Ah, yes. The Manifestazzjoni ta’ Kuragg when they braved the good weather in Valletta to fuss about utility bills, and the Great Leader missed commemorating REAL courage at the morning ceremony commemorating the 90th anniversary of armistice day.
Dr Muscat’s only political experience was his brief nondescript stint at the European Parliament before he bought his Maltese parliament seat from Cuschieri at the princely sum of EUR400,000/year, paid for by others.
He is not naive, but scheming and amoral.
Within the first 100 days of Hollande’s coming to power, the French carmaker Peugeot Citroen has set out plans to cut 8,000 jobs and close an assembly plant outside Paris as losses mount.
Businesses don’t care who is in power but if they see that someone has the potential of increasing their costs, i.e. most socialist governments, they will just flee faster.
The winners in this will be the Conservatives in the UK who are embarking on a true austerity program as required by the situation and they are preparing the red carpet for those companies escaping the wealth-averse Commie in the Elysée Palace.
I’m sure many French voters are regretting their choice already. How many of them must be thinking hat Sarkozy wasn’t so bad after all.
Before Muscat shows black on white how he will reduce or at least control the deficit while keeping these fanciful promises of lower utility bills, guaranteed jobs and the other figments of the socialist dreamworld, anyone voting for him will be gambling with the country’s future with a dice heavily loaded against him.
Marlene Mizzi is in the Moviment as well. This is what she wrote on FB:
Gonzipn to JPO,Mugliett and Debono effectively said,” We don’ t want you to represent us , we don’t have faith in you, you are not wanted . But we are not going to expell you ONLY because we need to USE you so that WE can continue operating the oligarchy and stay in power. After that , you can get lost ”. If these 3 have any dignity and self respect, they know what they should do. Otherwise they will be accepting that they be USED like paljazzi ta l-art…and they really do not deserve to be treated so.
She may be a political candidate but she doesn’t know the first thing about politics.
Exactly who is using whom? The three rebels were not elected as Independents and therefore they were not right in acting as they did. Come the next election, they should try to be elected on the Independent ticket and then they are free to behave according to their whims.
They USED the trust of who elected them and the party who supported them for their own personal grudges.
Il-prezenza ta’ Fenech Adami fakkrittni fis-snin ta’ meta kellu ghaxwa ghal-poter u kien intilef fit-tixwix u kampanji ta’ dizubbidjenza civili, bojkotts u fi kwalunkwe haga ohra li kienet tigi f’mohhu basta jahtaf is-siggu tal-poter. Dal-bniedem ghad ipatti ghal mibgheda li gab f’dal-pajjiz. U donnu ghadu jippretendi li ghad ghandu xi don divin li jista jaghddih lil ibnu Beppe. Isthi EFA
It sums up the Labour Party’s skewed attitude, perfectly. And the scum of the 70s/80s are alive and well and about to sink their snouts in the trough of power. Some feeding frenzy that’s gonna be.
Dear Daph, tahseb li Karmenu Vella heba li jghid lil Dr Sant li kellu laghqa sigrieta ma’ Richard Cachia Caruana ghax ghal Dr Sant staghgeb b’dak li qara u sema dwar sar minn wara daru?
Din ma hi xejn hlief gidba u ghal min m’ghandux farka integrita go fih, affidavit ma hu xejn hlief karta imhazza komuni.
The one on the right with the wide-screen ears in the last video – is he the next Air Malta CEO?
The real face of Joseph Muscat’s movement is nothing better than that of Alfred Sant in 1996.
Yes, people may feel they want a change in government, but then again they did too in 1996, and look what happened then.
A change should take place only if it is for the better and not just for the sake of it.
What is Muscat offering? Skont fil-prezz tad dawl u ilma?
What was Alfred Sant offering? Removal of VAT? Only to be replaced with sisa tax.
Muscat is going to give a little and take a lot and many people are too egoistic or daft to realise this.
A nice one to add
Ah, yes. The Manifestazzjoni ta’ Kuragg when they braved the good weather in Valletta to fuss about utility bills, and the Great Leader missed commemorating REAL courage at the morning ceremony commemorating the 90th anniversary of armistice day.
“The boy was crossing the road when he was hit by a car who had a 19-year old woman from St. Julian’s on the wheel.”
From: http://www.maltastar.com/dart/20120712-french-boy-on-danger-list-after-traffic-accident
The mind boggles what she was doing there!
Dr Muscat’s only political experience was his brief nondescript stint at the European Parliament before he bought his Maltese parliament seat from Cuschieri at the princely sum of EUR400,000/year, paid for by others.
He is not naive, but scheming and amoral.
Within the first 100 days of Hollande’s coming to power, the French carmaker Peugeot Citroen has set out plans to cut 8,000 jobs and close an assembly plant outside Paris as losses mount.
Businesses don’t care who is in power but if they see that someone has the potential of increasing their costs, i.e. most socialist governments, they will just flee faster.
The winners in this will be the Conservatives in the UK who are embarking on a true austerity program as required by the situation and they are preparing the red carpet for those companies escaping the wealth-averse Commie in the Elysée Palace.
I’m sure many French voters are regretting their choice already. How many of them must be thinking hat Sarkozy wasn’t so bad after all.
Before Muscat shows black on white how he will reduce or at least control the deficit while keeping these fanciful promises of lower utility bills, guaranteed jobs and the other figments of the socialist dreamworld, anyone voting for him will be gambling with the country’s future with a dice heavily loaded against him.
Serious stuff here, and it won’t dissipate any time soon. Wait till Gahan Today get going on this one:
And here:
Marlene Mizzi is in the Moviment as well. This is what she wrote on FB:
Gonzipn to JPO,Mugliett and Debono effectively said,” We don’ t want you to represent us , we don’t have faith in you, you are not wanted . But we are not going to expell you ONLY because we need to USE you so that WE can continue operating the oligarchy and stay in power. After that , you can get lost ”. If these 3 have any dignity and self respect, they know what they should do. Otherwise they will be accepting that they be USED like paljazzi ta l-art…and they really do not deserve to be treated so.
She may be a political candidate but she doesn’t know the first thing about politics.
Exactly who is using whom? The three rebels were not elected as Independents and therefore they were not right in acting as they did. Come the next election, they should try to be elected on the Independent ticket and then they are free to behave according to their whims.
They USED the trust of who elected them and the party who supported them for their own personal grudges.
All this talk about Eddie Fenech Adami being at the PN meeting yesterday as if he has no right to be there…
Comment posted on Malta Today’s comments-board:
Il-prezenza ta’ Fenech Adami fakkrittni fis-snin ta’ meta kellu ghaxwa ghal-poter u kien intilef fit-tixwix u kampanji ta’ dizubbidjenza civili, bojkotts u fi kwalunkwe haga ohra li kienet tigi f’mohhu basta jahtaf is-siggu tal-poter. Dal-bniedem ghad ipatti ghal mibgheda li gab f’dal-pajjiz. U donnu ghadu jippretendi li ghad ghandu xi don divin li jista jaghddih lil ibnu Beppe. Isthi EFA
It sums up the Labour Party’s skewed attitude, perfectly. And the scum of the 70s/80s are alive and well and about to sink their snouts in the trough of power. Some feeding frenzy that’s gonna be.
Lovely. Can’t wait.
JM : Che faccia da pirla.
Dear Daph, tahseb li Karmenu Vella heba li jghid lil Dr Sant li kellu laghqa sigrieta ma’ Richard Cachia Caruana ghax ghal Dr Sant staghgeb b’dak li qara u sema dwar sar minn wara daru?
Din ma hi xejn hlief gidba u ghal min m’ghandux farka integrita go fih, affidavit ma hu xejn hlief karta imhazza komuni.
Il-moviment Mintoffjan ta’ Joseph Muscat:
If the economy is as bad as it is made out to be, how can the Great Pretender promise to reduce the cost of utility bills, fuel etc.
Is he determined to follow in the footsteps of Greece, Spain, Italy and Cyprus?
Or does he have some new tax in mind to fill the now proverbial ‘HOFRA’ ?
31 hours and counting…
[Daphne – 31 hours from what?]