Xi dwejjaq ta’ nies – really progressive, God bless

Published: July 22, 2012 at 10:35pm

4 Comments Comment

  1. juventuna says:

    Veru ghandna bzonn nitolbu ‘l Alla, imma biex il-PL ma jirbahx l-elezzjoni, ghax tal-biza’ lanqas nohlomha ma ried.

  2. Pisces says:

    Joseph’s earthquake tal-bidu gdid has unearthed the dinosaurs. God help us, as we are in for a rough ride that will see us become another Greece.

    All the work of the last few years will have been in vain, as Joseph is in himself incompetent and he will be manipulated like a puppet by the dinosaurs. Leader indeed, anything but.

  3. Angus Black says:

    Imma kif jista jkun li xi Nazzjonalist, hu min hu, jazzarda ma jivvutax ghal xi skuza jew ohra?

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