeless family – one of the usual in a barrel-bottom-scraping list of attempts, helped on occasion by The Times, to prove that poverty is widespread in Malta.
The Housing Authority sent in its response, with the facts – which L-Orizzont should have asked for before it ran with the family’s version – which the newspaper then published.
It is beyond belief: beggars not only permitted to be choosers, but also allowed to throw their weight around, sulk, stamp, break the rules, do as they please and then – when don’t get exactly what they want – go to the newspapers about it.
And we’re not even told why they’re beggars in the first place, given that they’re able-bodied and can work.
Il-każ tal-familja bla residenza: L-Awtorità tad-Djar riedet tgħin lir-raġel
Il-każ tal-familja b’żewġt ulied tal-mara li għal xi ħin spiċċaw mingħajr saqaf fuq rashom, ħa xejra oħra bi stqarrija li ħarġet l-Awtorità tad-Djar. L-istqarrija “rreferit għar-rapport li xxandar fuq One News u għal rapport li kien ippubblikat fil-ħarġa ta’ l-orizzont tal-bieraħ.
L-Awtorità tad-Djar tixtieq tiċċara li tul is-snin li għaddew għamlet minn kollox biex tgħin lill-familja Zammit ikollha saqaf fuq rasha u tibqa’ disposta li tgħin lill-familja skont il-ħtiġijiet reali tagħha u skont l-iskemi tal-Awtorità.
“Fis-22 ta’ Diċembru, 1998, is-Sur George Zammit kien applika għal post tal-Gvern. Fis-27 ta’ Jannar 1999, l-Awtorità tad-Djar allokatlu residenza f’Bormla.
Is-Sur Zammit kien ibbenefika wkoll minn Skema 5 li permezz tagħha ngħata €8,334 għal xogħlijiet ta’ titjib fl-istess fond. Is-Sur Zammit kien obbliga ruħu li jibqa’ jgħix f’dan l-appartament għal għaxar snin wara li jinħariġlu l-aħħar pagament taħt din l-iskema. L-aħħar pagament taħt din l-iskema nħariġlu fil-15 ta’ Mejju, 2009.
“Minkejja li s-Sur Zammt kien obbligat li jibqa’ jabita fil-post sal-2019, jirriżulta li hu telaq minn dan l-appartament qabel għaddew l-għaxar snin. Il-Kap Eżekuttiv tal-Awtorità tad-Djar tkellem direttament mas-Sur George Zammit li min-naħa tiegħu informah li kien qed jikri appartament fix-Xgħajra mingħand sid privat.
Peress li s-Sur Zammit ma ħallasx il-kera dovuta lill-privat għal numru ta’ xhur, sid l-appartament talbitu jħalli l-appartament. L-Awtorità tad-Djar daħlet għas-Sur Zammit ma’ sid l-appartament u kienet lesta saħansitra tħallas il-kera f’isem is-Sur Zammit. Madanakollu sid l-appartament ma aċċettatx minħabba r-raġunijiet tagħha.
“Minkejja li l-Awtorità tad-Djar għandha skema li permezz tagħha jingħata sussidju fuq il-kera għal residenza li inkwilin jikri mingħand il-privat, is-Sur Zammit qatt ma applika għal din l-iskema. F’din is-sitwazzjoni, l-Awtorità tad-Djar għamlet tajjeb biex is-Sur Zammit u l-familja tiegħu joqogħdu f’lukanda għal ġimgħatejn sħaħ sakemm is-Sur Zammit ifittex residenza alternattiva.
L-Awtorità tad-Djar offriet ukoll lis-Sur Zammit li tħallaslu l-kirja tal-ewwel xahar malli dan isib akkomodazzjoni alternattiva mingħand il-privat.
“Sadanittant tliet ġimgħat ilu l-Awtorità tad-Djar irċeviet applikazzjoni għal akkomodazzjoni alternattiva mingħand is-Sur Zammit. L-applikazzjoni tas-Sur Zammit tispeċifika li hu jixtieq residenza fil-Kottonera biss. L-Awtorità tad-Djar qed tfittex residenza adekwata għall-familja Zammit fil-Kottonera skont ix-xewqa tal-familja.
“L-Awtorità tad-Djar hi informata li s-Sur Zammit għandu akkomodazzjoni alternattiva ma’ membri tal-familja tiegħu, madankollu s-Sur Zammit ried li l-Awtorità tad-Djar tħallas lill-membri tal-familja tiegħu biex hu jmur jgħix magħhom. Din it-talba kienet irrifjutata”, ittemm tgħid l-istqarrija tal-Awtorità tad-Djar.
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The Nationalist Party should start going back from being a centre-left party to go to the centre at least. We are fed up of paying taxes for bums.
Find a way of identifying those that are REALLY in need. Send all the rest to work. Most people who live comfortably work from 0600 to 2100hrs often without stopping for lunch. The socialist mentality has still not been eradicated.
The basic rule of all inquiries: LISTEN TO BOTH SIDES OF THE STORY seems not to be known in Horizonland …
They should widen their horizons a little bit … shouldn’t they?
U Giovann ihallas it-taxxi mill-pensjoni.
We are fed up paying taxes for these bums whose jobs are just sponging on others. Government should stop handing our money to these loafers.
It’s our money we’re talking about here, unless this phenomenon isn’t tackled in a reasonable manner, we’re the ones who’ll keep paying.
Anglu Farrugia was mumbling something to the opposite effect yesterday, equating poverty to a lack of education. What he didn’t do, the audience wouldn’t have been captive of course, was to mention individual responsibility taking this particular story of abuse as an example.
Demagogy breeds this kind of behaviour, and I wouldn’t be surprised if the family in question think theirs is a legitimate position to take. We should, instead, be able to analyse rationally where policy needs to go and how the Silvio Parnis mentality can distort the country’s development.
What the statement doesn’t mention is what happened to the money or whether he was subletting the first apartment. If that’s the case, the least I expect, is that the money, be handed back. It’s in the common interest.
It also brings back the rent laws into question, just imagine when the abuse is legalised and the tenant cannot be thrown out. Or those people whose property has been expropriated to provide the sets for this tragic comedy.
The fundamental problem faced by the country, an agglomeration of abusive behaviour counterbalanced by political detente, has never been more clear with this example.
We simply cannot afford to have one half of the country voting to shirk their duties to society anymore. When Labour refuses to be clear on this, the previous sentence is true.
How I miss the good old days when persons caught spreading falsehoods (not in Malta but in a neighbouring country) were made to drink a pint of cod liver oil followed by all its consequences.
Not cod liver oil but castor oil there is a big difference between the two
You are right, but just the same messy results.
Geez – a FASCIST … silvio, calm down, man, won’t ya?
Could be.
In company with all the great founders of our country.
The good old days – you’re actually nostalgic about that buffoon Mussolini? Geez they crawl out of the woodwork every now and then.
Shame on this man. Seeing him on TV turned my stomach. It was OK for this bum to take on a partner, apparently not even married, and set up a family.
I feel pity for his two children.
I can just imagine what values he is passing on to them and I dread to think what they might be like when they are older. They will probably blame society for their plight rather than their parents. His partner too is to blame . She should kick him on the arse and tell him to find a job.
As for Super One and l-Orizzont, if they think they scored points on this one they are greatly mistaken.
Every level-headed person, red or blue, looks at such people with contempt.
His partner can find a job herself if he won’t. That’s what lots of women do, with or without a supportive (and supporting) partner.
Kompli hallas it-taxxa ja poplu beccun, halli nies bhal dawn ta’ Zammit ikomplu jerdghu.
Agree with all comments here about the Labour Party always promoting laziness and abuse of the social services. While those in need should be helped, those clearly abusing of the system should be held accountable.
So the Housing Authority paid this bum 8,334 euro on condition that he continues to reside at the home for ten years but he broke the agreement.
Then he rents privately, falls behind in rent and is kicked out but again the Housing Authority intervenes on his behalf and was willing to make good for the missed rent payments in order to stay in the rented home. The landlady refused (good for her) and this bum ended up living in a hotel for two weeks, presumably at taxpayers’ expense! This is a professional bum and knows how to work the system well.
Any reputable leader of a party and its media should be embarrassed to even listen to this leech, let alone talk and write about his ‘misfortune’ supposedly brought on by GonziPN who is ‘starving the nation’.
Most likely if Joseph ends up in Castille, one of these days, these bums will suddenly shut up, the GWU will hibernate, the electricity bills will be cheaper and wages will go up.
You know what this family deserves? A carton box. So they can sleep outside with the rest of the scum.
When are the Nationalists going to move back to centre-right where they belong?