Look at Joseph in this video – did he fall out of bed, or what?

Published: July 24, 2012 at 11:53am

This was just before he left to go on holiday. He looks and sounds already as though his mind is elsewhere and he couldn’t give a stuff about any of this.

He also looks as though he fell out of bed after a night on the tiles and pulled on the first shirt he found on the floor.

15 Comments Comment

  1. maryanne says:

    And this was before tasting wine.

  2. Jozef says:

    What a twerp, this government has NOT lost its majority in parliament.

    Unless he doesn’t believe what the ‘appogg estern’ said he will do.

  3. SPB says:

    1. He appears to have fallen out of bed because we’re used to seeing him all made up to look pretty for the cameras.

    2. I imagine he peppers his statements with words in ‘English’ to appeal to the PN-leaning English speaking voters. Someone needs to tell him that his Burmarrad dialect is unlikely to have the desired effect.

    On the other hand, I’m sure the red-flag waving Mintoffjani think “are kemm hu bravu Joey taghna” every time he uses clever phrases like “the way forward” and “he is in office but not in power”, even if they are unlikely to understand the meaning.

  4. Louis says:

    Forsi qatta’ lejl jippakkja l-bagalji.

  5. Matt says:

    People don’t want a demagogue as PM.

    Families want to see a bright future for themselves. They want to have peace of mind. Muscat has no clue how to run a government. He instills fear and insecurity.

    • Antoniette says:

      He is hardly a demagogue! Even here he is seen looking at his notes, and I have never heard him talk any sense at all.

  6. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Kemm hu wiccu tal-hartiet, injorant, hamallu mlibbes, provincjali, b’accent atroci, pretenzjuz, effemminat, ikrah, u fuq kollox, ohxon.

    • Anna Chloé says:

      H.P Baxxter, I do believe you’ve just described a good chunk of the Maltese male population there.

      I’m sorry, but let’s tell it as it is – the Maltese male stereotype is not exactly known for his good looks, athletic physique, bourgeois conversations on art and literature and impeccable manners now, is he.

      But that’s all right. Let’s merely look at the glazed surface value if you will, not at the apes in aristocratic dress gracing the covers of Vogue, that are leading our country in a chaotic fashion. Sigh.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        True. The Maltese male stereotype is straight out of the Beirut kasbah. Bad genes + bad leaders = Maltese hideousness.

    • Qeghdin Sew says:

      O*tja, ħalli aġġettiv! lol

  7. Joseph (Not Muscat) says:

    After saying that ‘We have a PM in office but not in power’ (1.30) he had to repeat it 10 seconds later in Maltese, either because he had nothing else to say or to explain it to his Super One audience.

  8. H.P. Baxxter says:

    Is he getting elocution lessons? Tkellem bil-mod ha tidher intelletwali, Joseph.

    Aghmel pawzi drammatici halli tinstema’ bhal Alfred Sant, Joseph.

    Tkellem softly ha tkun marketable ghall-pepe, Joseph.

    Itfa’ xi kelma bl-Ingliz halli timmistifika lill-voter base u jqimuk iktar, Joseph.

    Itfa’ chuckle l’hawn u l’hinn halli turi a bright future ahead, Joseph.

    Taghtix kaz l-accent Burmarradi ghax dak qatt mhu se jirnexxielek tikkancellah, Joseph.

  9. francesca says:

    At 1:28

    ”He is in office, but not in power jigifieri. Emmm….uuuuu”


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