Comment of the night

Published: September 23, 2012 at 12:36am

Posted by Ciccio when Labour’s mass meeting was over:

My impression was that Joseph’s ability to incite and inspire the crowd was a disaster.

We have long noticed that he does not really believe in what he preaches and that he is only a politician of convenience.

He does not really care about business, work, the economy, education and health.

His only ambition is to be Prime MInister at 39 the latest.

Consequently, he has no political emotions to transmit and the whole set of conditions he found himself in at the mass meeting betrayed him and revealed all that.

To some extent, he was saved by the teleprompters.

His lectures about “letting business work,” the creation of jobs and education were not part of his indoctrination at the time when his nanna took him to the Mintoff mass meetings.

Those meetings were about insulting the political adversaries. They were about rabble rousing in the battles with the Nazzjonalisti, “il-barrani”, the Church, “is-Sinjuri” and the free press.

He did try the Mintoffian divide and rule at one point. He attacked “dawk li haxxnu bwiethom” and the “konsulenti.”

I thought, wasn’t he supposed to be safe for business?

Didn’t he say, just the other day, that he was going to let business work?

Back to where they started.


31 Comments Comment

  1. Teo says:

    Serrhu raskom! Joey ghandu “roadmap” ghal poplu.

  2. ciccio says:

    Daphne, thanks for posting my comment.

    U rrid inzid nghid illi meta jirrabja H.P. Baxxter ikun hafna iktar sexy minn Joseph Muscat. Ghax il-kliem li johrog minn fomm Baxxter permezz ta’ dan il-blokk insibu jispira lili u lil hafna ohrajn. Sahansitra, anke lil Kev ta’ Sharon No2EU ta’ Brassils.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Dak ghax johrog mill-qalb minghajr il-veneer of optimism li sar obligatorju fiz-zminijiet moderni. I wear my heart on my sleeve. Forsi d-demm Irlandiz li ghandi. Ma nafx.

      Imma nispira lil Kevin? Ma nahsibx.

  3. verita says:

    Ma nafx ghaliex meta nara il Joseph jitbaqbaq iffakkarni hafna f’ Mussolini. L-istess harsa u kif jipponta ix-xedaq il-fuq.

  4. Matt says:

    Whatever happened to the living wage? Has Joseph changed his mind now?

    From living wage to wage freeze. And some people take him seriously.

  5. Sigmund says:

    Joseph has a roadmap. So 20th century. The Nationalist Party has satnav.

  6. The majority says:

    People want to remove Gonzi. They are going to vote MLP or PL or for the Moviment Bla Isem or whatever they call it these days.

    What they do not realize is that by doing so they are going to get Muscat. If Muscat commits one mistake they may end up without a job.

    If Muscat commits one mistake he may have to go and negotiate a bail out with the EU. It is better to have a pair of safe hands and vote for stability.

  7. canon says:

    Joseph Muscat is changing his policies like changing his underwear.

  8. Last Post says:


    I think it’s quite the opposite. Yesterday I was seeing the video clips of the meeting and I was immediately struck by the crowd’s reaction, as well as that of some of those behind him, when he said that he will not raise the minimum wage in order to give employers and the commercial sector (in-negozji) a breathing space in the present economic (dismal) climate.

    So this is where it was all leading to when Super 1 proclaimed, a couple of days earlier, that according to the Leader the party has now changed its position from a ‘partit tal-haddiema’ to a ‘partit tax-xoghol!

    Yes, I agree with ciccio that Joseph Muscat “has no political emotions to transmit and … the mass meeting betrayed him and revealed all that.”

    He is an artificial person, and it comes across clearly in his body language and speech mannerisms.

    Other than that I didn’t find anything new about Labour’s plans or rowdmepp.”Jekk il-poplu jafdana bir-responsabilita’ li nkunu ta’ servizz ghalih”. How’s that for a figure of speech coming from a (M)LP leader?

    Il-lupu jibdel sufu imma mhux eghmilu.

  9. Stingray says:

    Give up guys. You are a bunch of loosers cross-breeded with ostriches. Your heads are firmly dug feet below the ground not seeing the writing on the wall. GONZI is history. Joseph Muscat and the massive support behind him are Malta’s future.

    (and by the way “Franco Debono lives OK”),

    [Daphne – Losers. Loose is what your trousers are after you lose 10 kilos. Cross-BRED. The past tense of ‘breed’ (the verb, as distinct from the noun) is BRED. Learning how to spell will help you achieve your objectives without having to expect favours from the Labour Party, or any other party for that matter.

    Another helpful hint: never mix your metaphors (head in sand/writing on the wall) or use cliches. Muscat’s support is not massive. It is about what the Labour Party’s support generally is. It is the Nationalist Party that has lost support. Much of that lost support has not gone anywhere yet.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      Stingray, me old fellow, this blog has been announcing PN’s defeat at the polls for at least three years now. Hardly ostriches.

    • Stingray says:

      Thank you for correcting my mistakes Miss Daphne. I see that I shall not get a star on my copy-book but I’m very happy that you losers got my message>

      [Daphne – Anzi message, mhux massage.]

      • Harry Purdie says:

        The only message you registered is that you are a a sub-literate, uneducated, superb example of the misguided bunch of Neanderthals that still inhabit our rock.

  10. Makjavel says:

    Joseph has still to tell us his plans for Malta if he becomes PM.

    He is exactly like the fisherman who went out to see , fed his lunch to the fish , got lost in the fog , well everybody knows the outcome , except that there will be nobody to tow him back.

    You know why , because all of us will be in that boat.

  11. The Engineer says:

    Within a party there are the centre left, the leftist and the extreme left.

    At the moment Labour is being lead by the extreme left. Muscat has to shift towards the centre to become electable again.

    Even the PN wants this to happen. It’s for the better of the country.

  12. The Engineer says:

    If Labour do not shift towards the centre even if they are elected they will make great mistakes and will not stay long in power.

    Labour has been under the spell of extremism for the past 60 years since Mintoff took hold of the party.

  13. The majority says:

    I agree that the Labour Party’s support is what it generally is. However, I disagree when you say that the PN’s support has not gone anywhere.

    According to published polls there is a nine per cent swing to Labour.

    It is strange how Labour have not managed to increase their votes in the last Local Council elections! Joseph Muscat’s PL only has two hundred votes more than Alfred Sant’s MLP in the same round of elections.

    This probably means that PL has more of its voters not committed to voting in a general election than Alfred Sant had when he was leader.

    The tragedy is that PN supporters and friends of mine who are saying that they are going to vote Labour are only doing so because of their MEPA permit took so long or some other similar reason. I can make one certain prediction: the PN will do very well during the electoral campaign.

    Whether this will be enough to win the coming election still sees to be seen.

    • H.P. Baxxter says:

      If we’re in prediction mode, here’s mine: PN will be trounced at the polls, because even its top echelon is oblivious to its mistakes.

      They still think the people want cheap electricity, snazzy construction projects, and an endless stream of “skemi” and “incentivi”, so they’ve done very well indeed by their reckoning.

      • Harry Purdie says:

        My friend, plausible prediction, Daphne blogged this over three years ago. However, what do ‘the people’ want, in your opinion?

        C’mon, partner, lay it out. I have two Maltese/Canadian grandchildren here. They appear to be perfectly content with their present situation.

        So the reds win. will my grandkids still continue to be happy and content as they grow?

        Now, I know you’re very sharp.Baxxter, as we have met numerous times, and i always leave overwhelmed. Predict, for me, where my two little people will face after 5 years of Labour disasters.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        I can’t give a long answer now. I should have gone to bed at ten. But the short answer is this:

        Many decisions should have been taken in 2004 to set the country on the right track. Some were. Many more should have been taken in 2008. Very few were, because Lawrence Gonzi’s government is ineffectual and paralysed by its blind adherence to the tenets of socialism, and held hostage by too many links to big business.

        However, Simon Busuttil can lead this country out of this paralysis and into modernity. But he cannot do it from the opposition benches.

        If Joseph Muscat wins, it will be shady links to big business all over again, compounded by a breathtaking incompetence at the technical level, and free rein to overturn nine years of progress since 2004. Which may very well include withdrawal from the EU.

        Mark my words. He is the sort to build his policies on the back of public opinion. If he wins the election, he knows he has the backing of an anti-EU majority.

        In short, and though it may shock many, we need a PN victory so that Gonzi can bow out and Simon Busuttil can take his place.

      • Harry Purdie says:

        Thank you, Baxxter.

      • H.P. Baxxter says:

        There are a few more prediction which we can make on the basis of the little that we do know of Joseph Muscat’s programme.

        Malta will withdraw from the EU Defence Committee. Which means that all staff assigned to it will be moved elsewhere.

        For AFM members or anyone working in defence, it will be even worse. We will withdraw from EU militarty missions. No more Atalanta, EUPM or training missions in Uganda for AFM members.

        We will also, of course, withdraw from Partnership for Peace, yet again. We can kiss goodbye to any access to NATO planning that we currently have, and of course we can forget a twin-engined helicopter for our Armed Forces.

        Naturally, the AFM will no longer require a NATO-standard rifle if we withdraw from any international missions, so anyone hoping to replace their venerable Type 56s with a Beretta 70/90 will be disappointed.

        All that collective effart will have been in vain.

        AFM beware.

        Now for our academics.

        MCAST will be given university status, and it will run itself using its current staff. Who will obviously have to be paid university salaries. But they got there with different job requirements.

        The result will be a blasphemous injustice where academics with vastly different qualifications are paid the same salary.

        This will of course divert even more funds from the education budget. So we can kiss goodbye to “research” and “academic development” at the University of Malta. Juanito Camilleri had better speak out against these silly fantasies of Muscat’s. And I mean in public, like a man.

        Academics, beware.

        Now for utility bills.

        Water Services Corporation is currently losing about 4 million Euros a year because water prices have been kept artificially low by a government obsessed with “social conscience”.

        Joseph Muscat will LOWER those utilities even further. So WSC can expect to go bankrupt, pure and simple.

        Ditto for Enemalta.

        And when companies go bankrupt, they lay off their employees.

        WSC and Enemalte employees, beware.

        Joseph Muscat has promised a gas-fuelled power station. Which costs money, so the interconnector project will have to be put on hold or cancelled altogether.

        Any private companies working on the project will have their contracts revoked. Yes, compensation will be paid, but only for those contracts which have already been signed.

        M. Demajo Group of Companies, beware.

      • Harry Purdie says:

        Aha, a socialist paradise. Just fucking lovely.

      • Jozef says:

        Which twin engined helicopter?

  14. The majority says:

    Yes, PN will probably lose the election after 25 years in power! PN will lose the election rather than PL winning it! It will therefore not take them too long to regain the people’s support! And yes, the PN will have a good campaign and they will regain much of its lost support!

    [Daphne – Calm down. And when you do so, please also register the fact that the Nationalist Party has been in power for the last 14 years, not the last 25.]

  15. Ozzy says:

    Whether you like it or not you will have to witness Muscat in power since Gonzi decided to be so unfaithful and arrogant to the people.

    However,although I hate to admit it, Ciccio is right about almost every word he said. I don’t hate to admit it because I am a labour supporter but because it saddens me to have no choice when election day comes.

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