Things to look forward to/Part 1: Il-Ministru Tas-Sawt

Published: July 21, 2012 at 12:12am

6 Comments Comment

  1. O Kassar says:

    So if we have a minister for the south I’m sure we would have a minister for the north to co-ordinate the traffic from Mosta to Gozo, now that this government will be leaving roadworks pending.

    Then maybe this could bring about a reaction in the East (rising sun villages) and the West (the land of cowboys).

    We would also have, according to Muscat, a minister for energy, because there are old Labour faces who really need some energy boost, and others who think they can find oil by magic.

    In other words, with Muscat as prime minister, we would have a cabinet made up of 31 to 35 members. This means that the €500 per week increase which Muscat claimed Gonzi gave to himself and ministers will be divided among the fraternity of the Labour Party, to prevent the birth of a Labour JPO or a Labour Franco or a Labour Mugliett.

    And maybe for this purpose €500 per week will not be enough and therefore Joseph will have to borrow money from his Korean friends against some secret agreement negotiated by Alex Sceberras Trigona with the assistance of Il-Guy (lots of experience there), or else increase VAT to 23% and bring the income tax rate up again to 65% as it was under the Labour regime of the Eighties.

    And who says the PL is run by a clique?

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