How daft can a person be?

Published: June 18, 2012 at 2:52pm

One of Labour’s keenest fans – yet another pensioner with nothing to do all day but haunt the internet rooting for Joseph – tells us that Joseph Muscat “knows how the EU works” because he was a member of the European Parliament.

Lawrence Gonzi, who was part of the process to reform Malta in preparation for EU membership, who was prime minister when Malta geared up for the eurozone, and who has been prime minister of an EU member state for eight years, does not know how the EU works because he was not an MEP.

Conclusion: Joseph Cuschieri knows how the EU works. Richard Cachia Caruana does not. As for Lawrence Gonzi, forget it. Dak ma jaf xejn.

And Joseph Grech Attard is supposed to have some kind of an education.

23 Comments Comment

  1. Jozef says:

    In that case, Lawrence Gonzi knows how Malta works, whereas Joseph doesn’t.

  2. Lighthouse says:

    Joe Grech Attard’s chief achievement in life was being superintendent of St. Luke’s Hospital at a time when the only air-conditioned room in St. Luke’s (apart from some of the operatiung theatres) was his superintendent’s office.

    This was in the Golden Years of Labour, when he was their very own GoldenBalls.

    The patients and staff could, of course, tolerate the summer heat, but not his beloved office Weeping Figs, Mother-in-Law’s Tongue and Aspidistras.

    After all, what is the fun of having some power and privilege if not to enjoy it?

  3. GD says:

    Grech Attard, Privitera and Laiviera remind me of those silly nonsensical poltergeists of the Casper ghost film.

  4. ciccio says:

    Joseph Muscat knows how the EU works because he sold us stuff that was Made in Brussels.

  5. Neil Dent says:

    ‘Clique’. I’m absolutely sick of hearing and reading the word. What is it with the Labour lot and the way they latch on to their party’s buzzwords and feel that they have to repeat them at every possible chance?

  6. Toninu says:

    So technically, when Muscat advised the MLP (and their voters) to vote against joining the EU he did it without knowing anything about the EU because at the time he wasn’t a member of the European Parliament.

    Same goes for the MLP MPs who were putting forward arguments against joining the EU without knowing anything about it since they had never served in the European Parliament before.

    So, question to Joseph Grech Attard would be – how does he know that being a member of the European Parliament makes you ‘know how the EU works’ if he himself was never a member of the European Parliament?

  7. Mrs M says:

    How very funny to make such a comment. What Mr Grech Attard forgot to say was that is was thanks to the PN that Muscat got his seat as an MEP.

  8. etil says:

    He may be one of those who decided to leave school and not continue with his studies because he could get a job immediately.

  9. Joe Xuereb says:

    Joseph Grech Attard is Dr. Joseph Grech Attard, a Labour stalwart and former Labour candidate who was specially chosen to run St. Luke’s Hospital during the doctors’ strike in the 1970s.

    [Daphne – Yes, I know.]

    • ConDom says:

      He he got his kicks by running St Luke’s (with the help of ex-hospital worker Ray Azzopardi, now a Labour Party fixture) like a Nazi lager and giving humiliating public-dressing downs to fellow medics especially those a lot more senior and older then him, including his ex medical tutors.

      It was during his reign as St Luke’s plenipotentiary that there was only one foetal monitor available, no medical disposables (inc gloves and needles) whatsoever were available and the stillbirth rates were at an all-time high.

  10. Paul Bonnici says:

    Malta will become a ‘faktri tal-bozozz tal-elf’ under the PL.

    • AJS says:

      Less the 450 cries for help. Those are energy savers – saving energy from study to the obs that lejber will generate by grabbing err I mean reclaiming land from Msida creek up to Minawl Ajlent

  11. Space says:

    Can you please elaborate further as to how you reached this conclusion, Mr. Professor Grech Attard ?

  12. FP says:

    Yes, just when you think you’ve seen all sorts, up pops a Joseph Grech Attard.

    The shame with this blessed democracy is that even these people are entitled to vote.

  13. Nina says:

    Daft indeed.

    The electorate should know that this is one of the biggest risks or rather threats that we face with Labour in government.

    It is not only the mess and embarrassment that will obviously ensue, but the disservice and short-change it will mean for Malta in all policy areas that arew ithin EU competence – such as the economy.

  14. kram says:

    What a simplistic conclusion, Mr Grech Attard.

  15. Antoniette says:

    This would be hilarious were it not so devastatingly tragic. To think some will actually believe this man’s poor reasoning.

  16. xmun says:

    Lino Spiteri, in The Times today, wrote:

    “Dr Muscat looks to the future, to the kernel of what politics should be all about – ideas for the years ahead. One cannot keep living in and talking about the past. Which makes the opposition’s motion against Richard Cachia Caruana, to be closed with a parliamentary vote today, all the more surprising.”

    Excuse me, Mr Spiteri, if I absolutely do not agree with you. I am not the least surprised with PL’s motion. Joseph Muscat talks about the future but he acts from ideas of the past. You wouldn’t realise this, because you were part of that past. It’s one of the reasons you agree with Muscat’s objection to discussing it.

  17. kev says:

    Veru. Xej ma jaf, Gonzi, izda ma tarmiehx.

    F’Kardu ghandu apparatchik prim fin. Il-Kummissjoni tiddetta u Kardu jirrekordja, biex Gonzi jkun jista’ jottempra ruhu mal-ligijiet Ewropej u jqis li jghaddu mill-Kunsill Nazzjonali Malti minghajr spazmi jew sulluzzu.

    Tant jaf jobdi, Gonzi, li tahsbu jaf kollox.

    Imbaghad ghandu wkoll lill-Ministru Fenech, li tghidx kemm jigborlu diktats mill-Kummissjoni u l-Bank Centrali tal-Kartell – kollox dwar il-bon ordni tal-Bir tas-Skieken Ewropew, maghruf ahjar bhala l-permanent bailout fund, jew ESM for xort.

    Dan jahdem fuq ir-rubini. Money no problem. Ghas-self hemm kemm trid. Biex b’hekk nissellfu biex insellfu, sabiex meta nehlu, jissellfu huma biex isellfu lilna. U Gonzi qatt ma qallhom le, ghax ahna llum mhux vavi.

    Tant hu hekk li Malta rebhet il-premju tal-Most Compliant Member State bhala l-aktar pajjiz li jobdi. Mhux ghax ma wahlulniex xi multa jew tlieta, imma malajr tghallimna.

    Is-servilizmu Malti dejjem kien dak li rebbahna!

  18. denis says:

    Kumment medjokri minn bniedem li kien jippersonifika l-medjokrita’ meta kien imexxi l-isptar

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