Franco Debono: setting standards for press reporting
Franco Debono is chairing the parliamentary committee on recodeification of laws to do with the press, libel and so on.
This is a bit like having Norman Lowell chair the parliamentary committee on equality issues.
I hope the results are not too insane.
Remember, this is the man who thought it perfectly normal to drive the prime minister nuts for five whole months about a joke I cracked about his mother, and to claim that if the prime minister had denounced me publicly (“condemned”, actually), then he might have thought about voting against Labour’s motion for the resignation of Carm Mifsud Bonnici (fat chance, that, iffissat bhalu).
In other words, he’s just the right sort of balanced and reasonable and disinterested person you need to chair a committee like that.
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Like putting Dracula in charge of the blood bank.
Always on the backbench – never in the driving seat
If you reversed the colours of the lower half it would be Donald Duck.
It is hard to imagine that such a cute and lovable boy would one day turn into a vindictive MP.
How can Franco sleep at night after what he did to another hard-working and honest fellow MP?
The prime minister should not allow Franco Debono on this committee at all. We all know what to expect from him and Jeffrey. These are not reliable persons and not worthy of trust.
Ara xi hlew! A personalised number plate showing off his kindergarten mid-year exam results.
Nice photo. Who would have thought that that little boy would grow up to be what he is today?
He managed single-handed to bring the country to a stop for nearly six months.
He managed to place a prime minister and his whole cabinet at his mercy.
He managed to remove a senior minister from his post.
He managed to put the opposition on a merry-go-round.
He managed to turn Parliament into a circus.
In the very near future, we will know what price Gonzi has had to pay to stop this man from causing any further embarrassment to his government.
I must admit that he has lived up to his word and we should in future refer to him as “the scourge of Gonzi”.
Hawn qabel ma ghamel il-priedka tal-Milied??
You may like the matching colours, but I am more perplexed with the precarious position of the baby right in front of what looks like the rear end of a Mini Minor car.
Do you think that mummy’s intention was to put the car in reverse gear and end it all?
Not to complicate matters and avoid lengthy court proceedings the number plate is clearly visible. No need for hiring some insufferable criminal lawyer in this case.
Do you have such a thing as the village idiot in Malta?