I have heard of The Wind of Change is Blowing but replacing blowing with ticking is abysmal English: but then, what do one expect from people who vote for a 39 year-old PM because the chap feels it’s his time for a move upwards?
Sheer poetry. Must have been inspired by the croc in Walt Disney’s Peter Pan (although the reference to small breath-mints is somewhat confusing). Move over T.S. Eliot.
“Illum jiena sa nindirizza lill-poplu Malti u Ghawdxi fil-mass meeting f’Ta Qali. Sa jkun diskors ta’ vizzjoni cara ghall-poplu Malti u Ghawdxi kollu. Nheggikhom biex tattendu bi hgarkhom intkhom u l-familji taghkom biex imabghad lkoll flimkien nisimghu il-mexxej taghna lkoll Joseph Muscat.”
Funny way how it ticks chez Brincat.
Joseph Brincat has been “winding” his watch the wrong way.
Ajma how funny! Even their clocks are different! Tock tack! Tick thunk! Don’t think!
Tektek tektek karozzin
minn got-toroq imserrpin
uri l-hajja taghna
il-Maltin …
Imma kemm hawn minn hu injorant, hux!
Normally, tick tock tick tock, like a precison watch.
But, yes, in this case, as in soon to become a tacky Government: tick tack tick tack.
The similarities are incredible:
The guy who wrote this dosn’t know that tic(k) tac(k) is a mint.
I have heard of The Wind of Change is Blowing but replacing blowing with ticking is abysmal English: but then, what do one expect from people who vote for a 39 year-old PM because the chap feels it’s his time for a move upwards?
Be thankful, at least it’s not “Tic Tac, Tic Tac”.
And the clock is blowing then, I guess.
Sounds like an ad for mints. What a tosser.
……and the clock is blowing !
In fact they just mentioned on the weather forecast that the wind will be ticking from the north today and later it will tack to the east…
……and the clock is blowing.
The only thing these assholes are good at, with respect to their tick tock comment, is breaking wind. Ever been in a Labour club?
How can wind tick?
It blows through the clock mechanism. The pendulum oscillates. The wind ticks. Q.E.D.
That Brincat twat really gets on my ticks.
Sheer poetry. Must have been inspired by the croc in Walt Disney’s Peter Pan (although the reference to small breath-mints is somewhat confusing). Move over T.S. Eliot.
Don‘t count your chickens before they are hatched.
Well 25 years waiting for the wind to blow … he must have been bored sick in the meantime.
Are you forgetting the 22 months that a Labour government was in power under Alfred Sant in 1998?
Those 22 months were just a short break. At the time, rather than tick tack, it was kit kat.
It sounds minty….
Like listening to someone whistling about food.
Brincat must have a special “wind clock” that goes tick tack and not tick tock.
“Tack” – How appropriate.
And this is from Anglu Farrugia’s FB page.
“Illum jiena sa nindirizza lill-poplu Malti u Ghawdxi fil-mass meeting f’Ta Qali. Sa jkun diskors ta’ vizzjoni cara ghall-poplu Malti u Ghawdxi kollu. Nheggikhom biex tattendu bi hgarkhom intkhom u l-familji taghkom biex imabghad lkoll flimkien nisimghu il-mexxej taghna lkoll Joseph Muscat.”
Let him learn how to spell VIZJONI first, then i might be interested in his vizjoni.
Hekk, biex tkunu tafu, issa on-the-rekort din.
Qtajt qalbi nipprova nikkoregi l-izbalji fil-grammatika ta’ dan l-ispeci. Avukat ghal giehna.
One of those ‘ferocious’ speeches.
Joseph Muscat tries to do some white-washing, by getting Laburisti to trade in their rage-inciting red torca flags for the viriginal-white PL ones –
Almost looks like a Tom Jones concert.
Le, forsi bit-tixjir tal-imkatar bojod ma ħasbux forsi li qiegħdin Fatima jistennew il-miraklu, hux?
Oh my god, another pompous windbag running for office. Hasn’t he enough power and money?
glory glory
His wind vane may be broken.
You all have a one track mind.
Brincat was referring to that other wind. The heavily scented one.
Especially in cases of severe haemorrhoidal prolapse, because of the partial obstruction, it does go tick tack on a very low octave.
He is right.
I would have thought that with partial obstruction, it would me more of a very high-pitched tick tack.
That is only if your name is Ludwig van Beethoven.
For us ordinary mortals it is always low-pitched, obstuction or not.
It is never very high-pitched. Far from it.
Never more than 220Hz. Even that would be very unusual.
Besides being an authority on this category of wind I also happen to be a pianist.
Hence the detailed explanation.
I trust it is to your satisfaction.
And there was me thinking that it was the sound of the cat flap or the window behind him being rattled in the said wind
Has Muscat seen a cockroach on Manuel Micallef’s head?
I have heard of wind chimes., but not wind ticks.
Not to be missed.
The Minister of the South of the Most Feminist Government is giving away free gifts to women who will attend his first coffee morning of the season.
The wind ticks.
The clock blows.
MLP sucks.
Is that right?
That’s right.
And H.P. Baxxter rocks.
Unless he’s referring to (and misspelling) the fresh mints.