Now this is really THE comment of the night
Posted by Jozef:
You should see what they’re trying to imply following the (de Marco) family’s statement. The spin has become a repetitive, systematic lie.
Toni Abela was on Super One this evening insisting that the Nationalist Party knew beforehand of the existence of JPO’s Mistra contract. So I suppose even Jeffrey’s lying (again) when he confirmed the conversation transcript which Gordon Pisani revealed yesterday.
Godfrey Grima tried to imply the same thing. He then went on to call the prime minister somebody who misses the bigger picture – using the BWSC plant, of all things, as an example. Maybe a simple detail like having the pipeline in place before going to gas should suffice, but our own ‘Financial Times correspondent’ seems to know better.
L-Orizzont carried an article this morning saying both Guido de Marco as well as Eddie Fenech Adami kellhom ‘htija’.
Super One this evening backed off from its slander, going as far as a ‘rimarka’ that it always maintained excellent relations with Guido de Marco. And excuse us if we fuck up, but we really don’t need another lawsuit.
Because that is what they do.
Malta Today abandoned the battlefield, preferring to ‘quote’ John Dalli, this when Jeffrey POS insisted on the confidentiality of whatever was said during the executive committee hearing.
As did Maltastar and Super One, interviewing Jeffrey POS.
They’re the pits.
It’s lies, lies and even more lies. It will get worse; it has to. Whatever it is they’re up to, the intention is there for all to see: distract everyone from the real questions and issues.
Somewhere they don’t want us to go: what happens if Labour don’t make it this time? And even before we get there: what is their electoral programme and how do they plan to implement it?
Labour simply won’t survive.
This movement is a lie. The Labour Party as we knew it still exists beneath and in the face of that lie. It’s simply an antithesis to GonziPN, which after this week, is now a ridiculous slogan contradicted by their own tape.
Richard Cachia Caruana’s words in that tape show him to be somebody who didn’t feel at all empowered to pull anyone’s strings. Still, there was Manuel Mallia tonight, the man who is Meinrad Calleja’s defence lawyer, the man who defended him against charges of the attempted murder of Richard Cachia Caruana, laying on the oligarkija and gonziPN.
Toni Abela was aghast at Eddie Fenech Adami being at the PN executive committee hearing. Is it because it scraps the ‘PN li mhux ta’ Fenech Adami’ thesis so enthusiastically fomented by the likes of John Dalli, Jeffrey POS and the Labour Party?
I wonder what Saviour Balzan has to say about that tape. Presumably he suspects there’s someone behind Richard Cachia Caruana, and another one, and then someone else.
Am I wrong in thinking that the only thing holding these people together in their collusion is paranoia? That what we’ve seen this week is the essential forma mentis in Labour?
Is this what we deserve, five years of these plots and counterplots? It’s bad enough that they are attempting a re-enactment of their terrible smear campaign leading to 1996 with their Meinrad Callejas, their Zeppi l-Hafis and their Manuel Mallias.
imagine if they are actually voted in and get the chance to redo 1996 to 1998.
They’re the same individuals. They will.
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All this scheming is going on while they hurl accusations at the government that it is not focusing on the country’s needs because of the party’s internal problems.
It’s all right for them to waste time, I guess, as long as they said that their electoral programme will soon be finished. Daqqa ta’ duster jonqsu.
Just look at the comments below. One has to be twisted to insist that the De Marco family prefer slandering Guido in the name of a political cause.
If it’s sick, then it must be Labour.
The thing is that once you slander someone, the harm’s done. Never mind any law suits that may follow.
And anyway, there are so many such comments flying around right now, that where should one start? Some libellous comments will just pass by unnoticed, never taken at face value, i.e. as the lies they really are.
Besides, I tried watching Realta’ on TVM yesterday. It was one hour, 20 minutes long and divided in this way: 15 minutes given to Francis Zammit Dimech, 10 minutes to the presenter interrupting Zammit Dimech, 55 minutes to Manuel Mallia (with an adoring and mum presenter at his side).
The programme is a joke. I’m surprised the broadcasting authority allowed such an obviously Labour-sided programme to air.
[Daphne – The programme and its host come straight from Super One. That’s why it’s so biased and also why the presenter is so very unprofessional and incompetent. U imbaghad jghidu li TVM mahkum minn Nazzjonalisti.]
“imagine if they are actually voted in and get the chance to redo 1996 to 1998.”
This time round it will not be over in 22 months. We might be lucky if it will be over after 60 months. And anyway it will be much worse than 1996 to 1998.
About the stupidest thing they could have done was to publish those recordings and transcripts, providing evidence that they got the story horribly wrong. There was no implication at all.
And now their story’s blown up in their faces they’re backpedalling as fast as they can.
Too late.
The MLP’s been exposed – yet again.