Jeffrey: trying and failing to find an explanation that washes

Published: June 20, 2012 at 3:14pm

Is it me who’s cracked, or is it Jeffrey? I read this thing he posted on his sad old Facebook wall, several times, and still can’t follow the logic.

I will continue to sing Richard’s praises when it comes to his work in the EU. No-one , however, should feel he has some form of divine right to bypass parliament

He sang Richard Cachia Caruana’s praises for his work in the EU, then plotted and schemed to remove him from the position in which he carries out that work.

Having removed him, he will continue to sing his praises for doing so well the job from which he removed him.

As for bypassing parliament, I had long thought that Jeffrey is not the brightest lightbulb in the batch and wondered how he passed his dental examinations.

Somebody who does not have a seat in parliament cannot bypass parliament. To bring something before parliament, you must have a seat in the house. A civil servant or an ambassador does not have a seat in the house and no authority or leeway to bring anything before parliament. That is why our cabinet ministers have seats in parliament. And that’s why the buck stops at the minister and ultimately, the prime minister.

And that is quite apart from the fact that Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando, an intellectually challenged dentist who earns extra cash by injecting people with botox, does not know more about Constitutional law than the Attorney-General does, and the latter made it quite clear that there was no bypassing of parliament here.

Since Monday night, this weasel – well, he’s certainly roughly the same size – has given a whole list of ever-changing reasons why he voted the way he did.

It was personal.

It wasn’t personal.

It was because he thinks Richard Cachia Caruana talks to journalists (ar’hemm, hej – if that were a prohibited action, he should break off relations with Super One and Malta Today)

It was because he doesn’t want Turkey to join the EU, and the Maltese government does.

It was because he is democratic and others are not.

It was because Mrs Daphne Caruana Galizia laughed at him, and presumably, that caused his family jewels to shrink (further) in response.

It was because Mrs Daphne Caruana Galizia criticised him publicly, instead of doing it privately like everyone else, which is apparently not allowed in the dental version of democracy.

Now it’s because Richard Cachia Caruana bypassed parliament.

Stay off the Earl Grey, Jeffrey. It really isn’t helping.

You have created for yourself the worst image a man could possibly have: a limp, wet tool in the claws of a manipulative woman with whom he is obsessed.

That may or may not be true, but it sure as hell looks like it from where I’m sitting – and it is you who have nailed yourself to that particular cross.

To paraphrase Judge Farrugia Sacco, who you must have met on several occasions at Consuelo Herrera’s very naff parties, “you broke the rules because it was worth it”.

And now you’re trying to forge a credible explanation for public consumption, in a vain attempt at making yourself look less of a dick, because – some people might not know this – you really, really care what people think and perceived acclaim feeds your ego.

Of course, this might provoke you into a fit of narcassistic rage, but really, do I care?

13 Comments Comment

  1. Jellytot says:

    “Mummy, that lady is being mean to me! Mummy, do something about it!”

  2. Jozef says:

    He could always inject himself with Botox if that’s the case – cheaper than Viagra.

  3. Rita Camilleri says:

    Bniedem li jaf li hu injurant, ferhan li hu injurant u kburi li hu injurant .

  4. Iz-Zebbugi says:

    “manipulative woman with whom he is obsessed”

    She has always been like that since time immemorial – ask her exes. And now this wimp who lacks the neccessary family jewels is letting her pull him through by his arse.

  5. Another John says:

    Is there a connection between the profession of dentistry and that something called ‘botoxing’?

  6. cikku l-poplu says:

    Li JPO kien sincier f’dak li ghamel kieku l-ewwel kien ikellem lill Prim Ministru biex jara jekk kienx hemm xi soluzjoni. Izda ghamel kollox min wara dahar kullhadd minn naha tal-gvern jew tal-PN ghax kellu il-faham miblul.

    Kull min segwa il-kumitat tal-kamra ghall-affarijiet barranin fuq il-kaz ta’ RCC ghal mod kif gabet ruha l-oppozizjoni kien jidher car li dawn kellhom kawza mitlufa izda li kienu jafu kif ser jivvotaw xi whud minn naha tal-gvern ghal mod kif bdew iduru mal-mozzjoni.

  7. Francis Saliba MD says:

    He (JPO) sang Richard Cachia Caruana’s praises for his work in the EU” and then, incongruously, alleged that that work in the EU consisted in “bypassing” the Malta Parliament.

    That was his justification for plotting and scheming with the Labour Party to remove him from the position in which he carries out his EU work in a manner praised by JPO. Most revealingly he devoted a great slice of his speech in parliament complaining of his personal grudge against Richard Cachia Caruana.

    And we are expected to believe that, just as he had fooled some into believing his tearful histrionics during the Mistra scandal. JPO can fool some of the people, some of the time but he won’t fool all of them, all the time.

  8. P.Zammit says:

    Three words sum it all up: what a prick.

  9. Cportelli says:

    I never liked this guy from day one i saw him on tv.

  10. Lord Lucan says:

    Daphne, if I was to guess at the one overriding motive for Botox Jeff’s betrayal of the government, it would be that in his twisted, whiskey-filled mind, the destruction of RCC’s career would hurt you most.

    Face it, the guy hates your guts for exposing him for the shit he really is, and by hurting your friends he hopes to hurt you.

    The real joy for me will be when a highly effective operator like RCC will pick and choose from dozens of possible lucrative and successful career paths for his future, while Botox Jeff will be pulling teeth or injecting Botox in some village for the rest of his miserable life.

  11. TinaB says:

    Kemm hu dublett, miskin.

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