More dispatches from the other Malta
June 13, 2012 at 4:32pm
Apparently, this is the new photographic trend: bride porn. And of course, it has zero sex appeal. It is actually quite frightening, the sort of thing that would make a man run a mile, unless he’s weird. But then perhaps in the other Malta, this is what they fancy.
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She’s actually a man.
Sanderine is right. 99 % chance it is a man. The reflection does not correspond to the subject. Note the position of the legs, cheeks and lighting. Photomontage at its best, well, sort of.
100% not 99% – I remember her as a young man.
Looks like she is coming straight out of Madame Tussaud’s gallery. Enough to put you off sex for life.
Leo Brincat, too, looks like he’s been fashioned out of wax. AND he has procreated.
I didn’t know Photoshop had a “make your face look like something’s been left out of the fridge all night” option.
If it exists there is porn of it
Is Wendy Agius married and what does Mr Agius think of his wife’s photo?
She is on Facebook and in the Boudoir section of, she’s completely naked. Please investigate.
[Daphne – Please investigate? You cannot be serious. That’s a job for a desperate fellow like Saviour Balzan.]
Crassness aside, skandalizzawk żewġ biżżliet ħi?
Le qas xejn ma skandalizzawni l-bizliet qalbi, imma jien nemmen li gisem attraenti ma jmurx ma wicc ikrah.
[Daphne – Please investigate? You cannot be serious. That’s a job for a desperate fellow like Saviour Balzan.]
Daphne, I fell off my chair laughing.
Did you see the boudoir section at
The intro says “Too many women try to balance everything. Many women worry about working, managing the household, taking care of the kids, helping their own aging parents, never leaving anytime to breathe. But what if you had the opportunity to be pampered for the day by a make-up artist, hairstylist, professional boudoir photographer, lights, camera, and wardrobe consultant, which results in a gorgeous, sexy glamour shot?”
“Boudoir photography is seizing the essence of a woman’s beauty into a photograph. There is no size and you are never too old for this type of photo session”.
Ejja, ghadni bic-cans mela, jien.
And that ‘vintage blonde’ with the scowl instead of a smile? U le.
“Never too old for this type of photo session”.
Issa ncempel liz-zija – ghanda 86, imma forsi tithajjar. Ghada slim kieku, jekk mhux anorexic.
I thought that Marlene Mizzi had the ultimate word in ladies’ “saxy and glamarous” looks. She’s got competition now.
Call it morbid fascination, but I too am guilty of surfing the site because it just gets worse and worse.
Three models with thunder thighs thinking der saxy… and a nanna with more melons than I’d know what to do with, and a come hither look.
There are sections that are password protected. The mind boggles as to what other forbidden fruit lie beyond.
What are those bimbos doing? Practising for an interview for a job at ONE, reading the news?
Also, the start of the porn scene…in a sauna.
Excuse me for the 4th comment Daphne. However I think we all got it a bit wrong here… This woman is actually a transexual.
is this the Maltese equivalent of Stiffler’s mum from the “American Pie” series?