“Bil-bandiera irid ifotti”

Published: July 6, 2012 at 1:50pm

This morning I received an email from a man who gave me his name but asked me not to publish it.


Just saw this photo on your blog.

Kieku Cyrus kien il-great leader tal-Labour qed ibus il-boyfriend tieghu (jekk ghandu wiehed), he would probably end up with worse done to him than was done to Pawlu Boffa.

I am gay u din tal-Labour taparsi favur il-gays ittini gewwa wisq.

Bil-bandiera irid ifotti, Muscat.

Lanqas huma stess ma jafu what gay is all about, as if it all centres on what we do in bed. The great leader himself probably has the notion of who acts butch and who acts sissy in bed.

One day he speaks of simple civil unions, on other occasions about ‘gay’ marriage. As if it’s another kind of marriage. Mela zwieg mhux wiehed hawn, bejn zewg persuni li jhobbu tassew lil xulxin.

Imagine if we had to speak of ‘black’ marriages versus ‘white’ ones, ghax issa dik il-moda tal-moviment progressiv u moderat, pumping hatred towards African people getting to our shores.

Honestly, I had lost much trust in the PN, imma meta nara dawn ic-cwiec tal-PL jaqbadni l-bard.


7 Comments Comment

  1. Jozef says:

    I think it’s become compulsory to have a brush with the law to be able to cross to Labour. It’s not funny.

    • Randon says:

      I resent the protraying of Labour supporters as criminals or as having a strong streak of anti-social behaviour.

      [Daphne – You need some lessons in logic. What’s the difference between these two statements? Anti-social people tend to vote Labour. All people who vote Labour are anti-social.]

      This reminds me of Nazi propaganda against Jews who were also considered as being criminals by birth. When you use such arguments you cannot possibly call the PL racist because you will be outshining them at this.

      I can assure you that criminal and anti-social behaviour can be found throughout the political spectrum.

  2. Albert Farrugia says:

    What a wonderful example of Minglish. This is fast becoming Malta’s national language. While reading this post I had to stop to notice if I was reading a Maltese or English bit. And it flows so naturally. Thanks.

  3. Kenneth Zammit Tabona says:

    More like MANGLISH actually.

  4. Lupin says:

    I am all for civil rights for gays. But a marriage is for a man and a woman.

    • The other hatter says:

      Separate but equal = Apartheid.

      Besides, whether or not equal marriage ever lands in Malta, I don’t think there is much chance that anyone will force you to marry another person of the same sex as you, just as no one can force you to marry a short fat person, or a person of another race, or a person whose hair is dyed bright vermillion.

  5. AJS says:

    @Lupin, Marriage is for a man and a woman simply because it is defined that way in the law and in religion, both of which are human creations. It is merely a formalised institutional relationship between one human and another.

    Marriage is a socio-cultural tradition that is not immutable or a brute fact like the planet beneath our feet. Love can exist without marriage but marriage does not last without love; and love is a gender free concept.

    Also, do you think that gays do not suffer loneliness, failed relationships, death of partners and so on? Don’t you think that everyone would be better off with gay people adopting so many thousands of abandoned children?

    The only reason we reject these seemingly absurd notions is because it is against God’s teaching. And who is this God anyway? Didn’t we create him and fashion him to fit our own self interested purposes?

    Finally, who are we heterosexuals to dictate what homosexual brothers and sisters should or shouldn’t do? Don’t we all have a right to formalise our unions with those we are in love with?

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