God, how revolting. Jaqq. Il-vera baxx, injorant, cheap, ta’ wara l-muntanji, Gakbin u nevrasteniku

Published: June 3, 2012 at 2:44am

29 Comments Comment

  1. Min Jaf says:

    Bir-rispett kollu. Orrajt. Qed jistenna dik il-call minghand il-Prim Ministru biex ipoggieh fil-kabinett(o).

    • ciccio says:

      Kieku jien kont il-Prim Ministru, kont nibghatlu SMS dak il-hin u kont nghidlu:

      No place 4 U in D Cabin8.

  2. Joe says:

    Kelma wahda tigini f’mohhi: MARID. U gravament, inkompli nzied.

  3. Top class says:

    How loud and brash, and utterly humourless. Miskin.

  4. Anthony says:

    Once a peasant always a peasant.

    [Daphne – No, not at all. And peasants – the actual farming sort – don’t behave like that at all. Their behaviour tends to be quiet, circumspect and decent. What we’re dealing with here is the semi-urban variety: loud, crass and vulgar, and so self-satisfied and convinced that there is nothing to be changed or improved about their attitude or behaviour, that they keep right on at it, and don’t notice how anomalous they are. Franco is, socially and behaviourally, a slight variation of Joe Debono Grech.]

    • Mandy Mallia says:

      I agree. There is not much worse than a person who feels that they have “arrived”, and wants the world and his wife to know it, by being loud and brash and stuffing it in everyone’s face at every opportune moment: obnoxious and insufferable.

    • Anthony says:

      I most certainly never had the farming sort in mind.

      I used ‘peasant’ in its idiomatic sense.

      A disagreeable, unpleasant and ill-bred person.

      I am sorry I did not make myself amply clear.

  5. John Schembri says:

    “Hu go fik! Dak li tiehu talli taghmilli l-hsara mal-Prim Imhallef !”

    Tal-misthija! Jose’ u Michael ghandhom imorru jistahbew ghax kienu komplici kontra bniedem innocenti. X’rebah il-Labour?

    Il-mottiv ma kienx ir-riformi. Nistennew li Franco jispjega x’ried jghid bli qal lil Carm.

  6. Labour pains says:

    What a giddieb sfaccat, impossible, dishonest bastard. How in god’s name can a man be so warped and not even know it?

    Franco, I am not sure that everyone is out to get you, but be sure that it’s because of the way you are that people are repelled by you. Yes, your mother has a lot to answer for.

  7. Whoami? says:

    “Baxx” is exactly the word i was looking for all along. Prosit, Daphne.

  8. Pink says:

    Top student, hey.

    Oh dear, I think he has a very low self-esteem.

  9. Rayb says:

    His behaviour is that of a typical narcissist. He does not have insight into what he is saying or of what people think of him. He wouldn’t care anyway.

    There is no cure for narcissism. The only hope for him is some major narcissistic injury. Though this may lead him to a major narcissistic rage.

    I’ve been through what Franco is going through and it’s not a nice feeling to believe you are being persecuted.

    Narcissism is a personality disorder and requires patience and gentle persuasion and not deridement. I feel for Franco. He is heading towards self-destruction and should be helped by those close to him before it’s too late.

  10. Clover says:

    This man is going in for a shock when science discovers the centre of the universe, and he finds out that he’s not it.

  11. John Schembri says:


    He would have been late had he been invited a week ago, let alone on short notice.

  12. Li Ding says:

    I googled Narcissistic Personality Disorder for its symptoms:-

    I found that people with NPD…

    Are self-centered and boastful.
    Seek constant attention and admiration.
    Consider themselves better than others .
    Exaggerate their talents and achievements.
    Believe that they are entitled to special treatment.
    Are easily hurt but might not show it.
    Might take advantage of others to achieve their goals.

    Other common traits of narcissistic personality disorder include the following:

    Preoccupation with fantasies that focus on unlimited success, power, intelligence, beauty, or love
    Belief that he is “special” and unique, and can only be understood by other special people.
    Expectation that others will automatically go along with what he wants.
    Inability to recognize or identify with the feelings, needs, and viewpoints of others.
    Envy of others or a belief that others are envious of him.
    Hypersensitivity to insults (real or imagined), criticism, or defeat, possibly reacting with rage, shame, and humiliation
    Arrogant behavior and/or attitude.

    Rayb is absolutely right; the man needs help.

  13. allamana says:

    I actually thought that Franco Debono was right in his requests for reform of the judiciary. And in principle I agree – no inquiring magistrate should be the judicial magistrate in the same case.

    That arrested persons should be allowed legal aid during interrogation should have been in place decades ago.

    But when he started bargaining, dealing and blackmailing the government, holding the Maltese economy hostage to his hysteria, then the scenario changed for me.

    Now we get to know that he would not have backstabbed Carm had Simon Busuttil taken him by the hand to civil society meetings, had the PM tried to muzzle the free press by criticising you in public, had the PM promised him more goodies, and so on.

    And then? It all boiled down to thatinfamous remark, “Hu go fik ha titghallem taghmilli l-hsara mal Prim Imhallef”.

    That remark showed Debono’s true colours. His problem is that he is possessed by the green-eyed monster of envy. Envy for Carm for being a minister, envy for his ex classmate for being Leader of the Opposition. Probably even envy for you for your standing among Malta’s foremost opinion-piece writers.


    Carm Mifsud Bonnici is showing his mettle as a statesman.

    If he is not elected on the first count on two districts next time round, then there truly is no sense of justice in Malta.

    For Debono, the transition from a potential political heavyweight to a political loswer was accomplished in less then six months. Now that takes real talent.

  14. Not Tonight says:

    Franco, DIN hi l-vera tbatija. Nehhi l-qziez li ghandek u hares dawra mad-dinja biex issir taf kemm int u l-problemi tieghek huma INSINIFICANTI:


    Apologies for the caps but I feel the need to shake the man in the vain hope of clearing some muck in that brain of his.

  15. Mark Seychell says:

    This man is an absolute ‘shit’. A horrible, horrible little man.

  16. NGT says:

    What on earth is “nevrasteniku”?

    [Daphne – A neurotic man. A neurotic woman is a nevrastenika.]

  17. ciccio says:

    The name of the third video should be “Franco i-Jiena.”

  18. Edward Caruana Galizia says:

    Oh my God. He goes on and on about how he isn’t shown on TV. Is that all he wants? To be on TV? Why didn’t he just go into media and start up his own show?

    • ciccio says:

      I suggest that he employs himself as a newscaster on One.

      I know someone who started there and is now Prattikament Prim Ministru, although without any vision for the country.

  19. Joe says:

    I wouldn’t put it past him that he press-ganged someone into texting him while he was on air. He is so far gone.

  20. OMG says:

    Prosit, Daphne, spot on as usual. I agree with all of this, but I would add the words ‘infantile’ and ‘vindictive’ to the others in the title.

  21. steve says:

    Mhux ahjar inhaluh ghalissa ghax hemm il-vot,imbaghd inkomplu wara?

    [Daphne – I’m guessing you’ve missed the entire gist of most of what I’ve written over the last few days.]

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