Comment of the day
Posted by Edward Caruana Galizia:
Show some respect for the living too.
Imagine, one day, you are arrested for a murder you did not commit, get taken down to the police station, stripped naked and interrogated, then beaten to the point where you die, and your body is flung into a valley.
Imagine, one day, you wake up in the middle of the night to find people walking around your garden, and on closer examination find that they are policemen who claim they are looking for bombs.
Imagine you were locked in a cell covered in shit just because you attended a protest and then forced to sign a false confession.
Imagine your life was flipped upside down because a colleague of yours has been arrested and you found out that you were next so you packed up your home and with your wife/husband headed for the airport before the police got to you too, for no reason other than your opposition to the government.
Or that someone close to you has gone missing and then their remains found in a well years later, just because they knew something about corrupt land deals involving political thugs.
Or that you were denied any further education because of your parents’ political beliefs or your own.
Have you ever seen politicians indulging in luxuries they themselves made illegal for anyone else to buy?
Then realize that all these, and much more, are actually someone’s memory and not their imagination, and the perpetrators got away with it.
Denying that it never happened, and praising the person who, either directly or indirectly, made it happen is the true meaning of disrespect.
Disrespect towards the victims and those friends and family who suffered with them. Claiming to be above it all and being able to see the good side in case you get labelled as brainwashed – in other words for your own selfish reason – is not respect.
It is insulting.
I dare you to show all those “show respect for Mintoff” Facebook statuses to his victims and see what happens.
Just because it didn’t happen to you doesn’t mean you can be so cold towards those who experienced it first hand.
Dr Muscat is the most disrespectful one of them all. Calling Mintoff a great leader, bringing back those people from the same government and promoting them, and now making a whole show of his “grief” is spitting in the faces of the people whose lives were changed forever and for the worse.
They are people who he knows exist, and choses to ignore. But he cannot ignore them for long.
That is why I and everyone else with a shred of human decency will let those who need to let it out, do so, vent what they need to vent, out of respect for those who were robbed of their humanity, dignity, possessions and even their health and their life.
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The only people who should be “allowed” to curse Mintoff – if they can’t fight the urge, that is – are people who stood up to the man and his regime when he was still alive and powerful.
The rest just zip it. You wouldn’t have dared utter a squeak when he was around. Most of you still don’t have the balls to do it, as you still hide behind a “nickname”.
Although I thoroughly disagree with what Daphne’s been saying and how she’s been saying it she – and a handful of other “true heroes” – has earned the right to say it.
Everyone else is below contempt. Shame on you.
Well done, Edward. Excellent post.
It really summarizes what I have in mind at the moment. I am going through this everyday.
Thanks a lot.
This comment should be enlarged, printed, framed and hung up somewhere for all to read and digest. I lived throught those episodes. This comment is the truth and nothing but the truth.
Great piece, exactly how I feel. Personally I was very disappointed and hurt by Eddie’s comments, what positives?
Miskin Joseph, dispjacir wiehed ghandu – li il-Perit ma mietx taht Gvern Laburista, ghax kieku kien ikun il-‘Head of Delegejxin’ tal-funeral.
But wait a minute… min jaf x’dispjacir kellhu l-Perit innifsu li miet taht Gvern Nazzjonalista! Immagina… qatta’ l-ahhar kwart ta’ seklu ta’ hajtu jaf li hu kien il-kagun principali (flimkien mal-inkompetenza tal-mexxejja Socjalisti li gew warajh) il-ghala il-Labour qatta’ dawn is-snin kollha fl-oppozizzjoni…. come to think of it… UP TO HIS DEATH.
As I said in another post on Daphne’s blog, I’m too young (34) to have many memories but I do remember! Kids are very impressionable and the hardest things to forget are those memories cemented in one’s brain with traumatic emotions like fear.
Certain things that I remember happening to my family up until ’87, scared me for life.
I am giving you a standing ovation Mr. Caruana Galizia!
Well said Edward, you hit the nail on the head with this.
Mintoff should have earned respect from all and sundry when he was alive and not now that he is finally dead.
Well said Edward, seems like a portion of the nation has forgotten or is oblivious to what persons, as mentioned, had to survive through! Or at a higher level, the dubious liaisons made with countries associated with torture, murder and tyranny!
May God grant him the peace he deserves.
Totally agree with you Edward…my dad was one of those who was arrested in the early 1980s and kept in the Depot for 24 hours for no apparent reason…or rather just for his Nationalist tendencies and making some pro-Nationalist comments
I am still young and ONLY read about Mintoff’s good things but also read about the bad ones too. I agree with what you wrote, but please try to make me understand WHY In a statement, Dr Gonzi was quoted as saying that Mr Mintoff was a leading personality in Maltese public life from the end of the Second World War right up to the end of the twentieth century. His work had profoundly marked recent political, economic and social history. His commitment and determination led to major developments which marked Malta and Gozo. and a 2 DAY not one was given as a national mourning day??
In some way or another I can understand ( not agree ) with JM comments and actions ( even though I tend to think that it wasn’t his soul speaking but his brains ).
SO IT”S TRUE THAT ALLLLLL POLITICIANS are fake and do what they do ONLY to attract votes and local symapathy.
The LP’s shallow depth never fails to amaze. Up till this week, his party was at pains to depict him as a another Fenech Adami, and we heard this over and over from such people as Godfrey Grima. Come the passing of Mintoff, he jumps to opportunity of assimilating himself as the natural pall bearer and successor of the old dictator. And in a way, he has completed the circle in that before us now we have a new Labour Party, owned and run by recycled lackeys of the old order, who by fate or design, now have found in Muscat a true son and heir of a political movement which did so little for those whose hearts they stole.
I fully agree with you.I m one of those who had suffered.
the wosrt of Mintoff’s crimes is implanting the idea that the world/state owes anyone a living…in the form of welfare cheques, subsidies etc.
Which means “loqom” – the handing out of a substandard standard of living is more appreciated than the opportunity of bettering oneself through one’s own efforts.
You f.bitch. A new deeper hell will have to be created
for the likes of u. that is , if any such vermin do exist.
A new deeper hell will have to be created for the likes of you, that is, if any such vermin do exist. My original comment, obvious, was censored!
It’s not very often that you find the word “manure’ in anyone’s obituary. Except in Dom Mintoff’s! Here are two:
He forgot to mention those people who were violently robbed of their homes, evicted forcibly, and their hard earned property handed freely ‘lil tal-qalba’.
Or those who had a road passed through their homes simply because they were Nationalists, bypassing homes owned (or embezzled) by Socialists.
The worst of all this is that the persons tesponsible for these acts didn’t have any regrets.
You are right and I agree….to a certain extent. I was personally never a big fan of the fact that Mintoff never really did much to stop the violence exercised when he was in power, however, neither am I a big fan of the fact that people were also robbed of their humanity and dignity by not being allowed to get married in church, by being buried in a dump site and by not being allowed to practice their faith. So I guess in life nothing and no one is either completely black or completely white and I suggest that if you really want to respect your readers you stay faithful to history and historical facts.
Excellent words.
Should be read out during the funeral sermon.
Sad but true.
Spot on, imagine arriving on a boat to find a Labour government.
I take it Maltatoday is referring to JPO as the one ‘on both sides of the political divide’.
and what no one is mentioning is the story of how Mintoff got rid of Boffa…apparenlty he had accused Boffa of incest
Was hoping to get an opinion against the above? A supporter in favour off Mintoff to address the darker side of his career. Has ECG silenced even the staunchest supporter? From a point of view of unbiased young mind, I come to only one conclusion: you either formed part of his team and played to his tune, or you were part of the problem and in for a rough ride. Not so much for the people, rather than for his people.
He took five houses from family in the harbour area with no compensation at all.
I can not believe that people on Super One yesterday were speaking about Mintoff as is he is a saint and one actually claimed he is now in heaven praying for us.
Excellent. Never a truer word said. This will go viral and hopefully THEY will all read it on Saturday morning.
Actually, I think this should be the comment of the day: “He hated laziness a d prejudice.” MintoffYana on What bloody cheek.
Mintoff started rotting in his private hell on earth the day he became irrelevant.
Lino Spiteri should stop trying to cover up the corruption and arrogance that was rife when labour was in power. It wasn’t “klikka zghira”. Barring one or two, all the labour MPs and their hangers on, sucked this country dry.
Imagne being taken to Police H.Q. and you ACCIDENTLY fall over the Bastions.
Imagine being a foreign student and being beaten up by the police and later accused of resisting arrest.
Imagine being a functionary of a union and being arrested for taking part in a strike.
Imagine your job being internal auditing and find youself thrown out as your job no longer exists.
Imagine youself belonging to a political party and find yourself sent to Brussels because they are scared of you.
You can also imagine your self as doing anybody a favour by living in the past maybe because it already looks very gloomy for you and your kind to live in the near future.
Imagine this and imagine that.
If you really like imagining things try taking up residence in Disney World.
Hear, hear.
Is-suppost rikonciljazzjoni serviet biex dawk li nħaqru u bagħtew baqgħu b’dak li ħadu imma ma serviet xejn għal dawk li għamlu l-inġustizzji. Mhux talli ma bidlux il-modi tagħhom (biex ma ngħidx li nidmu) imma li issa qed niffaċċjaw l-eloġji bħal li kieku alla ħares ma kienx hu!
Jekk nitkellem dwar il-każ tiegħi, żġur li bgħatejt il-vendikazzjoni politika li ġiet direttament minn Mintoff ħtija tad-‘dnubiet’ ta’ missieri f’għajnejn Mintoff meta missieri kkonfrontah għax qatt ma aċċetta ċerti prinċipji u kliem faħxi u dagħa. Apparti il-qtiegħ ta’ qalb u t-tbatija li għaddejt minnha, ħtija ta’ hekk jien kelli nitlaq minn mal-gvern u tlift il-pensjoni tas-servizz pubbliku li se tfissirli eluf ta’ ewros sa kemm indum ħaj.
Din l-istess klikka li qed tikkarga biex terġa’ tieħu l-Gvern f’idejha. Imma idejhom għadhom imċappsa bid-demm.
Jekk illum il-PL qiegħed jinsisti daqstant dwar trasparenza, għax ma jammettux li l-abjad huwa abjad u l-iswed huwa iswed flok din l-ipokrisija kollha? Jekk f’ġieħ l-‘accountability’ li jippriedkaw, jekk il-Kummissarju tal-pulizija taħt Mintoff instab li kien ħati ta’ qtil fid-Depot tal-Pulizija, għax ma ressqux mozzjoni ta’ ċensura fuq Dom Mintoff li fl-aħħar mill-aħħar kien responsabbli? Wara kollox għal ferm inqas għall-prinċipju tajjru lill-Onorevili Karmenu Mifsud Bonnici. (jekk kienet fuq punt ta’ rġulija?)
Dawn huma l-affarijiet li jweġġgħu u li qed naraw jitilgħu fil-wiċċ. Għalkemm ma naqbilx rigward ċertu lingwaġġ li qed jintuża, nista’ nifhem ir-rabja għax anki jien għandi minnha ġo fija. Ejjew ma naqgħux fil-livell baxx ta’ mibeda li żergħa Mintoff. Ejjew nuru li ma rnexxilux fil-pjan tiegħu li jdaħħal l-firda.
Excellent piece. You read my mind Ed.
Let it be so told loud and clearly and may those horrible terrorising days be remembered lest we forget what we were subjected to for our beliefs.
i totally agree with you. i was just reminding my son of the time my husband was stopped in one of those many random road blocks and was found in possesion of a video tape – yes you read well a video tape – it was illegal to own a video recorder in Mintoff’s days and it was considered a criminal offense to be found with a video tape. my son could not comprehend such behaviour after being brought up in such a liberal and just society.
Edward, my family was one of those who suffered greatly under Mintoff’s and KMB’s regimes. I am just slightly older than your mum and if I had to list all the things experienced it would need to take the form of a booklet.
In life its best to learn from one’s experiences (and one tends to learn much more when these experiences are negative), however it does not do any good to keep carrying these experiences or negative feelings as a burden on one’s shoulders throughout one’s life, because otherwise one becomes consumed by them.
I always remember my grandmother’s advice to “forgive but never forget”, and to this day this advice has kept its stead very well.
And let it not for one moment be imagined that during Eddie’s (and even Gonzi’s) reign all was fair and square, because it was not, and perhaps another little booklet could be written about these times too.
Coming back to Mintoff, he had his positive elements too, and this is what got him re-elected in 1976. And for those like us who were affected negatively during his era, taking my grandmother’s advice to forgive although not forget will provide you with the proper release of suppressed negative emotions and will set you free.
So use the negative experiences that make you stronger, but avoid letting them consume you.
Seeing that you are probably in your late 40s, I think that you have incorrectly assumed that Edward is one of Daphne’s children.
Edward Caruana Galizia, thank you for posting this excellent article. Well done.
My father who owned busses was put in prison merely for joining a strike.
I was a teenager when Mintoff was in power, my family was scared of him. He was pure evil, he used the poor and the working class to stay in power.
…and may I add that the police under a PN administration has not improved much. Let’s not forget the death of Nicholas Azzopardi, which to this day remains mysterious, Daphne herself was harrassed by the police. I wish Mintoff donates his balls to the PN, because they need them.
If we cannot show respect for the dead, then what hope have we of showing respect for the living.
Showing respect does not mean conceding that the past hurts did not happen or that in some way one is condoning anything that may have been wrong.
It shows that one is mature enough to realize that the only hope for anyone is to be able to move on with life and progress.
Respect for others only shows maturity and wisdom.
If one’s life pivots entirely on circumstances that occurred so many years ago in the past, then one is destined to be trapped in that hurt and pain. No amount of ‘letting it out’ will ease the pain. It only ferments it further.
Dear Daphne,
Pardon me for this long ‘comment’. However, I wrote it as a worrying article is circulating around Facebook stating that anyone under 30 should not care about Mintoff’s death or his legacy as ‘we’ (includes people my age) were not alive at the time and therefore it is a non-issue.
The Maltese nation is polarized again through the death of Dom Mintoff. The positive polarity descibe how he supposedly ‘saved’ the country, why the other half despise him with an almost innate frosty hate. That was Mintoff, always on the extreme – never ‘centrist’ or ‘progressive’ in any way.
Some articles by some apolitical people say that anyone under 30 should not care about him as since we have been born, he has hardly influenced the political scenario and should be treated as a bygone. This is utter nonsence as the scaries consquence of Mintoff’s reign on power was not his unscusseful policies but the legacy of insecurity, shame and fear he left behind.
Since I moved in the UK, espically through social activities in Sussex URNU (That is the University Royal Navy Unit in which I am currently an Officer Cadet), to my greatest disgust, the retired navy heiarchy always associated the world Malta with Mintoff. They just could never understand his policies, trust his U-turns or his lack of mannerisms in ‘negotations’ of any sort. From an analyst’s persectiove he was not the type to trust at all, yet the a section of the Maltese people did.
One can more or less commend initiatives he took such as the decrimilaisation of homosexuality, introcing a corephesive pension system and the minimum wage. However as everything with Mintoff it was the mannerism in which he did it and the price the rest of the population paid which was the terrifying glitch. Whatever Mintoff gave, came at a price which was much higher than the interest loan-shark would ask on a mortgage.
His self-marketing into power was nothing less than superb. It parallels a lot with the way insurance policies are sold. Make people fear of the unknown, make them feel insecure and vulnerable so that you can take over their emotions. Couple that with a rough childhoood, with bitter feelings of vengance and an appatite for power and a catastrophic scneraio arises. The result was Malta in the 1970s.
Unlike most other governments where the concept of the self is used to influence poeple to take initatives to get the ball rolling, Mintoff abused the electorates concept of the self to feel as if they were vulnerable prey. His hunger for power managed to make Malta an isolated and untrustworthy country in the eyes of the international community. Remeber his administration personally called Ghaddafi to warn him against an imminent US attack.The Arab Spring may not have been needed 30 years later if he hadn’t done that. He was the one who was greeted in North Korea with a dance for ‘Ma Taghmlu Xejn Mal-Perit Mintoff’ instead of the Maltese national anthem. Like all the dictator friends of his, he wanted to be the symbol of Malta and the personification of it.
He was the person who created the concept of ‘helsien’ to mask his own incompetence. He felt that the world evolved around him and tried to blackmail the British to pay three times over the usual rent as he felt it was easy money without needing to create original and functioning government policies. When they did not trust him any longer they packed and left leaving Malta compeletey broke. Freaked out by this he decided to tighten his grip on power by going ultra-nationalist and creating the concept of ‘helsien’. He knew that unless he came out as a hero, his own districts who so heartedly loved him would bash him up in the upcoming elections as they were the ones who suffered most. He managed to brainwashed the victims of his immature and failed policies into loving him by overemphasising his failure as a victory and promising an Eden which never materialised. In an anti-socialist manner he sacrificed their liveleyhood for a stubborn non-alignment policy in the middle of the cold war. Such a move would send shivers down the spine of any political analyst as he left the country defenseless in an unstable global scenario.
The Maltese people, even his dieheart fans, knew the severity of this and never dissasociated themselves completely from the crown, till today. A ‘small’ mistake in not taking the initiative do drive the economy spilt-over to a huge array of political tragedy.
Another conecpt of the weak self gave him the power to be violent towards those who did not fully sympathise and agree with him. It also gave him the power to completley dominate the Judiciary and the police, with the seperation of powers being lost. He managed to brainwash his supporters that losing democratic credentials was an important price to pay for the state he was trying to create – a Mintoff centric semi-democracy.
Taxing regular workers even over 65% in income tax was the key for him to sweeten people’s loyalty by offering unsustainable jobs and free housing at the price of a tumbling economy. It also created a situation which cultivated the culutre of entitlement.
Gone was the principle of personal initiative to succeed and along came th eacceptance of overstrong leadership at any cost, including murder, transgression of human rights and quasi-bankrupcy. This quasi Bankrupsy did not worry Mintoff much. He would befriend any leader, whether it was Ceausescu, Mugabae, Ghaddafi or King Il Sung. Thanks to this economic ruin he reduced Malta’s stautus to that of a lap-dancer at a dodgy night club. No fancy-named high-taxing budgets such as ‘qawsalla’ (rainbow) could get the country up on its knees again (a tactic which is being ironically used by the PL again nowadays). The marketing and buzz-word ploy failed miserably. Malta became the black sheep of the Mediterranean, doing anything for money no matter what, including supressing its citizens’ fundamental rights and it’s identity in the international sphere.
The history and timeline of events, are as clear as crystal. However it can be interpreted of worse re-written in many ways. After the death of any famous person, overfanatism reigns, especially on the eve of a general election. My fear is that Mintoff’s true colours will be trully forgotten with ideological buzz-words which have no meaning whatsover reapprearing. In memory of all who suffered and even died in the hands of that cruel regime, lest us not forget how bad governance can lead to complete disarray, fear and the ruin of our nation.
I get no particular satisfaction from seeing a pile of decaying bones in a box. That they will be surrounded by Catholic priests is laughable and worthy of a Monty Python sketch but that’s about it – comic.
His humiliating defeat in the 1981 election and his subsequent creeping and crawling like a rat (iggranfat mal-poter) and passing the baton to his lackey KMB was a joy to behold. It was during this time that many of us were sacked from our job for taking a day off work in protest against the total abuse of power and an utterly corrupt government.
That was followed by police beatings, tear gas and shots sprayed on a crowd of protestors. It all happened under his watch and with his blessing as he never lifted a finger to stop it, the heartless bastard.
Even more satisfactory was when he fucked up his own party by bringing down the Sant government. What unbelievable irony and joyous moment. The sleazy git turned on his own. What incredible joy to hear his own call him ‘Traitor’.
Well said!
The best part of all this is the first word Imagine.
It’s surreal to me to see the frightening years of the 70s and 80s are about to be repeated again if MLP gets elected in 2013.
I thought that dark history was gone forever. No new beginning just rehash the old fear. Labour is synonymous with hatred, bullying and fear.
I dont believe that you need to justify your thoughts at all. This is your personal blog and you are entitled to your opinion. Many of us remember those horrid days very clearly. Some of us live in denial, and some obviously wear blinkers. Dont take any notice (which im sure you dont) of what people have to say. Just goes to show, that “his people” still have that violent mentality about them.
It is exactly why I rejoice in Mintoff’s death – because I feel a great deal of empathy for all those who one way or another suffered under his reign. And let me put it straight, since he was the prime minister – the buck stopped with him, therefore he was the one directly and solely responsible for mess Malta was in.
Well said. Unfortunately many of those who are in their twenties think that I am exaggerating when I relate things that I lived through when I was in my twenties.
There is a time and place for everything. I’m sure those people you mention, who have been robbed of something(me included) will not get any form of satisfaction by Daphne’s comments on the same day as Montoff’s death.
If one want’s to write about a public figure, can it not be any other day and NOT on the day he dies!
It just shows some common decency………….
Well said. Unfortunately many of those who are in their twenties think that I am exaggerating when I relate things that I lived through when I was in my twenties.
And to make matters even worse, I read the email that Daphne received where she is being told that she’s only ‘safe’ because she has 24 hour protection and I realise that hey, these people really haven’t changed and, given half a chance, will terrorise half the nation again.
Politically motivated violence, human rights violations, and State sanctioned theft were the order of the day in the late 1970s and throughout the 1980s. It is not too late for the government to establish an independent commission to investigate, adjudicate and record for posterity their considered views on what really happened in each case, to make recommendations for the payment of reparations and, where appropriate, grant amnesty to the perpetrators of criminal acts in exchange for their full cooperation.
In previous posts on this blog and elsewhere, I have taken Dr Fenech Adami to task for his failure to do all of the foregoing when more of the victims, and the perpetrators, were still alive and with their mental faculties intact. In retrospect I suspect that he feared a backlash that may have pushed Malta over the precipice into civil war. He may also have assumed that people would never, ever forget what really happened. Well, the dinosaurs walk among us again, and their offspring have become masters of historical negationism.
The hurt that Edward describes is real, and raw. A future generation may yet judge those who failed to take effective steps towards a full reckoning for these crimes as harshly as they do the perpetrators, their accomplices, and those who were in a position to prevent crimes from occurring but chose to turn a blind eye.
This comment deserves to be read by all and I urge those who use Facebook and other social media to share it.
In the 70s and 80s Mintoff tried to destroy the FREE TRADE UNIONS. But the Free trade unions are still here.
Thank you for writing this reasoned and reflective piece Mr Caruana Galizia, spot on, may I add. I’m trying to ignore the nauseating eulogies of the self-deluded, ignorant masses of Mintoffian sympathisers, some of whom are grossly misinterpreting facts, even going as far as to twist or reverse history to suit themselves or members of their ilk. But I can’t. Not entirely, anyway.
All this crap about social justice, when the Labour Party’s electoral manifestoes and policies were geared towards this (albeit in modest form) when Mintoff was still a nobody. All these rubbishy statements about poverty, ‘kolonjalizmu’ and ‘helsien’ coming from the type of people who prospered when Imperial Britain went to war because they would line their pockets, and then grumble incessantly during peacetime. Lazy hypocrites, no wonder they still expect a government to dish out free handouts, and they call themselves progressive.
The more pseudo-intellectual types spew further garbage. They talk about the glory of Mintoff’s battle against The Establishment, especially the Catholic Church, when he did not have the balls or the intelligence to introduce a more secular form of government through diplomacy or statesmanlike policy, when all he had to do was look at other European states and their dealings with their respective ecclesiastical authorities. No, he gnawed away at the Church’s institutions like a childish bully. And please, I’m not Catholic or even religious for that matter.
The latest bit of frippery though, comes from a group of young pseudo-Lefties on the social networks. The ones with the University degrees who state they’re too young to remember the trials and tribulations of the past. They were born after the 80’s you see, so we should let bygones be bygones, they can’t understand the divisiveness, respect to the Perit and RIP you know, peace man.
They see no potential for harm in the ‘Moviment Gdid’ because it’s so many years later, and what is all the hype about the 70’s and 80’s anyway man? How they can even think this, when JM idolizes Mintoff, and a group of his totalitarian cronies have been welcomed back to the fold, is beyond me. By their reasoning, one should ignore the rise of fundamentalist theocracies and neo-fascist groups around the world, but perhaps I’m stretching things.
Pardon my French, but fuck off. I know them, hanging around campus, passing themselves off as cool, apolitical, chummy sort of fellows whereas it is known to everyone where their true allegiances lie. This is not because they are threatened by pro-government forces for belonging to the opposition, like Nationalists were during the Mintoff regime. They play it safe, probably because they’re social climbers. They lead comfortable, privileged lives but believe me, their ‘lanzit’ still lurks in the shadows.
They sponge off all the opportunities provided for them by the Nationalist Party in government, which has been very left in many policies, but’ jahasra’, it’s about time for a change ‘hux’. Some of them aspire to live and work in the EU too, something Mintoff would never have contemplated. Poor creatures, perhaps someone should remind them of the undemocratic travel restrictions that were imposed on us during the Mintoff era, including the amount of money one could take outside the country on a family holiday. But that’s the past, ‘ajma’.
They truly are a bunch of wankers who lack the balls to show their true convictions but then, ironically, expound all types of ignorant, immature and virulent posts on Facebook about this blog for example. They wouldn’t dare have a decent face-to-face discussion on campus, ma tarax. How gutsy and truly admirable. They all conclude by agreeing to ignore this blog, or even worse, that Daphne should be permanently silenced, and they’re up and at it the next day. Freedom of speech iva, imma Daphne le. Basta bid-degree. Apolitical my ass, they can’t wait for Labour to be in power, carcading wildly around and showing us the finger. There, I’ve vented.
u ieqaf naqra ghax dardart lil alla li halqek ma nixtieqx naqa baxxa bhalek imma issa ghajjet mohh kull hadd jajd kemm int mara pastaza tfakar dawn il kliem biss li hadd wara jasal t a kullhadd mela isma naqa sewwa ghax lirjus bhalissa sahhantom hafna ghalik u sib lil xi hadd li bi kliemek vera weggajtu u fl ahhar tal mazzita issib lizbiba u wara jkun too late hu break milli tajjar linnies ghax ghad jigi zmien li tkun flok dawn innies li qedgha tajjar u jaghmlu lilek hekk u tkun taf xi thoss sinjura galizia
Well said Edward. Ppl are scared to say anything against Mintoff. In fact, the only people who have commented on Mintoff are the Mintoffjani u my facebook, the rest have remained silent. Why? because they are scared and so am I.
Dr Muscat is the most disrespectful one of them all. Calling Mintoff a great leader, bringing back those people from the same government and promoting them, and now making a whole show of his “grief” is spitting in the faces of the people whose lives were changed forever and for the worse
I agree 100%
He wished to thank Mr Mintoff for everything he had done, Dr
Muscat said .
WOW , this could mean many, many, many things .
Does that mean that Joseph Muscat will take us back to
those OLD TIMES once he get to POWER ?
It is time for you to go to sleep….
And including all those who 4 years ago cited him as ‘TRADITUR’ and now with his death they are all Virgins.
What about social services? Once you retire you have a pension, families without a decent income are helped with welfare. He totally eradicated the ‘Mandragg’, and gave people proper homes. He gave students stipend. He made Malta an independent, self-sustaining economy. He built the Maltese infrastructure (which Austin Gatt is totally making a mess of these days). Every government has it’s flaws, but it is not just to remember the negatives. It’s because of him that you live a comfortable life. Your government has modernised life, and its flaws are hidden with modern technology. Your government’s priorities are with pocketing money for itself (you forget the 500 euro weekly raise so quickly) and building a new parliament and open air theatre when other places in Malta are almost collapsing. Mintoff’s flaws were visible because he is an honest man, your government hides it and makes it seem we’re living in heaven. Enjoy your last year in government, unless corruption makes you hold onto your seats.
There is no human decency in hate !
It’s 2012, high time people got over it. Everyone has their own stories to tell, and they don’t necessarily have to be tainted in blue or red, but perhaps there is one subtle truth worth mentioning and that comes out in your comment. This is the cause of violence, civil wars, paranoia, etc. – having 2 sides that don’t see eye to eye. This might perhaps be at times unavoidable on many occasions and under certain circumstances but raising issues that happened decades ago is, in fact, avoidable. What exactly is going to gained by venting untimely hatred out other than bringing more hatred and animosity? Again reminding you that we are in 2012. Who really benefits from this? Nobody.
Then again, this country doesn’t deserve much better since the vast majority only seem to see in blue and red. Clearly, everyone can see what blinkers you wear, since you chose to focus on Joseph Muscat while totally ignoring what EFA had to say . All this in a seemingly Machiavellian comment (I hope subconsciously, but I doubt it) that seems to be more concern about its political tones rather than showing respect for those spoken about.
Since you mention respect for the living, this should also include those who were close to the person who died and had nothing to do with politics, even less with what you mention.
Hope one day you will realise what a moron you actually are Eduard. Don’t worry however. You are not alone. It’s probably genetic.
[Daphne – People raised in the gutter have great trouble working out family relationships and using the appropriate name to distinguish one relationship from another. It’s all ‘Zeza ta’ Toni’ and ‘Mari ta’ Clayton taghna’, and ‘oht missieri’. So, as I have explained on several occasions, Edward is my husband’s cousin’s son. This means there is no genetic connection between the two of us. The surname is not mine; it’s my husband’s. If we are both morons, it is entirely coincidental.]
Oh! doesn’t matter really. He must have some ties with whoever didn’t teach him any better. You’ve got a point though. It’s not only genetic.
[Daphne – I wouldn’t enquire too deeply into your genes, Rob. There might be some nasty surprises there.]
Speaking out of experience?
Daphne, I wouldn’t bother trying to explain it to them any more. No matter what you or I or anyone tells them, they will forever think I am your son, or all your sons and husband rolled into one, simultaneously living in 4/5 different countries.
I couldn’t agree with you more. I come from the family of Bical bank, and my grandfather was put in prison and stripped of all his hard earned wealth, by this monster.
Fuck him, thank god he died, Malta now can breathe a breath of fresh air.
“Just because it didn’t happen to you doesn’t mean you can be so cold towards those who experienced it first hand.”
To that I reply, just because it happened to you, do not be so cold towards a dead man who is in no condition to answer.
And with regards to your respect for the living, have some respect for his relatives, who regardless of what he did right or wrong, are innocent.
If Daphne did not start her inappropriate comments first, we wouldn’t even bother knowing she even exists.
And please, do not give me the “it’s her job” bullshit.
Another thing, how old are you again? You have no experience at all of what life was like during Mintoff’s era, the only facts you got are from Daphne’s stories, how assume is your mother, or… ?
Edward, were they able to understand the reasons behind your stance they wouldn’t have been Mintoffjani and Labour voters in the first place. As with any religious fundamentalist one simply does not, cannot, reason with Mintoffjani.
90% of what you said is correct. What you did not say is that everything in your article and all violence, pain & sufference was present under both governments at the time.
What about people who were denied from participating their religion? What about people whom dead were buried and dumped in rubbish plants / landfills because of their political views?
Just because it didn’t happen to you doesn’t mean you can be so cold towards those who experienced it first hand!
Come on boy, let’s start calling what is wrong as wrong and what is right as right.
All of them did mistakes and all of them did good things as well, but nobody hit out at them when they died! What about De Marco? Did anybody talk about him negative like the ***** did? And if Fenech Adami dies tomorrow, and a labour bitch talks about him the same way, I will say the same things about her. I’m sure he did as much wrongs and rights as Mintoff!
So come on young generation, you are the ones who must change the situation. No more, die hards! Let’s use politics as means to go forward not for verbal and other types of violence…and this includes you Edward, stop being influenced from other people cause you are 26 years old and never experienced these times!
I and everyone else with a shred of human decency ? Really ? hahahahaha
Top comment of the day ? No shit…that bitch(your mom) owns this.
Why would anyone trust someone who dealt or is still dealing drugs ?
staqsi lil dak il-pufta ordnat bhalek eddie fenek adami, dak ghandu habta jaghmel konfoffi bil-mohbi, forsi jaf min wettaq dak li qed tghid. niftakar li kien qal li jaf min qatel lil karen grech u lil ray caruana, mur staqsih jekk qed taharqek daqshekk qalbek. kif tkun hemm staqsieh ukoll fuq il-bombi li kienu jsiru meta kien fl-oppozizzjoni u forsi tistaqsih ukoll fuq il-kaz ta’ richard cahia caruana jew xi quieroz etc. etc.etc. il-lista tkompli ……..
respect for the truth, first and foremost
Oh dear! A match made in heaven..
What was wrong was apologised for. What went right is still right today and the lessons that should have been learned by our governments apparently have been left on the side as a matter of convenience as never had this country seen more in the face corruption than in the last years. The list is never ending and just because not enough people dare speak, it is a well known secret that many people have filled their pockets and have luxuries that though not illegal will be out of reach for all except a chosen few, forever. Most of us nowadays, can barely get by never mind luxury. So I am free but in jail as I can go nowhere, I cry in pain but am ignored for those that should care turn their heads and I beg but am silenced as I am not the chosen few!
Naqbel perfettament mal-punti tieghek, imma hemm aktar minn hekk. Il-hasra hi li hafna milli ghaddew mill-madmad ta; Mintoff u l-manigoldi Mintoffjani tieghu huma illum jew mejta, jew ghandhom certa eta’ li mhumiex f’posizzjoni li jiktbu jew inkella jafu li jekk juru min huma jigi vvittimizzati. Ara tahsbu li llum ma tistax tigi ivvittimmizzat!!! Jekk mhux int, it-tfal u l-qraba tieghek.
Jien kelli ragel pulizija li fi zmienu (illum mejjet) sab opportinita’ ta’ xoghol wara li spicca mis-servizz. Kien Mintoff li zammlu l-pensjoni u ta’ dan tant inkwieta li spicca mejjet b’attakk tal-qalb. Naf kemm kien jinkwieta fuq din. Dan missha ssemmi Yana jew il-Montoffjani li ghadhom b’mohhom maghluq fil-‘cocoon’ tal-indottrinazzjoni li s-suppost ‘ggant tal-politika maltija’ ghamel.
Nidhaq meta nisma lill-Profs Oliver Friggieri ilbierah jghid li Mintoff hu bniedem religjuz, nisrani Kristjan. !!! X’hinu? Liema whiskey xorobt Profs Friggieri qabel iddikjarajt dan fuq it-TV? Tghidlu Kristjan wiehed li qanqal mibgheda u attijiet kontra l-Knisja? Xi hadd rah imur il-Knisja (naf li affarieh imma allura timmarkahx kristjan meta f’qalbu kellu l-mibgheda kontinwa). Il-BBC jekk minix zbaljata qal li Mintoff ried inhhi l-poter tal-Knisja f’Malta. Mela insejna issa l-attakk fuq is-sagrament fil-Kurja? , it-tghajjir lil-Kleru? it-tluq tas-Blue sisters minn St Catherine’s?
U xi nghidu ghal-Leo Brincat, Sciberras Trigona u front liners ma Mintoff ohrajn li ghadhom mas -saqajn sal-lum? X’differenza tisma lil Brincat njew lil Trigona u ohrajn u tisma’ l-bilanc ta’ Lino Spiteri!! . X’nistennew minn gvern tal-PL mela? more of the same…aktar hdura, ghanqbut u tpattija. Tal-Labour dejjem jahdmu bil-hbieb infiltrati u gakbini… nbidel xejn minn zmien Mintoff. It-tattici huma l-istess.
Insejnihom il-klieb u l_SMU? Il-pulizija Mintoffjana li ma tat protezzjoni lil hadd hlief kriminali MIntoffjani? NIftakar qarib tieghi li kien rrakkuntali kif Albert Ganado u s-segretarju tieghu kienu qalghu xeba’ papali minn partitarji laburisti, meta dawn kienu ghaddejin hdejn San Gwann ghal-xogholhom.
Nixtieq insemmi aktar imma ahjar nieqaf.
Jien lesta nahfer, imma QATT mhu ser NINSA!!! ara tahsbu li xi darba ser ninsa. Nibqa nsemmi l-hnizrijiet li saru sakemm immut. Dawk ta-anqas minn 25 sena li jitkellmu bil-ghamad u ma kenux hemm meta saru l-hnezrijiet ahjar jaghlqu halqhom ghax ma espernzawx il-madmad.
thank God for freedom of speech.I don’t agree with what she wrote but everyone has the right to say what ever they want it’s as simple as that. no one commented
hey you shithead we work for our living not feeded out of a silverspoon !!! you had all the upbringing, education and not wanted for anything !!!!!( not fucking choclate ) so be a man and respect what you have and havnt earned SHIT ALL !!!!!!
[Daphne – Feeded out of a silver spoon. Oh God help us.]
Imagine a Malta where we know all this, have come to terms with all this and are now at a stage and point in our lives and the history of our little island where we just want to move on, where in fact most of us have moved on. Then stop imagining because it is in fact the reality of today’s Malta. The Truth and Reconciliation Commission in post apartheid South Africa had far more to come to terms with than our own dark days. And they did, with a brave willingness to reconcile in spite of gross economic inequalities that persist even today. No-one is denying your right to vent it all out, as you put it, but the right of those of us who just want to forgive and move on is as sacrosanct as any right of yours. So go ahead, vent your spleen all you want, but you cannot just erase the fact that for tens of thousands, the man who has just died was a hero. And in this country we all have to live together, with our irreconcileable differences of opinion. Stay on your perch, live in the past all you want, poison your life with hate. Or move on, like the rest of us, who have learnt (unlike DCG, who pehaps has no need to) that we need to live together, in our workplaces, our schools, our churches, our businesses, our lives. It is to the credit of Malta that this has in fact happened to a large extent. Wisdom come to those who forgive even when those who are forgiven do not bother to return the favour – there never has been any public apology from Labour for political violence with which it was linked all those years ago. Neither, for that matter, do I recall any public apology from those politicians who exploited people’s ignorance and fear when an over-powerful Church dished out excommunications like pastizzi. I for one do not care anymore. As long as the political thuggery of the past is banished from our lives, as it has been for the last 25 odd years, you bet that we have earned the right to forgive and move on. As for you lot, you and DCG and a very few others, you can do what the heck you want too mate. If hate is what you choose, under the pretence that you are some essential outlet for a lot of repressed pain and anguish, go for it. But this was never about that was it? If it were, we would have been treated to proper objective journalism – not a spur of the moment frivolous write-up, written as we all have read it, a few words to rile the ignorant grieving ‘mintoffjani’ before heading out for the evening, in eager anticipation of the furious response. So get off the high ground, mate, because neither you nor DCG belong there. In our free country, most of us have given DCG and her hate the thumbs down, Nats and Labour folk alike. If you and DCG do not recognise this, if you really think you are brave voices in the wilderness voicing what many believe but dare not say, you rate yourselves very highly, dare I say off the radar altogether. The eighties and seventies and sixties and fifties are in a receding past, not forgotten but in the past. We have heard all of what you write about with such eloquence time and time again, many of us who were around in those days have lived it even (have you?). You can read the books written about those days, available from a bookstore near you. You tell us nothing new, you just want us to stew in the divisions of the past. I for one decline to do that. So do most, even if, lacking circumspection and your deft ability with a keyboard, too many have resorted to vulgarity and threats in their responses to DCG. And that was the sole purpose and intention of DCG’s commentary. To trigger that response by people angered at what she wrote, to demonstrate how far above this rough human trash she exists. Not the lofty purpose this comment of the day is making it out to be, a ‘comment’ which reads more like an explanation by DCG or an acolyte of hers of what she really, really meant to present to us, the near illiterate masses, the hamalli, the mintoffjani and the ones suffering in silence while Dom gets his state funeral.
I agree with you 100 per cent. Very well said.
This comment echoes my feelings exactly. The problem is that many of those who were hurt or whose lives were damaged or destroyed in those horrid days, are still terrified to speak less they suffer retaliation in some way, be it physically or by some form of retribution by a new Labour Government.
You see they have been there before.
That is why the majority of the comments being posted are from those who benefitted under him. That they ignore and utterly disregard the pain caused, simply because it did not happen to them, does not mean it didn’t happen. It just shows how utterly disrespectful they are of others and that they are steeped in selfishness.
But besides the rewriting of history by the likes of Dominic Fenech which was utterly expected, comments made by the likes of EFA HAVE sickened me. This is taking being Christian one step too far. For all the good EFA has done for the country, his biggest fault was to fail to address the pain caused by sweeping it under the carpet. It was not up to him to turn the other cheek. He personally suffered but he had no right to act on behalf of everyone who suffered in that manner.
And as for all those referring to him as the father of all Maltese, including JM, enough. If there is anything Mintoff was, he was not a reconciliation figure. He nurtured the division that exists in this country so he could control it and so successful was he that that division exists to this very day.
I meant not a reconciliatory figure
Why should I bother to show respect for a dead person when he showed no respect for the living when he was alive?
A Young bee needs a young flower to make honey…not old prune….
we can all agree that the Roman empire was a great empire…. granted they done quite a few massacres and the their arenas, if u were one of the participants, was def not a great place to be… and lets no forget Jesus Christ, St Pul and all the rest who got cruified, beheaded and so on…… But while these things and worst happened during the Roman Empire, that doesnt mean it wasnt a great empire
Well said
Very well commented you have depicted the true image of the authoritarian & anti-democratic behaviour of Mintoff & his regime.
How about also including the violence perpetrated on the home of the Leader of Opposition & the burning of the Times.
The violent attack on the Kurja, a frame-up, the suspension of the Judiciary & political murder. The list is endless. It seems if you are a politician in this country you can get away with anything & you may even be called a saviour!
Well Edward, it is time for you to put substance to your claims. Names, addresses, venues and dates, please! And what did your beloved EFA and Gonzi PN do about these alleged horrors? Sweet bugger all? If that is the case, I have to say it was/is most derelict of them to behave in that manner.
As the saying goes, put up or shut up! PN conveniently portrayed itself as the victim. I would not be surprised if some of the so-called attrocities were perpetrated by Nationalists to discredit Labour. They have always been good at that!
Joseph, under a Mintoff government, you would probably be processed under the Foreign Interference Act.
Sweet bugger all, eh? That might be your line of business but let’s draw a curtain over it.
Names, addresses, venues, dates… do your own bloody research. You can start with the Times of Malta archive – you know, the one that Mintoff’s henchmen couldn’t burn down, though they tried their damnedest.
They just gave promotions to the policemen which committed these act. :-)
F’dan iz-zmien kollu li ghaddha minn dawk l-episodji li semmejt hawn fuq ghaliex ma hargux ismijiet, fatti u saret investigazzjoni serja? Suppost taf hafna nies li setghu jghinuk jekk dak li hu miktub hawn fuq huwa veru. Uzajt il-kelma “imagine” wisq drabi u dak li ghedt minghajr ma tikkwota min kienu l-vittmi, l-aggressuri, l-post etc… jibqa biss fittizzju.
You want names Mr. Chetcuti?
Speak to “Vella Brothers” known also as “Tas-Sieh”,
Speak to the relatives of Nadur Debono,
Speak to the widow and relatives of Lino Cauchi,
Speak to the owners of the requisitioned houses handed to MLP in order to be turned to MLP clubs,
Speak to the drydock workers who were deprived form working overtime for the simple reason they were Nationalists,
Speak to the Telemalta employees who were locked out without pay for a number of months,
Speak to the Bank employees who were locked out during the industrial action way back in the 70s or 80s,
Speak to the teachers who were locked out for obeying a trade union directive,
Speak to the many employees who after a day at Ghadira they were locked out and in order to be reinstated they had to sign a declaration stating that they are not going to obey other trade union directives in future.
You want more? Just let me know on this page.
Dear Joseph C Chetcuti, were you living in Malta when what Edward recounted happened?
I, for one, was arrested in my home at 5.30am one April morning, taken to Police Headquarters, interrogated about two or three times about an incident which allegedly took place where I was not present. I was allowed to leave the cell at PHQ and go back home after a good number of hours.
I find it disrespectful for Joseph Muscat to say that through this guys death we have been orphaned. My parents died a number of years ago and I had no other parent after them; hence with this death I was not orphaned.
Daphne, I agree with you in saying that horrible things happened under his rule, however there is common decency. we are above this. We are not the animals you so rightly write about here, we are people that are as one would say educated, and not just in a scholastic sense. Let his followers mourn him and let the person rest in peace. The more you rekindle the past and use harsh terms to describe this man, you lower yourself to common rifraf. I would like to believe you are above this.
Let his followers mourn him and let the rest of us celebrate his demise. I hope he’s watching all the rending of shirts, crocodile tears, santi ta’ Padre Pio, and reciting of the rosary, to say nothing of the carnival of a state funeral to which his stinking remains will be subjected. He will hate every minute but be unable to do anything about it. Sweet, sweet revenge.
just fuckin shut up pls pls make us a big favour
Mintoffjani are a strange and perverse lot, but there was no need to confirm that.
Ma daqqitx ghal widnejk? Tidher li m’esperjenzajt dak li hawn miktub ghax kieku ma titkellimx hekk.
Typical Labour.
You do know your party is supposed to be the new champion of liberalism and free speech. Didn’t you get the memo?
Why not do your job as moderator and publish the comments that are being sent to you, instead of engaging in infantile ripostes to the few you have chosen to publish? Or can’t you resist ANY conversation where the f word is in use???
[Daphne – Mark, if you are capable of uploading 2000 comments in a day while still going about the normal course of business, go right ahead and try it. If your comment is still hanging around on your screen saying ‘awaiting moderation’, that is exactly what it means. It has not been deleted. It is awaiting moderation. God knows what your problem is, anyway. You claim to hate me, but all you seem to want is my attention.]
Maybe it is you who should read a memo on liberalism and free speech. You had your say, kid, playing the big expert about a time when you can’t have been far out of your diapers, if you were born at all, it seems (I’m told that this ‘comment of the day’ has been written by a son of DCG ……is this for real????).
[Daphne – ‘A son of DCG’. Dear God, what freaks you people are. You’re actually addressing me directly, so you don’t say to me ‘a son of DCG’ but ‘one of YOUR sons’. Taghlmu ftit, f’gieh kemm hemm, kemm intkom injoranti. Secondly, I have explained on umpteen occasions that it doesn’t follow that any male called Caruana Galizia is my son. There are plenty of men called Caruana Galizia, but only three of them are my sons. No, Edward is not my son. This has been made clear on several occasions. If you are too stupid to have registered it, that’s your bad luck. It is also our bad luck, because the genetic stupidity of freaking Laburisti has been the cause of most of this country’s problems for the last 60 years.]
Or don’t you like it when someone replies to you and your mummy using a few more syllables than you are used to? Take a word of unsolicited advice kid. Forget all this bs, leave it to mummy (if that’s who she is) and just blaze your own trail as far away from this spite-filled cesspit of a blog as possible.
[Daphne – See above. And when you’re not sure, don’t stick your neck out and come out an idiot.]
You are a classic hon……not the kind of classic any sane mortal would want to be but a classic nonetheless. Nowhere did I claim to hate you…..that’s your inflated ego speaking, as well as the us against them planet mentality you live in. And if the handful of posts that I have made on this blog suggests to that all I want is your attention, thats your inflated ego again hon. And when you jump to the conclusion that someone who disagrees with you must have a problem….yep, you got it, it’s that ego thing again!!! As for the Edward fellow, my regards to you mate. Congrats for not being her son.
[Daphne – Only total Maltese chavs say ‘hon’ to anyone other than their spouse, lover or children. I thought you might like to know that, so you can stop doing it if you want to become mittilkless.]
People loke you and Daphne really diserve a great monument for your way of speaking.I sggest that a munument be erected to you along side of the one at Luqa dressed in a dress that nature gave you,on a low pedestal that all can admire.
Please Charles, don’t insult the penis. It is too good for the likes of these!
” Charles – go and lean how to spell and construct a proper sentence then come back and re write your comment…
Well done – it was hell bringing up childre in those days – no water not enough food and owning a portable phone – a colour TV and other small luxuries were a crime. Imagine if these young Mintoffjani had to live like that. I don’t know what they imagine.
Dear Daphne (or Edward or whatever you decide to call yourself) please keep up the good work of rekindling and strenghtening the Labour Torch and also for the apathy you’re bringing on yourself and your beliefs, which, I may add, might result in numerous floating voters going Labour’s way and possibly also .. some lost votes for PN.
Agree with you 100% no more no less
Brilliant! You should post this on Facebook and elsewhere the mutants are spewing their North Korea style reverence for this moronic cave-dweller.
Grow up!
The thousands of people who are giving their last respect and showing their love to Dom Mintoff surely outweigh your hatred towards him. Love brings more love and hatred brings more hatred. I’m sure you’re intelligent enough to read between the lines.
Yes obviously Malta under Mintoff was not a living paradise, in the same way that it was not so under Fenech Adami, Sant, today under Gonzi, etc. and it will obviously never be. But take a minute to compare post-colonial Malta with other countries which were also born after the colonial powers left. Take for example Libya, half or more of the African countries and even one of our close neighbours, i.e. Cyprus. Were you lucky to live in Malta?
Imagine having to build a new country with very limited resources, after years of colonial rule and with practically half of Malta against you. Wouldn’t you have to resort to some drastic actions?
You mean like death, oppression, torture, fear and violence? No I wouldn’t have and neither would you.
no response obviously…
No really? Ok no point in arguing then. I thought you knew what politics meant. I’m just comparing Malta’s situation to other countries who were in the same boat but obviously the Nationalist party would have transitioned Malta from a British colony to a republic without any hiccups on the way. Obviously.
Usually I admire your articles but these allegations are amusing fairytales, gross untruths and in some cases downright lies. Who do you think still believes these repeated lies on your site? Please keep writing these amusing pieces I really enjoy them.
90% of what you said is correct. What you did not say is that everything in your article and all violence, pain & sufference was present under both governments at the time.
What about people who were denied from participating their religion? What about people whom dead were buried and dumped in rubbish plants / landfills because of their political views?
Just because it didn’t happen to you doesn’t mean you can be so cold towards those who experienced it first hand!
Come on boy, let’s start calling what is wrong as wrong and what is right as right.
All of them did mistakes and all of them did good things as well, but nobody hit out at them when they died! What about De Marco? Did anybody talk about him negative like the ***** did? And if Fenech Adami dies tomorrow, and a labour bitch or Daphne herself talks about him the same way, I will say the same things about her. I’m sure he did as much wrongs and rights as Mintoff! And they all deserve respect for what they did!
So come on young generation, you are the ones who must change the situation. No more, die hards! Let’s use politics as means to go forward not for verbal and other types of violence…and this includes you Edward, stop being influenced from other people cause you are 26 years old and never experienced these times!
I’m surprised how they didn’t stop Mintoff’s coffin in front of the Kuria, the building of the times and in front of Eddie Fenech Adami’s residence to remind us all of what he allowed his thugs to do.
Charles very well said!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahahhahaha And it’s true publish names of all the people you are mentioning……And if our Mintoff had his regime even PN had his regime (Tal Gaketta l Blue)
Fleur Gauci: I do not need to provide you with names and addressed etc, since the victims often speak about these experiences themselves. So if you really cared about the truth, why don’t you listen to them for once?