Another liberal and progressive Labour mess: ‘Nitolbu ghal azjoni mil-pulizija kontra Daphne Caruana galizia’

Published: July 2, 2012 at 11:31pm

After today’s fiasco, in which more than half of the Labour parliamentary group were found listed as members of a sickeningly racist and xenophobic Facebook group run by Charles Sammut, treasurer of Norman Lowell’s Imperium Europa, I’ve found something equally liberal and progressive.

And again, it’s thick with Labour politicians.

Are they nuts?

The group is called Nitolbu ghal azjoni mil-pulizija kontra Daphne Caruana galizia.

It demands police action because we can’t have people writing like she does in the name of free speech when her house is protected 24/7 and we have to use legal means (as opposed to what, murdering me and burning my house down?).

The members of this group include:

Evarist Bartolo/Gay Exiles Soldier 2012 Awardee /Labour shadow minister and former minister
Anthony Agius Decelis/Labour MP
Charles Buhagiar/Labour shadow minister and former minister
Charles Mangion/Labour shadow minister and former minister
Cyrus Engerer/Labour mascot, currently facing police action himself
Mariuccia Engerer/mummy ta’ Cyrus
Edward Zammit Lewis/Labour candidate
Gavin Gulia/Labour shadow minister
Gino Cauchi Labour MP and Opposition spokesman
Glenn Bedingfield/former Super One reporter and failed Labour MEP candidate
Jason Micallef/former Labour Party sec-gen and current chief of Super One
Joe Debono Grech/Labour shadow minister and former minister
Joe Mizzi/Labour MP and former minister
Joseph Grima/Super One show host and former minister
Karmenu Vella/Labour shadow minister and former minister
Krista Caruana/Super One reporter
Krista Sullivan/dyed-in-the-wool Laburista
Leo Brincat/Labour shadow minister and former minister
Luciano Busuttil/Labour MP and professional idiot
Natius Farrugia/Labour mayor of Zurrieq and owner of hair removal clinic Natius Ola
Rachel Tua/Labour lawyer
Silvio Parnis/Labour MP and pill ponce
Stefan Buontempo/Labour MP and ‘housing consultant’
Stefan Zrinzo Azzopardi/Labour Party president
Laburisti Maltin
Laburisti u Kburin
PL Fgura
PL Gzira
PL San Giljan

51 Comments Comment

  1. Qabda qlafat says:

    So they accuse Daphne about having the police protecting her house from them and their likes while at the same time they want the police to act against a journalist, wasting taxpayer money. Jafu jisthu, jew wicchom u sormom l-istess?

    • Grezz says:

      They’re probably the people with the same kind of mentality as those who think that it’s normal to have 15-or-so policemen “manning” the village-festa piss-up the morning after the village feast … off our taxes, of course.

      • mattie says:

        Ahjar jitghallmu jispellu Azzjoni sew qabel ma jizzattu jifthu l-imbarazz fuq il-Facebook.

    • A Montebello says:

      … and isn’t the likes of them that “DCG” needs protection from?

  2. maryanne says:

    Qishom in-naghag ta’ Bendu, dawn tal-PL.

    They see your name and start clicking all the Like and Add buttons on FB.

  3. ciccio says:

    What? Joe Debono Grech and Joseph Grima have a Facebook account?

    Facebook has long had settings for people, pages, places and groups. Did they add one for dinosours?

  4. Min Weber says:

    I can’t stop laughing.

    This is the most hilarious thing I’ve read in ages.

    Luciano Busuttil/Labour MP and professional idiot.


  5. TinaB says:

    “It demands police action because we can’t have people writing like she does in the name of free speech when her house is protected 24/7 and we have to use legal means (as opposed to what, murdering me and burning my house down?).”

    The above statement, in my opinion, instigates violence against you. It is them who the police should act against not the other way round.

    If this is not proof enough that these people have not changed one iota after all these years, I do not know what is.

    Daphne, keep up the good work.

  6. Bingo, Daphne. Right between their crossed eyes. Will they never learn? Can anyone believe their stupidity? Unbelievable.

    • Mandango says:

      Yeahhhhh!! Harry’s taken a first step and gone to Switzerland. Next stop, the Highlands….and please stay there.

      The average intelligence in Malta has gone one notch up since your departure. Hahaha!

      [Daphne – Look, if you want to stick around here, please try not to sound like a moron. This isn’t the Malta Today comments board.]

  7. Matt says:

    Istja, anka Jose Herrera… God bless.

    • A Montebello says:

      I once had the (dis)pleasure of meeting Herrera at a social event and, hand on heart (ee ara – like Joseph), I have never heard such sewage coming out of anyone’s mouth.

      He swears like nobody I have ever heard B ‘ Alla u l-Madonna, and f’ghoxx this and that.

      The hatred and thinly veiled threats aimed at Daphne made everyone present – and I mean everyone – extremely uncomfortable – and I wasn’t even a fan then – as we sat there silently nudging each other underneath the table in disbelief.

      If we had to take his word for fact then, Daphne needs protection from our pratikkament Minister of Justice.

  8. Christian says:

    We cannot take freedom of speech for granted anymore, can we?

    They just don’t get it.

  9. canon says:

    It could it be that your house has become the Mecca for the Laburisti. It seems that most of them know quite well where you live.

    If I were you I would consider opening a commercial outlet and serving the visitors with refreshments.

  10. Fido says:

    It-Taljani jgħidu, “La lingua batte dove il dente duole”. Mela sinjal li huma imħassra bħal darsa għax kieku ma tweġġakx.

  11. Riff Raff says:

    Did Krista Sullivan smash into a flock of sheep?

    • Grezz says:

      Looks like she’d smash anything, simply to appear non-conformist and ‘cool’ – you know, like those aging and out-dated Rastas.

  12. Raphael Dingli says:

    The upshot of this reaction is that the cat is finally out of the bag and they are running scared.

    The election result is certainly not in the bag yet. Let’s hope they continue to be idiotic, asinine, batty, birdbrained, crazy, daffy, daft, dull, dumb, fatuous, foolhardy, foolish, harebrained, imbeciles, inane, insane, lunatic, moronic, senseless, silly, squirrelly, thick-witted, unintelligent
    i.e … very stupid – please add to the list at your pleasure.

  13. labour pains says:

    The inability to accept criticism is a hallmark of the PL, as is intolerance and vindictiveness. It is a sign of things to come.

  14. Village says:

    This is what to expect if Labour is elected. They do not seek remedy in the law courts.

    Instead they are intolerant to criticism and impulsively aggressive to reduce opposition.

    This is only a warning of worse things to come if they are elected.

    The Mintoffian legacy is still there: suppressing freedom of speech, harassing the media and vindictiveness on the basis of political belief. They have a history of abuse.

    Typically Labour. Labour has not changed.

  15. tal-misthija says:

    Grazzi Daphne, tax-xoghol li taghmel ghax b’hekk qed tohrog il-vera idejal tal-(M)LP.

    Dawn ma jinbiddlux. Kif ghidt qabel dawn mhux max-xitan ghamlu patt imma anke ma’ min aghar minnu. Ser nigu li hadd ma jista jitkellem halli humma juzaw blogs anonimi biex jaghmlu l-attaki oxxeni.

  16. Ganna says:

    To me it means that if your house is not guarded 24/7 they will attack it and you. These people never change, still like the eighties.

  17. Frans Cassar says:

    Jien ma nafx fejn ser jispicca dan il-pajjiz!. Hawn hafna nies specjalment zaghzagh li qed jiehdu il-politika qisa xi loghba u mhumiex konxji bizzejjed ta’ kemm tista issir hsara lil pajjiz jekk ikollna nies inkapaci u inkompetenti imexxu u jigvernaw. Ghalhekk ejja naghzlu sewwa x’inhu l-ahjar ghal-pajjizna.

  18. Clifford says:

    With friends like these who needs enemies?

  19. Francis Saliba MD says:

    Nothing to laugh about.

    It is a foretaste of what the paladins of the not-so-new Labour Party are promising for the next general election.

  20. Pink says:

    Ma nistax nifhem jien. Dawn jafu x’igifieri freedom of speech?

    Mela l-ewwel ghamlu agha kbira meta kien hemm guvni u kiteb fuq rape u iddefendewh, issa ghax ma jaqbilx ghal widnejhom, iridu l-gustizzja.

    MAKE UP YOUR MIND!! Qas jistghu jaqblu fuq affarijiet zghar hekk, ahseb u ara (jekk Alla hares qatt) ikunu fil-gvern. Lanqas irrid nahseb kemm ha jkun hawn tahwid.

  21. Sarah says:

    They are all in desperate need of a hobby.

  22. j mangion says:

    Min jaf?

    Nimmagina li issa JPOS iressaq private member’s motion fil-parlament sabiex jitlob ir-rizenja ta’ dawn il-puritani lejburisti kollha.

    U Franco u Jesmond jaghtuh il-backing.

  23. Joe says:

    If Labour gets into power methinks you’ll be needing a miniature Maginot Line.

  24. Sowerberry says:

    The problem with reporting this Facebook group and the “Daqshekk” one is the Maltese language, although on the latter group some of the pics are enough evidence of its racist nature.

  25. Qeghdin Sew says:


    [Daphne – Oh dear, Freudian slip…]

  26. Jozef says:

    A list that long, and they can’t keep a blog? Where’s the intitiative?

  27. toyger says:

    I was still very young in the early 80s, so I don’t remember much about the MLP of that time.

    However I still have some memories.

    The present sad lot in the PL and their followers have not changed their mentality, and having been in Opposition for this long, their hands are probably aching to start smashing things again.

    I fear for our little islands come next elections, because if these thugs are elected to govern, we will not move forward but jump back to the 80s.

    God help us all. An idea would be for all those who do not vote for them to emigrate, and let them stew in their own mediocrity. Maybe to them it would be the Utopia they deserve and seem to crave.

  28. me says:

    Dik lista…

    U dawn nies li ħafna minhomm jgħidu li jemmnu f’xi tip ta’ alla.

    Bifors li għandhom alla xħiħ; għax kieku b-balla suf u ftit pari ta’ saqajn kien jagħmel merħla mogħoz imdaqqsa mhux ħazin.

  29. Snoopy says:

    We can add JPOS’s name to the list. To be expected.

  30. Amanda Cortis says:

    The truth is this blog scares the hell out of the Labour mob.

  31. Francis Saliba MD says:

    “It demands police action because we can’t have people writing like she does in the name of free speech …. ”

    Disturbing echoes of the KMB days “of glory” when MLP thugs and SMU policemen were indistinguishable from each other at Tal-Barrani. Law-abiding voters beware.

  32. mandango70 says:

    Why do they bother? I can’t understand this. At most, the maximum harm you produce, is the short circuiting of insultometers. Big deal, I’d be able to live with that if I were insulted.

    Best way to deal with you is to ignore you, as Alfred Sant did, which drove you up the wall, intensified your insults hurled his way, which in turn did not get him to budge from his position of ignoring you completely.

    That’s how I’d deal with scum.

    [Daphne – Alfred Sant didn’t ‘ignore’ me, Mandango. You and your Labour friends have a very curious view of how prime ministers are supposed to deal with criticism from newspaper columnists. What would you have proposed he do? Burn my house down? Have me arrested? Take to his pulpit and denounce me? Grow up and join the democratic world, Mr Chinese Cultural Revolution.]

  33. Mandango says:

    Lemme try again, just in case you inadvertently deleted my earlier post during the moderation process. And let me shout it out loud too:



    Got that?

    • Jozef says:


      You sound like someone forced to write something in Labour’s defence whenever they screw up, too shrill.

      Get real, and look at what your Joseph said regarding three individuals who left someone dead under their watch. ‘They lacked training’ as in what, beating someone to a pulp without killing him?

      Is this what you want?

  34. Joe Azzopardi says:

    Vote Labour – Get Labour
    Back to the Dark Ages

  35. CubClassic says:

    I don’t know why you’re so shocked about the outcry your recent writings have caused and the effect it has had on people wanting to join fb pages to express their rage and disbelief. You talk about freedom of speech, well this is a form of freedom many people have been exercising.

    I think freedom of speech is extremely important but I also believe there is a sense of common decency you should exercise when you are spitting your venom. At the end of the day, a man has died, with a family and lots of people mourning him. You might not have agreed with his choices, but you could have allowed him to be buried before you start with your criticisms. Then again I believe this is exactly the kind of reaction you wanted as you crave the attention. You implied in your article that Mintoff’s choices led to a disaster for Malta, and that Malta would have been better off under British rule. I wonder, if you feel so strongly about this, why you did not leave the island when you had the chance? I think deep down you know that in Malta, you are a big fish in a small pond. Out of the island no one would give you the time of day. Writing ‘opinions’ does not make you a journalist, and by calling yourself that you are just disrespecting the real journalists out there, reporting from war zones, disaster areas, etc.

    [Daphne – Your fascinating arguments have now become old, and you’re boring me.]

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