Poetic justice

Published: August 25, 2012 at 5:44pm

Mintoff exposed to photographers and ghoulish gawking in exactly the way he would have hated most. And to make things worse for him, the photographs taken by the journalists he despised and by the crowds of the urban under-class he held in contempt will not he held in private albums or burned with yesterday’s newspapers, but will survive on the internet forever.

His daughters are truly his: they have sacrificed their father’s privacy and dignity for an opportunistic exercise in electoral publicity that has backfired badly already.

Left click on the image to enlarge it. It’s quite ghoulish, I’m warning you.

11 Comments Comment

  1. Paul Bonnici says:

    A reader’s comment in The Times:

    Ivan Mizzi
    Today, 16:14
    Am I right to say that Sant did not attend the ceremony ?

  2. Ken il malti says:

    I wonder if the rose carving on his coffin symbolizes the Socialist Rose symbol or the Rosicrucian rose symbol ?

    Maybe it symbolizes both but the ancients placed roses on the dead so they will not rise again as the living- dead to haunt the living. Dom would have loved to haunt the living, and in a way he does just that with out ever having to leave his coffin.

    • Gahan says:

      Spot on Ken, indubbjament mazun kien. Rosicrucian.

      Fix-xhieda tal-Lockerbie Trial kien kixifhom wiehed mil-Libjani, u rrappurtahom fuq ir-Radio 101 Karl Stagno Navarra.

      “Habib” ta’ Mountbatten of Burma, Gaddafi, Arafat, Guido, George Borg Olivier, JAM, Karmenu Vella u s-sur Pisani.

      He was a kneeler.

  3. edgar says:

    We have to hand it to Dr. Alfred Sant. One of the few politicians who is not a hypocrite, in this particular case of course.

    [Daphne – Actually, he did speak about him. He said he was a political giant or something of the sort.]

  4. Pecksniff says:

    The taxidermist did not do a good job. Il – Perit looks like a caricature of Silvio Berlusconi.

  5. Grezz says:

    Left-click on the first image. Is that his middle finger raised in a final salute?

  6. botom says:

    Ghamlu burdell b’dak it-tebut, jigru bih minn rahal ghall-iehor fid-distrett fejn se tikkontesta bintu Yana.

    • Jozef says:

      B’kollox jinqdew ghal-kawza mqaddsa taghhom, anke ghadmu.

      Problema zghira, jekk kien daqshekk twajjeb, jista’ xi hadd minnhom jghid il-vjolenza mnejn giet? Min kien daqshekk baxx li jinqeda bih biex ghamel li ried?

      Jekk issa jhossuhom iltiema, mhux ahjar jiltaghu maghna l-ewwel, qabel ma jerghu jibdew ihufu wahedhom? Jew qatghuha li jerghu jhallu lil min imexxihom kontrina?

  7. il-Ginger says:

    Looks nothing like him.

  8. NotMaltastar says:

    Something tells me that the way Dom was sent off was his daughters’ way of getting even with him for all that they and their late mother suffered when he was alive.

    Fancy having a high mass for someone who boasting time and time again in public that he did not go to mass.

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