Oh, the irony

Published: June 21, 2012 at 5:36pm

Leo Brincat, that pension-pass relic from the governments of Dom Mintoff and Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici, is crowing and gloating on….Twitter.

You’d imagine a man his age and a would-be cabinet minister (again) would have a bit more gravitas and dignity. But no.

This is a man who sat in the cabinet of a prime minister who led a convoy of drydocks lorries, laden with thugs, into Valletta, smashing and breaking shops and the Curia en route, then smashing and breaking more shops and the Law Courts when they got there.

And then calling them the ‘aristocracy of the workers’.

Yes, that’s the same Leo. Min irid jitkellem u jitkaza, ukoll, minflok imur jistahba. Truly, if you live long enough in this benighted country, you really can become a virgin again.

Oh, and a cabinet minister too. Imagine that. Here Leo Brincat is, saying that this government has “nobody to work with”, when his bloody party is so desperate for people that they’re willing to take on as ministerial material a piece of hopeless, worthless detritus from the governments of the 1970s and 1980s.

5 Comments Comment

  1. FP says:

    Hey Flick, you don’t need to exceed the tweet length limit to show the world what a pathetic little twit you really are, do you?

  2. Bunny Rabbit says:

    It is hoped that Leo’s choice for chairmanships when he becomes minister will be a lot wiser than his previous one of his 1996/98 stint.

  3. Jozef says:

    He thinks the massacre in Libya is something to make fun of, a civil war eh?. Still siding with Gaddafi presumably.

    Apparti l-nkompetenza shiha fil-Malti, ‘qed idub, qisu gelat fix-xemx’.

  4. Wistin Schembri says:

    There must be another Leo Brincat in the Labour Party who, according to MaltaToday, is the “voice of moderation”.

  5. Kartanzjan says:

    Herr Flick qed jistenna li l-Labour ikun fil-Gvern biex isiblu post go xi dar tax-xjuh fejn ikun jista’ joqghod jistrieh?
    Ghax ma jirtirax, u jistrieh u jserrah.

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