They’re ham-acting in their own cheap episode of it-teledramm Ipokriti
August 25, 2012 at 5:09pm
Joseph kisses Yana (with goldfish lips) while looking around to see who’s watching. Michelle looks on while arranging her face into what she thinks is a compassionate expression.
Anglu Farrugia and that twerp Zrinzo Azzopardi clap.
What are these people?
And there I was, thinking that those cheap Maltese teledrammi are divorced from reality, and that they get the dialogue and actions all wrong.
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Miskina Michelle, mietilha Mr. Grey ta’ Malta.
I think Joseph will look better doing a Telly Savalas.
Joseph’s facial expressions are hopeless.
Maybe he got a little help down at the botox clinic in Zebbug.
Oh those eyes.
“Addio floating voters. Addio disgruntled Nationalists…who might have voted for me if only I hadn’t revealed the base depths of my incurable Mintoffianism throughout this maudlin drama. Issa xi-z___ sa naghmel?”
Is it just me who noticed that Yana kissed everyone who approached her at the end of the funeral, apart from the PM and his wife?
I am more inclined to think that it was the prime minister and Mrs Gonzi who did not volunteer a fickle kiss in the first place, seeing that they were two of the few present li jafu jgibu ruhhom.
Ma perche parli half English & nofs Malti ?
Fejn tarhom dawn l-affarijiet? Only in Malta. Pepe’s the way forward….not!
Justin Paul Grima, I’m sorry to have to be the one breaking it to you, but you are wrong, dear.
In countries where more than one language is spoken, it happens too, more frequently when people make use of both, or more, on a daily basis.
Tghallem, qabel tirrepeti bhal pappagalli dak li tghid il-massa tac-cwiec, l-ewwel informa ruhek tajjeb biex ma taqax ghaz-zufjett.
Justin Paul Grima
It’s called code-switching and it’s normal for people who are truly bilingual.
It is also a sign of intelligence to use another language to fill a linguistic or conceptual gap. It is a communication strategy the brain uses because a bilingual person has a choice, choosing which language more fully expresses what they want to convey.
I remember the series Dallas – but this one is even better
Joseph is kissing the wrong end of the coffin.
He should have kissed the underside. Lecca culo.
Maybe he suffers from foot fetishism?