Oh really, Jesmond?
June 21, 2012 at 11:23am
Jesmond Mugliett told the press that he agonised over his decision right until the end last Monday.
Oh really?
Then why would Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando have sent him this mysterious message on 11 June, a whole week ahead of the vote?
These creeps are so transparent. But the worst of it is that they are so….unmasculine. It makes you wonder what sort of male role models they had while growing up.
But yet we have no Facebook comments from the notorious Professor Godfrey Pirotta, talking about their hormones and their time of the month, which in their case stretches on forever.
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Honestly? The only silver-lining I can muster over a Labour victory is that we will finally be rid of these 50 year old schoolboys.
I can think of the good times one can have undoing the little that remains to be undone of the PL as soon as they take office.
The industrial amount of holes they’re shooting in their feet as a future government, is beyond comprehension.
Also beyond the above, imagine the leader of the opposition, stooping close to current PL levels and at the outset state “We will be an opposition that will incessantly monitor the performance of the new government and of all it’s appointed directors and high ranking civil servants with the purpose to shame”
That would paralyse the administrative on day 1.
If he agonised over his decision, then he missed a crucial point – the motion should never have made it to parliament and all the evidence pointed to its defeat.
So Mugliett failed – again.
The reactions of the three little piggies to the party’s statement are pathetic;
Franco tries to wriggle out using some very warped legalese, Mugliett remains true to his style, late and undecided whereas Jeffrey thinks he’s the new Nelson Mandela. I won’t imagine what sort of books he reads.
It will be a nasty surprise for all three seeing Labour spitting them out calling them the PN’s meltdown.
I bet Franco must be in a daze, landing himself in this dungheap but never getting to go to a party.
He definitely agonized to deliver the works on the Regional Road bridge project with several months of delay and allegations of corruption from Super One.
Now that Franco Debono voted the way he did, he’s the object of a boycott by Maltatoday.
Whereas Jeffrey is the most credible source since last Monday.
Saviour’s unbelievable, fascinating actually. Philips should really look to him for their Whirlpool range.
Maybe its about time to reveal your facebook user Daphne. I don’t believe you are getting this information from “friends and informers”. Surely as a journalist, you will not simply rely on that, you’d need to check and verify yourself to make sure that the post is true and not doctored by some “informer” and then sent to you. So come clean and stop saying you don’t use facebook, seeing how you continuously base your entries on fb’s statuses and comments.
[Daphne – No, dear John, I’m not on Facebook. The people who send me stuff are known to me, so no problems there.]
What cheap journalism…. everything you blog about is derived from what people write in their Facebook page.
[Daphne – This isn’t journalism, darling. It’s a fun blog. For journalism, refer to my newspaper column.]