Tghid hemm hamburgers Asti?

Published: July 24, 2012 at 12:00am

4 Comments Comment

  1. Gahan says:

    “Lesti ghal kull eventwalita” – sahansitra haseb fil-gallerija tal-kwartieri minn fejn se jxejjer lin-nies.

    Issa kull ma jonqos laqgha zebgha blu biex taghtti l-ahmar li hemm fuq il-faccata tal-kwartieri.

    Oj, stenna naqra – wara li ergajt flejt dan il-vidjow indunajt li kull ma baqa’ ahmar huma il-frames tat-twieqi tal-aluminju li ma jistghux jinzebghu.

    Nahseb ghalhekk kien tilef l-elezzjoni Sant.

  2. Joe Micallef says:

    He’ll be fine for food:

  3. Jozef says:

    Business breakfast…

    Electoral promises have to be made clear if they are to be kept, Labour added ‘sostenibbli’ lately to their ‘tnaqqis tal-kontijiet’. Someone please explain.

    Godfrey Grima ignores Alfred Sant’s addition of a couple of storeys to Mater Dei, quite a detail that. Austrian magazine eh?

    Sandro Chetcuti, quite a joker is he?

    As for the hoarding tax, if it helps reduce speculation distorting the market and remove some individuals’ bargaining power, why not? If anything, it would have to be engineered with the banks.

    Chomp, munch…

    A word of advice to every pro-development guru, Ireland, Spain and Portugal all had a common factor leading to their disaster, the property bubble.

    Germany continues to disinvest in that sector.

  4. Toninu says:

    Hamburgers?! Meta qas tista tixtri kabocca ghas-soppa tal-armla jew?

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