Pertinent remark of the day

Published: June 1, 2012 at 8:48pm

Franco, I know you’re reading this because you’re posting your usual Jacky Mifsud, Ivan Cutajar and Johnnie comments, giving yourself away with occasional references to psychiatrists, Louis Galea and Helen Damato. So I’ll save you the trouble of Googling it yourself:

Adj. 1. pertinent – having precise or logical relevance to the matter at hand

Posted by Xmun:

On this afternoon: “Lawyer Franco Debono said that the problem that his client had not been accompanied by a lawyer was compounded by the fact that he had a very low IQ and was illiterate. This had a direct effect on his answers in the statement.”

Franco Debono the politician lambasts Carm Mifsud Bonnici for not enacting the law quickly enough.

Franco Debono the criminal lawyer makes full use of the legal loophole in favour of a convicted murder accomplice.

10 Comments Comment

  1. Martin says:

    Of you think about it objectively and dispassionately, you will see that is exactly what an ethical lawyer/MP should do.

    – As an MP he calls for a reform of the law

    – As a defense lawyer, he makes use of the law AS IT IS to help his client.

    [Daphne – Were you raised in Sicily, perhaps?]

    • Top class says:

      How can one possibly say that something is wrong, and then do it anyway on the premise that it’s currently acceptable and legal?

      Imagine Lincoln calling for an end to slavery and justifying the presence of half a dozen slaves pruning trees in his backyard on the basis that “it’s still legal and that’s why the law needs to change”.

    • Jozef says:

      Your statements are exactly what Andreotti used to say to justify the unspoken policy of trying to co-exist with the Mafia.

      He once had the temerity to say that Falcone’s work and design disrupted the stasis in the judiciary leading to his assassination. Article 41, a law he proposed and managed to get enacted, isolating mafia bosses from the outside world was the crucial detail which changed everything.

      Now imagine if Falcone used the law to set free the criminals he faced.

  2. Angus Black says:

    Oh, but this gives us a clue about Franco’s success as a defence lawyer assisting accused persons with a low I.Q.

    Need I explain? But anyway, the way I read it, is that persons with the same I.Q. levels understand each other better than two with different levels of I.Q.

    Debono’s actions, which may agree amount to no more than self immolation, reflect on his I.Q., ergo his ability to get low I.Q. clients off the hook. QED

  3. Steve says:

    “….was compounded by the fact that he had a very low IQ ” … Dear Franco, you did not need to tell us that your client had low IQ. We know it because he chose you.

  4. Fed up of franco says:

    And as wannabe Minister of Justice, what would he do?

  5. Harry Purdie says:

    ‘a very low IQ and illiterate’ – an amazing self description?

  6. mario sciberras says:

    Mela nistaw naqalaw ta’ zmien il-gwerra, sur Franco.

    Dawk ukoll ma kellomx avukat.

    Jew tant qieghed jonqoslok ix-xoghol, li trid tkun prezenti biex izzid l’onorarja tieghek?

    Povra nies li jkunu ghaddew mill esperjenza kerha u INT tkun qieghed iccahhadhom min GUSTIZZJA li tkun misthoqqa lilhom.

    Jiddispjacini li kelli nuza il proffessjoni tieghek ma l-avukati l-ohra kollha.

    Mur gibek tkun il mummy tieghek u tiddefendi lil aggressur u tghid lil qorti li ma kellux lilek biex tkun prezenti fl’interrogazzjoni.

    Avukati tal-kriminal ma jmorrux jaghmlu SHOWS fuq il-gazzetti u il-media.

    Kellhi l-unur li niltaqa ma’ tlieta minnhom f’daqqa imma hadd minnhom ma qaghad jiftahar fuq il-kawza li kienu ghadhom kif mexxew.

    U fla ebda hin ma talbu biex il-kaz jaqa ghax l-akkuzati ma kellhomx lilhom waqt l-interrogazzjoni.

  7. John Schembri says:

    l-irjurant: “ allura issa nista’ nitlaq ‘il-barra avulja ghent lil-ohrajn biex neqtlu lil Zerien?”

  8. Francis Saliba MD says:

    How does one correlate the alleged low IQ of Dr Franco Debono’s client with his choice of lawyer?

    And how about introducing a new description for a lawyer who defends criminals to distinguish him from a lawyer that acts criminally himself?

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