Franco describes his own actions as ‘a historic moment’

Published: May 30, 2012 at 12:05pm

So Franco Debono placed the weight of his knee – vulgarly, it goes without saying – on a chair in court and it collapsed. Why does nobody have a film of these proceedings?

God, how he must have suffered. He even linked the news report on his Facebook wall.

Here are the details of his suffering, as reported by The Times:

Dr Debono was standing up addressing the court when he rested a knee on the seat of a chair. The seat collapsed and Dr Debono ended up on one knee, hurting himself slightly.

It was something of a big day for Franco in parliament. He presented a report there and actually said of his own actions: “This is a historic moment.”

Please, tell me, how do some people not see that this man is…..a little strange? The Times reports, dead-pan:

The first draft of an Administrative Code was presented to the House of Representatives this morning by Franco Debono, chairman of the House Committee for the Consolidation of Laws. Dr Debono said this was a historic moment.

17 Comments Comment

    • Neil Dent says:

      I’m actually starting to think the PN has a chance of re-election, thanks to the Labour Party.

      Lino Spiteri’s final comments on the probable effects on those uncommitted voters, and disgruntled PN supporters are an echo of comments made in this notebook just last week, Daphne.

      Now, if Dr. Debono abstains tonight and another half-arsed MLP motion fails, the whole lot will have been yet further exposed as the desperate and dishonest opportunists they really are.

      • Grezz says:

        They don’t. There are too many ignorant people around and, sadly, they usually vote Labour.

  1. Matt says:

    Franco is a loose cannon. He is hopeless. He not only ruined his political career but also his legal career.

    Who would want to hire him? Who would want to be seen with this man? A few more months and all the leverage he has now will be all gone.

    • Neil Dent says:

      You’d be surprised Matt. Just scan the Times court reports daily, and see how often Dr. D’s name crops up as defence counsel for all kinds of misguided, misunderstood souls.

  2. Daphne Caruana Galizia says:

    And unbelievably, Franco said he suffered pain when that chair collapsed. Was he never roughed up in the school playground for behaving like this?

  3. silverbug says:

    Miskin! waqa bih is-siggu.

    Well, that’s the only siggu that is ever going to give way under his weight since he will never see a ministerial chair with PN.

  4. Rita Camilleri says:

    Min jaf il mummy kemm inkwetat mela – tghid marret taghmilu ftit mil isfar u stick? Grow up, will you, Franco.

  5. TROY says:

    Is-siggu li ghandu fil-parlament dalwaqt icedi bih ukoll.
    Miskin dan Franco kemm kellu jbghati.

  6. VERITA says:

    Perhaps somebody would inform us of any suggestion made by Franco Debono in respect of the victims of crime . Only one way traffic in favour of the criminals My i remind Franco Debono that he was elected to represent all individuals not just the criminals

  7. A keen observer says:

    He needs to learn how to spell ‘hysteric’.

  8. grezja says:

    Did he hit his head too?

  9. La Redoute says:

    The man flips a switch any time he feels slighted. Is there a switch we can flip to shut him up once and for all?

  10. John Schembri says:

    Historic moments are reported on The Times; maybe they give the history-maker enough rope to hang himself, by ridiculing him in this manner.

  11. Grezz says:

    The man is too far up his own arse to notice anything else going on in the world around him.

  12. J Abela says:

    I mean, is this person so far up his own ass, that he doesn’t realise how people are mocking him?

    Does he think that people are going to pity him or take him seriously by telling them how a chair he was resting on collapsed?

    And, does he think that people give a f**k about him presenting one of the gazillions of reports in parliament?

    What a pompous prat.

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