All gas and hot air
Joseph Muscat said at his mass meeting that the Most Feminist Government in Maltese History will not increase taxation to bankroll his plans to cut the price of water and electricity to the consumer.
Instead, the Most Feminist Government in Maltese History will go for gas.
But as the Ministry of Finance said in a statement earlier tonight, it takes several years to lay a gas pipeline to Malta, and funding must be available from the EU. No such funding will be available before 2014.
Then there is the international tendering process to be got through, and after that, negotiations with and permits from the country which will host the other end of the pipeline (because there must be another end, of course).
Then the pipeline has to be made, before it can be laid.
And after that, you don’t know what the price of gas will be.
There are plans already for the existing power station to be converted to gas once all that infrastructure is in place, and the process has begun to source EU funding.
But that is not what Joseph has in mind.
What Joseph has in mind is another ‘we’ll get rid of VAT scenario’. Promise it, and then spend your entire time in government working out how to deliver, screwing the economy in the process.
I don’t know how anybody with the benefit of a brain or an education, let alone both, can take these ‘I’m So Cunning I’m Almost A Fox’ idiots seriously.
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All stand up and cheer for this clueless future boy Prime Minister.
Having witnessed his grasp (lack of) economics personally, and his greed for consulting contracts, while he still was a hack political ‘journalist’, I wrote him off.
Jeez, was I mistaken. Here we are now. The same incompetent hack, posturing, and strutting all over the islands as the saviour of all our problems.
This, in my opinion, is a very scary scenario for Malta. This boy has surrounded himself with the same, now ancient, red retrogrades.
OK, the polls say the boy and his party of Neanderthals are ready to take over.
How many of the thinkers, as the swing vote, will allow such a disaster to come to pass.
Why should we retrograde to the 70s and 80s?
Please think through your swing vote. Shall we progress or regress? Your decision.
While it is true that gas is cleaner than coal and oil, the EU is trying to decrease the dependancy of most EU countries on Russian gas (for political and also market reasons).
For this reason, Europeans are increasing investment in shale gas exploration (so far with weak results).
I had an inkling that the wind of change was all actually gas.
So we know that the government is already working to finance a gas pipeline to Malta.
How is Joseph planning to do it differently? Some journalist should ask him some questions.
I’m sick and tired of this. There was a Konrad Mizzi on The Sunday Times yesterday repeating the same rubbish. Who is this cretin? If he’s warranted, throw him out.
Will no one challenge these conmen? It’s so depressing having to read these lies repeatedly and no independent (yeah right) observer speaks out.
These frauds, there’s no other word, need to be challenged to the details before another CET type saga is unleashed.
Who did NOT see such a farce on the horizon? Joseph got so carried away with his little congress, and the Heineken & fag wielding groupies, that he got way to ‘excited’ and let the cat out of the bag.
This must have now seriously compromised il-Guy’s planned release of THE manifesto……on no, hang on….manifesto?