And judging by some of the missives I receive, they’ve gone on to raise a new generation in their own image
This is a news broadcast from the days when those frigging Mintoffjani thought it would be a great idea to undermine the incoming Nationalist government in 1987 with an orgy of violence that included sacking the law courts, setting fire to hotels and shooting at a party of Austrian tourists to ‘destroy’ tourism.
Unbelievable, eh? Well, tough. It happened.
The law courts were sacked by a mob of progressive, liberal and Most Feminist savages when the police – who with a new government had no choice – arraigned a group of progressive, liberal and Most Feminist thugs on charges of committing acts of violence and other crimes during the general elections the previous month.
Their progressive, liberal and Most Feminist friends came along and ran amok in the building, wrecking furniture, breaking masonry, ransacking cupboards, and destroying documents, while chucking stuff out of windows.
The police, conditioned by years of letting these progressive, liberal and Most Feminist freaks do what they like, stood idly by, too terrified to act or perhaps longing to join in as they used to do before.
This is the incoming Prime Minister Eddie Fenech Adami’s address to the nation at the time:
It is just so incredible that this is how we lived – waking up to wonder what they were going to shoot at or set fire to or ransack that day.
It wasn’t exactly in the dark ages. I already had almost two children at the time and they’re only just out of university. And now instead I wake up every day wondering what sort of bollocks I’m going to read in the newspapers about the wonders of Dom Mintoff and the good that he did in creating a brilliant generation of happy socialist people, written by ex-military gentlemen who left Malta in 1964, and other such fools.
The Golden Years, eh? Ghax ma jmorrux jaqbzu qabza minn fuq Dingli Cliffs, Karmenu Vella Il-Guy u dawk il-qabda qlafat ta’ madwaru?
The Teflon-coated nerve those people have, still putting themselves out there for admiration and election.
And then some of my contemporaries and associates are actually thinking about voting for the rotten MLP – God, it must make them feel so cutting-edge and fantastic in their various desperate midlife crises – to bring back some of the very people responsible for all that.
They must be out of their f**king minds. If they had a mind in the first place, that is. And with some of them, that’s always been questionable.
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I know Labour supporters who left Malta to live abroad and are too ashamed to admit they were and still are Labour when they connect on the social networks.
When people add links to sites like this one they act all “modern” and say they could not be bothered about politics when in fact they come back every election to vote Labour again.
If I was so ashamed of how I voted I would stop voting that way but with Labour minds, well who the hell knows how those things work?
Daphne, you’re so correct, they’re out of their fucking minds. I had always assumed that intelligent people had long memories.
Harry, your assumption about intelligent people is right. The point is that the ones who are out of their fucking minds are not intelligent.
They WERE the golden years, even according to Dr Fenech Adami who referred to Dom Mintoff’s premiership as having done more good than bad. So Daphne please belt up on this subject.
[Daphne – David, I feel obliged to add a note that you’re being sarcastic here, because you know how many people take things literally.]
Those persons that carried out those acts of violence had power during the Socialist regime. These last years, these persons went into hibernation. They intend to make a comeback soon. We have already seen some of them during the funeral of Dom Mintoff.
Pater Patriae.
Forever in the Maltese nation’s debt.
But waiiit….. didn’t Joseph Muscat tell us to `forget the past`?
U mhux hekk!
He told us to “get over it.” Yeah, over our dead bodies.
These incidents happened when there was a Nationalist government. The news report speaks of acts of vandalism which are much less serious than recent Islamic violence in Libya and other countries. Nevertheless they should be condemned. Who was arraigned for these crimes? Was someone found guilty?
I seem to remember that when the Labour thugs in question were summoned to court to answer for their actions, they turned up wearing tails and top hats and clown faces to make a mockery of the courts.
I am sure that some newpaper at the time published photoes of these femminist moderate progressives.
The louts are what Dr Joseph Brincat , their lawyer , still fondly refers to as “daqsxejn imqarrbin” on his early sunday morning ONE radio show.
David , you asked “who was arraigned, who was found guilty”?
All the evidence was removed, when they went to the court and broke all they could see, they knew what they went for.
Back in 2000 or so I met Karmenu Vella while on business in some foreign county. I happened to be having a meeting with this person, whom I did not know.
I am not a politically minded person. I never was. Maybe I am now that I have moved back to Malta and seeing what is going on around me. Yet, then, I was not.
I did not know who the prime minister was at the time and I was totally out of touch. I had not spoken Maltese for 20-odd years.
So it was a coincidence and not because I have Maltese roots.
We were introduced to each other, me as a . . . whatever I was . . . and him as an MLP person.
So we talked, and when I got him smiling and relaxed I said to him, “You and your people beat me up, left me for dead, bleeding inside, with brain damage on the side of the street and you are sitting here talking to me representing those people”.
His face changed. He was embarrassed. He made his excuses and left.
Unfortunately for him, he had to endure me for a few more days before we parted and never met again.
Forget the past? Get over it? Muscat, what if your twins were hurt (God forbid)? Would you as a father forget the past and get over it? Even if whoever hurt you never apologise?
Eddie Fenech Adami apologised to me. I never wanted his apology, however humbled I felt by the act.
Muscat and the slimeballs before him didn’t. Dirtbag Mintoff didn’t.
Until you go down on your knees and beg forgiveness on behalf of the monkeys you represent and that came before you, you are nothing but an excuse of a movement, not far from my bowel movement this morning.
F**k the Malta Labour Party and those who vote for it. F**k you if you call yourself Mintoffjan, and f**k you too if you have even the slightest thought of voting for these people. Tear up your vote if you must, but never ever forget the past.
Our incompetent law courts need another one of these it seems. The PN failed miserable to reform the court and the police force. These will be handed over intact to a future Labour administration.
A scary news bulletin indeed. Thanks for this Daphne, as I wasn’t in Malta then then to witness it myself. That’s the Maltese Courts of Law there. THE LAW COURTS!
Law of the jungle, and wasn’t it just lovely.
We need more of these broadcasts, Daphne.
When the chavs are in power in 2013, you vouch that you have warned the voters.