Wey hey! The Brussels sprout has scored.
June 13, 2012 at 5:12pm
It didn’t take him long, did it? Within a couple of months of taking up his new post, our very own Brussels sprout, Joseph Cuschieri, has actually come into his own and FOUND HIMSELF A GIRLFRIEND.
She’s Hungarian and looks to be quite attractive, going by her Facebook picture. So let’s be charitable and hope that she never finds out the facts about her glamorous hero, or how he is perceived back home.
But interestingly, if you click on the link where she says she’s in a relationship with Joseph Cuschieri, you get Joseph Muscat’s face instead of Cuschieri’s.
That’s because Cuschieri, who must have the mother of all schoolboy crushes, has used Muscat’s face instead of his own.
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Now Joseph Muscat has paid all his debt with Joseph Cuschieri.
I see trouble for Joseph Muscat. “It’s either me or her.”
She looks good downstairs, I worry about upstairs.
Harry, that should be all right. She can stay in the kitchen.
Kevvy would love that.
Last time I used FB, I put Bill Gates’s face and I was quite a success.
Poor Bernadetta – she must be desperate.
Bernadett and Joseph, I wish you happiness together.
You’re such a nice couple.
The many joys and benefits of the EU, shamelessly reaped by the neo MLP.
What’s in a surname?
Quite a lot sometimes . . .
Wait until Bernadett meets his brother Emanuel and she will run a mile.
What about Emanuel?
Read this – http://daphnecaruanagalizia.com/2012/03/nuxellina-the-hostess-id-forgotten-about-manuel-the-stalker/
Min jaf b’liema lingwa ikellimha.
She does not speak English, I’ve heard.
Joseph prawd li Malti, allura bil-Malti ikellimha. Imbaghad hemm translater… bhal tal-Parlament Ewwwropew.
Ara x’affarjiet dawn…. ahna il-Maltin, daqs il-barranin tajbin taaa!
Maybe he needs Joseph Muscat’s face to get an erection. The way things are looking, nothing will surprise me.
There s a new photo of Joseph Muscat pointing with his index finger towards the fields – Really good for a caption.
She will get to know his backround the minute he brings her the first breakfast in bed.
Maybe it’s not the Brussels sprout that turned her on. Maybe it’s the Cauliflower al forno with eggs, cheese, Maltese cheese (gbejniet) mozzarella, panceta etc etc
or the froga
I know nothing about Ms Varga’s uni but her secondary school is named after the greatest Hungarian scientist ever and took me back to my student days.
All she has to do is deduct 100 points from ASG’s IQ score and she will get a brussel sprout from Malta.
Some ladies from the former eastern bloc are notoriously undiscerning about men, so long as they do not get drunk or beat them up.
In other words, il-baqra (in this case, il-barri jew bodbod), kollha tinbiegh. If Manwel Mallia managed to get hold of one, so can Joe Cuschieri, I guess.
Finally, Joseph Cuschieri has lost his cherry.
How could she post such an unflattering photo of herself, with a tattooed arm in the foreground? She found her perfect match at last.
Qed tara, Guz! Kieku ghaddiet tieghek u bqajna barra l-UE:
1) ma kontx issir ragel importanti u tmur Brussell, u
2) ma kontx tghabbi wahda sbejha u kont tibqa’ vergni ghal dejjem.
Ahna certi li issa int konvintissimu li wara kollox qablilna nidhlu fl-Ewropa.
I wonder if this story between Joseph Cuschieri and Berndadett Varga is a European Union or just a Partnership.