Does JPOS go commando, or are his pants constantly on fire?

Published: July 6, 2012 at 2:31pm

Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando Smith can’t stop himself lying even to Malta Today, with which he has a reciprocal using relationship.

When Raphael Vassallo interviewed him on 23 June, he told him that HE had had to hire personal security and didn’t divulge, as he was forced to do when The Times got wind of the information, that this personal bodyguard was actually provided to him by the Labour Party after a woman-to-woman discussion between the Labour leader’s wife and his.

Malta Today – National Saturday 23 June 2012 – 17:30

JPO hires personal security following threats to his family

By Raphael Vassallo

Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando speaks of the consequences of his decision to side with the Labour Party by voting in favour of their motion, including personal security.

Nationalist MP Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando’s ‘surprise’ vote in parliament in favour of the Labour Party motion calling for chief PN tactician Richard Cachia Caruana’s resignation, sent shockwaves through the Nationalist government.

JPO defends his decision in an interview with MaltaToday and says he has even had to hire personal security after threats were made against his family.

“Without meaning to be dramatic, I do distinguish between the occasional obscene phone-call, and what I consider to be a credible threat. In this case, the threat was directed not just at myself, but also at my family,” he says.

As the MP who introduced divorce, JPO says he is only surprised by the fact that Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi was surprised by his voting choice.

“I have been speaking along the same lines as last Monday for some time now…” even in the presence of the prime minister.

10 Comments Comment

  1. Jozef says:

    Was Raphael present when Jeffrey ‘spoke along the same lines….’ even in the presence of the prime minister?

    It makes all the difference.

  2. Not Tonight says:

    Maybe he’s hired protection to protect him from the Labour protection they’ve impose on him. I know I would.

  3. Monte bello says:

    I don’t get it. Why does it always seem as though you and your readers are the only people raising eyebrows and asking questions? WHERE ARE ALL THE OTHER JOURNALISTS?

    We have here an MP accepting a free gift of security from someone and that already reeks if corruption, because an MP should never accept freebies (remember the hysteria whipped up by the PL when another MP accepted a ride on a private jet?).

    But this is so much worse because we have a panicked MP accepting a FREE GIFT from the wife if the LEADER OF THE OPPOSITION.

    It’s wrong in so many levels, and nobody’s questioning the motives apart, from this blog.

    There is no such thing as a free lunch. Ever.

    • Angus Black says:

      The Labour Party has successfully infiltrated traditionally ‘independent’ media which are now following Labour’s agenda to the letter.

      Only one paper remains with a semblance of ‘independence’ and its very name implies it, although in the name of democracy and free speech much space is accorded to Labour Party stalwarts.

    • Mercury Rising says:

      Excuse my ignorance. But where does Labour’s money come from? And is Mrs Muscat free to dish out Labour’s resources at will?

  4. C Falzon says:

    If he really received threats that he considered serious he could have got protection from the police (even if in practical terms it might not be that different) rather than as a freebie from the PL.

    Is it known whether he did that and was refused protection? I would be surprised if he did – I see it far more likely that the ‘protection’ was forced upon him, Carmen doing her best to convince him that he needed it.

  5. Nicholas Ellul says:

    When are we all going to ignore JPO and his negative attitude towards the prime minister? This is what he wants and what he enjoys: BEING IN THE LIMELIGHT. Don’t give him the pleasure – instead of writing about him, just write him off.

  6. Mario Cassar says:

    Naqbel mieghek habib – aktar ma niktbu fuq JPO aktar inpaxxuh. Taghtuhx il-pjacir izjed.

    • Not Tonight says:

      These people need praise and validation, no matter how erratic and moronic their behaviour is. I don’t think they enjoy this at all.

  7. Bob says:

    “The MP who introduced divorce”

    Is that a new title JPOS has given himself? So now he’s parliament personified.

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