Before the imich conseltintsSSSS were brought in
June 6, 2012 at 1:37am
Ahjar dahhlu daqxejn policy consultant. Jew behsiebhom imexxu l-pajjiz bil-lehja, blow-dry u highlights biss?
L-aqwa dik l-Andy Pandy ensemble ta’ Muscat.
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Early stages of gynecomastia. Easily fixed with a tensor bandage. Or a pair of pliers.
Or, you could stop wearing see-thru girlie shirts. Now picture those man-boobs and that shit-kicking grin meeting Frau Merkel, or the Camerons, or anyone really, outside of the playpen that is Malta. Priceless.
Well, at least they took the plastic off Nanna’s chairs.
Is there some place I can drop off my burgundy passport, discreetly? No, I don’t need it back.
Which reminds me, where did Toni Abela go? I get the sneaking suspicion he can’t get himself to snip his beloved moustache off. Would make him feel…undressed.
Ghamara ta’ cacu.
Ahjar joqghod attent Gadget ghax jigrilu bhal Franco u jaqa’ bih is-siggu.
Gynecomastia? Is he taking anti-ulcer pills?
Personalment, kont nippreferi kieku l-imich consaltintsss nehhewlhom il-lanzit mil-partit milli s-suf zejjed ta’ Joseph, Anglu u Toni.
With a set of chairs bought from Hamrun you get those plastic flowers for free.
Jekk hux ‘behsiebhom imexxu l-pajjiz bil-lehja jew blow-dry “, ma nafx.
Li cert hu, jekk jitilghu fil-gvern Malta takkwista ‘blow-job’ kolossali.