I wonder what’s in this for Karmenu Vella. Why would he stick his neck out for JPOS and lie?
Karmenu Vella says here that he’d like to see the internal PN issues pan out first, and then discuss the Air Malta allegations. Meanwhile, the journalists before him stay pretty much mum and don’t make what is the obvious observation: “How very convenient for you, Mr Vella.”
It was Vella who went public about the Air Malta issue as soon as JPOS named him as a witness.
Did he expect his and JPOS’s target to meekly refrain from giving his side of the story on Air Malta until the kangaroo court JPOS has tried to create at Pieta concludes its proceedings?
It is obvious why Vella does not want to take on Richard Cachia Caruana about Air Malta now. He’s lying. People who are telling the truth have no problem discussing it.
At 5.33 on this video, it transpires that the other side of the table was occupied by the GWU’s President and the Secretary General. What the hell were they doing there? Oh yes, they had visited earlier – or was it later – to present Joseph Muscat with their proposals for the electoral programme that Karmenu Vella should be writing but clearly is not.
So shouldn’t they and the Labour Party have had the basic decency to stay away from that table?
Labour and the GWU: expect nothing better. Scum, the lot of them.
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It is not Karmenu Vella’s prerogative to withhold information, is it? He’s alleged wrong doing and how the PN’s internal issues pan out is irrelevant to the truth or otherwise of his allegations.
They certainly value your advice. Look at all the shirt cuffs on the table.
I wonder what the role of Socialist Group MEP Louis Grech is in all this. Wasn’t he the CEO then?
Does Evarist Bartolo still teach journalism at the University of Malta?
I remember him being driven by Simone Cini who was a student there. Evarist doesn’t drive.