Franco: the only baby born with (fully formed) political opinions
August 18, 2012 at 1:59am
God bless, he has been “PN since birth”. That’s amazing. He should be an exhibit at Ripley’s Believe It Or Not.
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Why not since conception? That would give him a 9-month edge.
For Franco has it been a genetic condition, or family tradition? Whatever his history, today he is obviously nuts, a condition that has its early childhood origins.
If Franco Debono took Francis Zammit Dimech as his model in politics, Franco would have been a different man today.
Pity he made such a mess as minister for tourism
As opposed, presumably, to the previous ‘successful’ Labour tourism ministers, or their current ‘brilliant’ candidates / ministers-in-waiting. U hallina, Silvio.
Issa Dr Francis Zammit Dimech imiss! Hemm xi hadd minn ‘shabu’ li ma jghirx ghalihom? Mamma mia, x’mohh marid.
Bhal xejn ma jridx ihallat ruhu ma Zammit Dimech. L-ewwel irid jitghallem ikun gentlom. Mbaghad irid isir hafna iktar kolt u edukat, ipoggi tbissima fuq xufftejh u jibda jirrispetta lin-nies u lil shabu.
Mbaghad wara hafna snin forsi jista’ jibda mieghu.
The type of political affiliation that Debono has is not due to reasoned acceptance of the ideals of the PN but because of brainwashing resulting from his upbringing and environment.
Amazing. Everything is wrong with everyone in the PN but he’s special. Why doesn’t he just leave and set up shop elsewhere?
Time to ring PBS to send a cameraman to film his birth certificate.
The comment says it all. It does not matter which party you supported ‘since birth’, this way of thinking is stupid and backward – quite typical in Malta as I remember.
I voted PN the one time I was eligible to vote because I was disgusted with that bastard Mintoff.
That is not to say that the PN have my unconditional support.
I would support the PN for as long as they are the best party for the country.
I would quite happily vote PL if they proved they could do a better job. Fat chance of that happneing for the forseeable future I am sad to say.
@ silvio
Very often you make misinformed statements, or you just speak out of your ass.
Zammit Dimech as minister for tourism faced an uphill struggle especially within cabinet to allow low-cost airlines to fly to Malta.
Some people are averse to change and wanted to allow Airmalta a virtual monopoly, seriously hindering accessibility to Malta.
Some people even till today still think low cost airlines equals low cost tourism rather than point to point connectivity.
Indeed, the growth in tourism in recent years is solely due to traffic generated by low-cost airlines while legacy airlines continue to lose market share.
Goes mummy Debono have a pic of baby Franco wrapped in the Nationalist flag?
Maybe he can show us his birth certificate to prove this?