I tried to post a comment on his blog reminding our big pony boy that Carmelo Mifsud Bonnici will undoubtedly be a minister in the next PN legislature whilst Debono will have long disappeared into anonymity.
Imma nghid jien – can you imagine any successful politician (ta’ zmieini) behaving like this?
Franco Debono could be the subject of a case study in political studies.
How on earth did he get there? Why do people vote for him? Where does he think he’s going?
I mean, for God’s sake, he writes four lines to brag about his “A” in English and the four lines are full of mistakes. Unfortunately, politics (the world over) attracts this type of overblown twerp.
Kif jista’ jkun! Qas Deffney ma gabet A fl-Ingliz! U dik tafu bil-maqlub, la genba, ta’ taht fuq, mghawweg, dritt u mserrep… Anki maqlub ghall-Latin tafu l-Ingliz. U tista’ tistaqsiha li trid u bl-Ingliz iddawwarulek kif trid.
Carm Mifsud Bonnici may have failed some of his University exams – as did so many others – but he certainly passed the important tests of political integrity, loyalty and intellectual maturity.
“Hekk Franco, ħanini. Studja kemm tiflaħ, ħalli la tikber tilħaq Prim Ministru.
Arawh kemm jistudja Franco tiegħi, x’bokka sorm għandi bih!”
He got an A in English?
So what happened?
Franco Debono will never have Carm Mifsud Bonnici’s dignity, level head and good manners.
I tried to post a comment on his blog reminding our big pony boy that Carmelo Mifsud Bonnici will undoubtedly be a minister in the next PN legislature whilst Debono will have long disappeared into anonymity.
He didn’t allow it through. Spoilsport.
Imma nghid jien – can you imagine any successful politician (ta’ zmieini) behaving like this?
Franco Debono could be the subject of a case study in political studies.
How on earth did he get there? Why do people vote for him? Where does he think he’s going?
I mean, for God’s sake, he writes four lines to brag about his “A” in English and the four lines are full of mistakes. Unfortunately, politics (the world over) attracts this type of overblown twerp.
Is it just me who’s amused about him referring to the Ralph Lauren logo as a pony?
On another note, his blog very clearly shows that he struggles with both English AND Maltese. I can’t believe our MPs write so disgracefully.
Kif jista’ jkun! Qas Deffney ma gabet A fl-Ingliz! U dik tafu bil-maqlub, la genba, ta’ taht fuq, mghawweg, dritt u mserrep… Anki maqlub ghall-Latin tafu l-Ingliz. U tista’ tistaqsiha li trid u bl-Ingliz iddawwarulek kif trid.
At university he got good results. And he has “prove”.
“If you have prove otherwise…”
Well, there goes my education’s value.
As I read these comments I get genuinely scared. Something is seriously wrong with this man and he got into our parliament.
I hope the PN have learned their lesson and this time they will vet their candidates well.
Carm Mifsud Bonnici may have failed some of his University exams – as did so many others – but he certainly passed the important tests of political integrity, loyalty and intellectual maturity.
Unlike some others who shall not be named.