Get a load of Leo’s quick-witted response here
From the Nuremberg Trials report in The Times today:
In another instance Mr Cachia Caruana told Mr Brincat that if he believed the questions he was putting to him, and if he ever became Malta’s Minister for EU Affairs, Malta would have a disaster in Europe.
“That’s what you say,” Mr Brincat retorted.
Pathetic. What next?
“Why don’t you look in the mirror?”
Well, Leo, most of the people who think you’d make a great minister for European Affairs left school at 15 and some of them before that (surveys show that this is the group most likely to vote Labour).
Others are queer folk like Aaron Farrugia who uses the European People’s Party emblem to promote his cause as a Labour Party candidate.
That should tell you a great deal.
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What was David Agius supposedly guilty of? Beating and insulting doctors in the grounds of St Luke’s Hospital in August 1977? How many Mintoffian ministers were taken up to court after they were photographed by the Times doing just that on that poarticular day?
Who would be Labour’s option for a Perm Rep in Brussels. I can’t see anyone fit for the post.
Why, Alex Saliba, of course, with Aaron Farrugia as deputy, and Franco Debono as doorman.
Joseph Cuschieri
Good on RCC. He held back for much too long. He also told them to stop wasting his time, which they are, and they know they are.
They know they don’t have half a leg to stand on, and after every session, they insist with the chairman to write to Gonzi / Cachia Caruana to produce any related emails, letters, or memos sent between 2004 and 2008 which they might have missed.
“Shit. There MUST be something, a sentence, even a comma somewhere we can lynch this SOB with, because so far we’re LLMF.”
Herr Twit Flick has taken to military acronyms lately.
At least Herr Flick employed a four-word retort to criticism. He usually replies ‘Oh yeah?’.
Wow, is there a link to these surveys? I’ve always suspected this to be true but never knew there was any research done on the subject.
[Daphne – Not that I know of, but you will probably find a link to at least one survey that I remember Malta Today carrying some months ago. The bulk of Labour’s support comes from socio-economic group DE and people who left school prematurely or at 15/16.]
So, Daphne, does this mean that Malta Today surveys are now credible to your eyes?
[Daphne – Malta Today’s surveys are the only credible thing about Malta Today. I’ve never said any different.]
Labour won’t change – they always preach to socio economic group DE, the most gullible.
Leo Brincant is on a fishing expedition. He can’t find one single reason to hurt Cachia Caruana so he is badgering him with questions that are not relevant to the motion. I see a desperate man here, and it’s Leo.
Why does the MLP have to be vindictive, instead of spending its energy on mapping a plan for our future rather than hurting a decent man.
Floating voters can smell a rat here (and it’s Leo).
It all comes down to, “Look at how much money that guy is making istra, allavolja impjegat tal-Gvern.” That’s the Mintoffian streak in Brincat and Vella.
‘Why does the MLP have to be vindictive, instead of spending its energy on mapping a plan for our future rather than hurting a decent man’
Leo Brincat is Labour’s spokesman for alternative energy, heard anything of interest coming from that direction lately?
Of course not, at least not until someone donates solar panels for their headquarters. Unlike car park equipment and related systems.
It is true that we have had a good share of PN and they really need to pull up their socks. BUT I can NOT imagine going to the amateur, vindictive Socialists with a Repubblika bbazata fuq l-ghira u l-hdura.
Repubblika bbazata fuq ix-xoghol has now become synonymous with Gonzi & PN.
Ghalhekk irid jaghmel it-tieni Republika Muscat.
PL is using this motion to garner as much info as possible on Richard Cachia Caruana.
This is very important to them.
In just over a year’s time when they begin their f**k-ups in Brussels, Frankfurt, Luxembourg and Strasbourg, they will be in a better position to blame him for everything that goes wrong.
They will use him as their classic ‘hofra’ excuse.
Brincat took over as minister of finance in Sant’s government, when Lino Spiteri resigned over the3 VAT/CET issue.
He will make the same mess next time. Labour amounts to all talk and no substance.
Deborah Schembri said on yesterday’s Bondi+ that if Mintoffian ministers were so bad, then why did the Nationalist Opposition not table a motion of no confidence?
How naive – or disingenuous.
A couple of questions to legal beagle Dr Deborah Schembri.
Laws and regulations against Jews, homosexuals, blacks, the handicapped, gypsies and various political opponents were enacted in Nazi Germany.
Did that, in your eyes, make them any less horrendous and abomnable in the sight of God and man?
In a sizeable part of today’s world, both men and women are considered official third-class citizens (by the laws of the land) in their country because of their colour, creed, sex, marital status or sexual orientation.
Does that make it all right then, as far as you are concerned, Dr. Schembri?
I hope you are reading this – if so, please be so kind as to reply.
Thank you.
I would rather trust Leo Brincat in a chicken suit than a full time Brussels apparatchik who’s ostensibly representing the Maltese government in COREPER.
Oh, but that’s beside the point.
I forgot this blog doesn’t do EU analysis and stuff like that.
To quote this blog’s esoteric readership: “Booooring… Yawn… Sigh…”
The natives will not be restless as long as the think they know what’s going on.
If that’s how you want it, kev. You take Leo in a chicken suit, and I’ll have Sharon in her cow suit.
Hey Kevvy! The dishes getting you down? Why so much time spent brooding over Daphne’s blog?
Yawn, sigh, ZZZZ.
The Times report on the Gozo stabbing today claimed that Justyne Caruana called for the installation of a “metal detractor”.
No doubt it was a journalistic error due to ignorance, which somebody must have brought to the attention of The Times in the course of the afternoon.
So now it reads….”metal detactor”.
Daphne, if these were the Nuremberg Trials, wouldn’t Herr Flick be on the side of the accused?
I can’t help it: rega’ waqa’ ghan-n***.
Sorry but sometimes no other words can express this sentiment.
Don’t they know at least how to read?
Speaking of Leo:
“No animal carcasses had been brought from North Africa to be incinerated in Malta, Mepa said this evening.”
“The Hon Leo Brincat appears to have based his wrong assumptions on internal Mepa correspondence interpreted out of its proper context,” the Authority said.
Miskin, mhux kapaci jaghzaq wahda sura.
Can Leo Brincat explain his enthusiasm when the great Mintoff threatened to arm his supporters?
There are several interesting claims following his tenure as Parliamentary Secretary responsible for housing under Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici.
Is it true that there were instances were the same flat was allocated, on 1987 election eve, to different families? Could Brincat please explain?
If you are amased at the ignorance that prevails on the benches of the Opposition, wait till you have a look at this parliamentary question submitted by the shadow mInister for agriculture and fisheries.
Leġislatura XI Kategorija ORAL
Mistoqsija Numru: 34654 Data: 16/05/2012
Seduta: 479 – 25/05/2012 09:30 AM
Seduta Interim:
Titlu: ħaddiema li tilfu fondi mill-Unjoni Ewropea
staqsa lill-Onorevoli GEORGE PULLICINO (Ministru għar-Riżorsi u Affarijiet Rurali):
Jista’ l-Ministru jgħid bejn 2006 u 2011, kemm raħħala/bdiewa/sajjieda, tilfu/tnaqsulhom fondi mill-Unjoni Ewropea, settur settur? Fejn kien jidher li dawn il-flus setgħu jintilfu, għaliex dawn il-bdiewa/raħħala/sajjieda/produtturi ma ġewx mgħejjuna sabiex dawn il-fondi tal-Unjoni Ewropea, flok jintilfu jgħaddu għand is-setturi rispettivi?
Nitlob lill- Onor.Interpellant jiċċara l-mistoqsija tiegħu peress li mhuwiex ċar għal xhiex qed jirreferi
The answers to PQs are too polite.
I suppose they have to be ‘politically correct’.
I would have replied:
Jista l-onorevoli interpellant, jekk joghgbu u bir-rispett kollu, ma jkomplix jaqa’ daqshekk ghan-nejk u jsaqsi domanda bhan-nies u bis-sens.
Jekk jaghmel hekk forsi jkun jisthoqqlu twegiba.
MEPA has just confirmed that no imported animal carcasses have been incinerated at Marsa, contradicting an allegation which Leo Brincat made a few days ago.
MEPA has also revealed that Brincat misinterpreted MEPA’s internal correspondence.
He is completely out of his depth, and yet he seeks to become a cabinet minister.
An ex bank employee with a modest IQ. Not at RCC’s level.
The cheeky MP has joined the bandwagon.
“According to Labour MP Evarist Bartolo, Parliament right now is in intensive care, gasping for its last breath. He branded the current circumstances as the worst for parliamentary democracy in his 20 years as an MP. ”
He tells us that he has been an MP for only 20 years. Does that exonerate him from what happened during the Golden years? I have never heard him condemn anything.
Bartolo is blissfully ignorant of what Maltese parliamentary democracy went through more than 20 years ago.
Tell it to the marines, Varist.
Slowly moving in for the kill.
Bilhaqq Daphne, ghax hassejt li ghandi ninfurmak, mar ta, Gonzi sal UK, ma fixklitux il mozzjoni li prezentha ta fiducja fih innifsu.
[Daphne – ?]
Why was this woman paraded in front of the cameras and escorted through the main door rather than the back entrance? What is the policy on this? This is public humiliation of prisoners. If it is not done to Maltese people, then it should not be done to those who are not Maltese.
I did not see the two judges who were give a prison sentence coming out of court in handcuffs. These those have been paraded in handcuffs even more.
May I ask whether you can guess who would win a 200-metre race between the police and the accused.
I would place my bets on the slim, tall 22-year-old girl.
Now you know why she was handcuffed and why Arrigo was not.