Norman Lowell entertains friends at Ta’ Cetta

Published: March 10, 2009 at 5:22pm

Norman Lowell held his fifth annual gathering of friends and admirers at Ta’ Cetta restaurant in Gharghur last month. He spoke candidly about the risks being posed to our country by golliwogs and niggers, wops, dagoes and wogs, while he addressed an audience made up almost entirely of examples of the last three types, and blissfully unaware that he is one too.

The four video links of his performance are being emailed around by those who think he is Malta’s last hope, with the ungrammatical message “Successful Gathering of friends and others disposed to listen to our message. The only message attuned to the people’s fears of this looming threat. Packed house – beautiful people.”

Funny how his midget friend and publicist Letty and I came out of the same class at school, but she never learned how to write a coherent sentence. And to be saying “beautiful people” still at 44? Well, I don’t know. I think that’s a bigger crime than being besotted with a racist nut-job like Norman Lowell, but it takes all sorts. I just wish we could put them all in a boat and tow them towards Libya.

First, watch this thrilling introduction by ‘Chevalier’ Jonathan Paul Cuschieri (Baron Ironblood, and he looks like a wet wimp) who must have been knighted by none other than King Norman.

And then we have this lovely bit, billed as ‘The stamina of Norman Lowell’ – “Politics is power and nothing else. Or you have it or you don’t.” That’s right: ‘or you have it or you don’t’. I guess their Maltese is better than their English but they won’t speak it because it’s not a European language.

And here’s more: “Those few that were not with us, left impressed and shocked with the atmosphere, knowing that they have it coming because of the peoples combative spirit.” If they were not with them in the first place, how could they have left? Oh, I see: they were at the supper but did not share the sentiments of the group, and walked out. So now they have it coming to them.

Here’s Norman, assuring us that “Malta will never become a London borough as long as there is one Maltese left ready to fight. England got what it deserved for the misuse of its colonies. Malta never colonised anywhere except maybe Gozo and Comino. That is why we do not deserve this, and we will not take it as long as one man still lives that is not a chicken.”

Well, what can I say? If one man still lives who is a chicken, he’d better not colonise Gozo or he has it coming to him.

Now here he is again, claiming: “I did everything for my country and for my people. I sacrificed my career, my family and the lot….and I feel richer.” What a load of bollocks. I hope his avid ‘men who are not chickens’ followers read this blog, because I’m going to explain to them exactly what happened to that career of his. He was quietly let go by Mid-Med Bank when tens of thousands of pounds went missing, the bank had strong indications that he had taken them, but didn’t want a public scandal with an attention-getting law-suit that might have affected faith in Mid-Med’s reliability.

This was in 1992. Shortly afterwards, he rang me at Standard Publications, where I worked as associate editor, and asked for a job. “I left banking because I can’t take it anymore,” he said. “Yeah right,” I said to myself, knowing exactly how he left banking.

As for his family, I can only suppose not that he sacrificed them, but that they were crucified with embarrassment and sacrificed him. And I tell you, I can’t blame them.

30 Comments Comment

  1. Harry Purdie says:

    Even though I don’t speak or understand the Maltese language (my grandson is helping), I watched, transfixed, as this motley crew (no offence to the rock group) slobbered over their meal, as Sir Norman held forth. I didn’t realise that he speaks in a falsetto. What happened to his balls?

  2. Leonard says:

    Ma nafx. I get the feeling that people like Norman Lowell (but not his supporters) and Emmy Bezzina (has no supporters) go about their political doings with tongue firmly in cheek.

    Any news of how KMB is doing? Now that’s someone who’s as serious as a heart attack. I think the idea was to test the waters in Marsa and Birzebbuga and go nationwide if the response is hot.

    [Daphne – I’m told he was accosted by two young women screaming ‘racist!’ in Marsa. Must have been a first for him to be accosted by any young women at all. Has anyone ever seen him smile? I haven’t.]

  3. Mario P says:

    As I understood the events at the time, our Norman was an employee of Bank of Valletta and left of his own accord. Finding himself in some financial difficulties, allegedly he tried to deposit, in a foreign bank account, a foreign cheque for a very large amount (much more than the tens of thousands you mention, Daphne) drawn on Mid Med Bank. Allegedly, he forged the signature of the then general manager. The foreign bank phoned to confirm the signature (in those days we had, by today’s standards, very primitive ways to do this) but obviously Mid Med did not know about the cheque. So they set up a trap (I do not know all the details here) for our Norman. The police ‘caught’ Norman with the phone in his hand answering a call from the foreign bank and pretending to be a high official at Mid Med confirming the signature of the cheque. Because he put his phone down the police could not convict as they had no proof that the call was connected to the foreign bank (they were primitive times – you would not do that today). So our Norman got off scot free. Far from affecting the reliability of the bank, Mid Med Bank employees were in fact on the ball and acted quickly to prevent a very large fraud (allegedly, of course).

    [Daphne – Thanks for all these details. They never made it to the media – as you said, they were primitive times – so I had very little to go on except what I could glean from here and there. But what a person, really.]

  4. Ronnie says:

    The last thing the state should do is censor these people. I think we should circulate the links for everyone to witness what these last surviving specimens of a the pure Aryan race get up to in their free time.

    Don’t these people realise how ridiculous they are?

  5. MikeC says:

    I seem to remember that there were two cases which actually made it to court, or one episode and two court cases. I think he got off one because his medication had him confused, and in the other the evidence vanished fom the law courts. Apparently the magistrate’s judgement read something like (between the lines of course) “I know he’s guilty, the evidence we had says he’s guilty, but dammit it’s gone”. Of course, I could be thinking about a completely different case of bank fraud with a completely different defendant, but I suppose one can check the court archives if one wants to.

  6. Leonard says:

    Somewhat Mona Lisaish but I’ll take it.

  7. Falzon says:

    Isn’t he supposed to be in jail or something?

  8. Andrea says:

    RE Daphne
    …the risks being posed to our country by golliwogs and niggers, wops, dagoes and wogs, while he addressed an audience made up almost entirely of examples of the last three types, and blissfully unaware that he is one too.–

    RE Harry
    What happened to his balls?–

    Am I mistaken or did Hitler just have one testicle? Makes you wonder that these kind of people always, somehow, struggle against their own ‘shadow’, meaning themselves and their own inferiority complex. Hitler and his barbarian myrmidons were much else besides being mass murderers: ugly dwarfs, drug addicts, psychopaths, sexual perverts and limping Goebbels was physically handicapped. But they were propagating the superiority of the ‘pure Aryan race’. It is Norman Lowell and his ‘beautiful people’ who are the ‘looming threat’, rather than anyone else.

  9. Tony Pace says:

    Mike C
    The evidence ‘disappeared’. The crime was allegedly going to have been one of the biggest frauds in Maltese history and too close for comfort. Bank of Valletta kept its mouth shut because like every other fraud case, regardless of the amounts involved no publicity is ever given to the crime or the perpetrator, where possible. Bad for business.

  10. Tony Pace says:

    And Bank of Valletta demanded his immediate resignation. Fact.

  11. Mario P says:

    @MIke C

    Mid Med handed the case over to the police who prosecuted. I remember several Mid Med staff giving evidence in court. It was not a case of the bank keeping its mouth shut for sure – otherwise how would the police have prosecuted?

  12. A Camilleri says:

    I remember the case was reported in the media very much as described by Mario P. Lowell was operating from a rented premises in Birkirkara.

    [Daphne – No names were ever mentioned, as I recall.]

  13. Marku says:

    I tend to lean toward the idea that inciting hatred should not fall under the umbrella of freedom of expression. On the other hand, after watching what I can only describe as a freak show, I have to say that Ronnie makes a good point.

  14. Frank says:

    I have always thought that censoring Lowell was the wrong approach. Censorship might turn him into some sort of underground cult figure. He should be given a microphone and put on stage to expose himself for the mediocre fool that he is. I am sure that nobody with a shred of grey matter will be taken in by his incoherent rantings.

  15. Tony Pace says:

    You give these guys enough rope and you know what happens…………so let the show continue.

  16. kev says:

    Mario P – you are wrong on many aspects of the ‘facts’ you present. Same goes for aspects of what MarioC said. It is useless to speculate on such a complicated set of events.

  17. David Buttigieg says:

    Has anyone ever seen him smile? I haven’t.”

    Yes, actually – well, kind of. It was when Ireland first rejected the Nice treaty and he was there with the whole bunch of CNI baboons grinning away on the front page of The Times. It was an ugly sight.

  18. Mario P says:

    @Kev – I was very close to the persons involved (not Norman of course). What was your involvement?

    [Daphne – Kevin was a police officer at the time.]

  19. C Chircop says:

    My late father and his brother grew up in the same street as Norman, and went to Stella Maris with him. They were friends. Norman was brought up well and in a normal family, with very good manners. Apparently, he was bright at school and far from a troublemaker. He then changed tack, or rather went through some metamorphosis. Once he started speaking against the Christian faith, and on racial matters, this had upset my father who refused to speak to him again.

  20. Mario P says:

    [Daphne – Kevin was a police officer at the time.]

    I know – but was he involved or not? I can’t remember. How much was the amount Kev – Lm 1,2,3,4, million?

  21. christian says:

    Are these followers present the same people that followed Il- Farfett and Spiru Sant (Alla jahfrilhom)?

  22. MikeC says:

    @Kev, Tony Pace, MarioP

    Does no-one remember the medication thing? Am I confused? I mean, lets face it, he DOES seem like someone who’s forgotten to take his medication……

  23. MikeC says:

    and people keep switching between Mid-Med & BOV. Were there TWO cases?

  24. Tony Pace says:

    The man needs help. He is obviously very unwell. The sad thing is that he is surrounded by so many other sickos, and I do not think Mount Carmel Hospital would ever be able to accommodate them. He is his own worst enemy, so let him waffle away.

  25. Mario P says:

    @MikeC – it was one case but people keep saying he was a Mid-Med employee. He was not. He worked for Bank of Valletta. But he tried to mess with Mid-Med – people are also saying that he was a Bank of Valletta employee at the time of the alleged fraud. If memory serves me right, he had already left the bank at the time. The Birkirkara premises referred to was the corner outlet now used by APS Bank. At the time, it was used as a real estate office.

  26. A Camilleri says:

    @Mario P. If I remember well the instrument involved was a documentary credit in US Dollars, over 1 million.

  27. kev says:

    Mario P – I was so much involved I’m unable to comment.

  28. Jonathan Beacom says:

    What a freaky bunch of wierdos! I LOVE THEIR EMBLEM (LOGO?). When I saw it behind Norman I had a feeling I had seen it somewhere before but just couldn’t put my finger on it……then it hit me…..IT’S THE POWER RANGERS BADGE. My seven-year-old son is a big fan of Power Rangers Jungle Fury. These superheroes serve pizzas in a diner for a living and protect the planet from evil beings in their spare time. So that’s where he gets his inspiration from! What’s next? …Pizza Gbejna Imperium a la Blond Aryan Norman?

  29. Mario P says:

    @ kev – noted – you can always repeat what was reported in the newspapers.

    @Daphne – thanks for cleaning up my earlier post – it was written in a rush.

  30. Frank says:

    On the power rangers note; Baron Ironblood is a villain comic book character, this time of British vintage. Would comic books and cartoons be providing the ‘sound ideological background’ that Norman Lowell babbles on about, I wonder?

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