Here’s the poster-girl for The Most Feminist Government in Maltese History
September 25, 2012 at 9:18am
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Yes. Malta’s bored-rooms desperately need quotas for women like these.
You can’t call boardrooms boredrooms with directors like these.
True, such boardrooms won’t be very productive (-wit, +fun), but you know, all work and no play …
PL and their damned friends are of the same mind.
The girl is very very poor. She can afford silicone implants and a Golf (parked illegally on yellow lines). All she needs now is a tummy tuck and off to a free life time membership to the new ‘middil klass’.
Sorry for my crass remark but those “thingies” look very fake and hence very expensive. So much for the starving masses.
Ops, I see you already commented on the tits being fake. My apologies.
The three graces…
An article every Maltese should read before deciding for which party to vote.
That’s an interesting article. Sadly, the freedom he’s talking about is that of remnant Malta – the independent Malta we’ve just bid good-bye.
The ever-changing scene brought about by integration will ensure that we will eventully become as grey as the European mainland. Hopefully, we win’t become as bankrupt as Greece.
The irony?
We owe much of our financial security to our sound fiscal foundations, notwithstanding the PN’s 5-billion-euro borrowing spree which is now bringing us to our knees before our EU overlords.
Before any of you smart-Alecs post a ‘funny’ comment, I suggest you read the ESM and Fiscal treaties. Read about the European Banking Union; about Draghi’s ‘unlimited bond-buying’ and his OMTs (Outright Monetary Transactions). Understand how it all works, because most of you people are not just living an illusion – you ARE a living illusion.
There is more irony.
If Malta is forced to take up more debt to pour into the ESM bailout fund while facing massive inflation as a result of Draghi’s intended money-printing spree, we’ll be suffering more than the kontijiet tad-dawl u l-ilma. This means Labour will face the buck, if elected, as expected. The PN will conveniently have someone to blame, of course, but the REAL cause would remain hidden beneath tons of blissful ignorance and deceit.
The global Ponzi is unwinding and the taxpayers are paying the price for the quadrillions of fiat money that should not exist. That is one major reality you’ll have to face some time soon.
The only thing that’s saving us is tourism – which no doubt benefited from membership, even if transiently so. In fact, tourism remains our only hope, unless Lucky Joseph strikes oil – only to find out that much of the gains will either be flushed down the eurozone pit, or will go in EU contributions to help our poorer European compatriots.
Note: ghal min ma jafx, Mario Draghi, like Mario Monti an ex-Goldman Sachs frontman, is the President of the ever-more-powerful European Central Bank – the issuers and regulators of the money we’re all fighting about.
Kev, when Sharon’s partners poured our money into default swaps against their own countries, did you lift a finger?
Kevvy, the meat of your argument is straight out of ‘.The Economist’. Think for yourself. Or at least, acknowledge your sources.
Happy to see you think we ‘smart alecs’ (oh so 70’s) are funny.
Jozef, I am writing about political ideas, not people, but frankly I haven’t a clue of what you’re on about.
@Purdie – I prefer your funny dishwashing jokes to this insult.
The Economist, you say? I stopped reading the Economist since the mid-80s. Truly. They’re as deceitful as the BBC and a waste of time. Very high up the media pyramid, you see. I also binned its cousin, Newsweek, by the early 90s.
Those were the days. I was only just starting to wake up to the Purdies of this world.
All plagiarists lie, Kevvy.
Did anyone notice the crude drawing of Joe Grima’s breasts on the wall in the second paragraph to the right?
Kemm hi najs! 2000 euros for the plastic tits, next she should invest a few social security cheques in a good dieting programme. Coke bottle figures are not sexy.
Stereotypical child bearing hips those. No chance of baby getting stuck on pubic bone during delivery. The mammaries are obviously rethreads – once prized for function, now for the view.
That second photo gives new meaning to the word Hind-sight.
With hindsight, we shall be saying that the Party of Homosexuals and Hunters then included Hotgirls among its ranks.
To overcome boredom, I would have them massage me … the hotgirls I mean, not the hunters … and neither the homosexuals (nothing personal, just de gustibus … ) …
hotgirls? what hotgirls?
Those three girls sing in a group. You might have thought it would be called The Hindsight. No. It’s called, Barrel’s Bottoms.
If the PN wants to win the election, then f**k promises of lowering the utility bills. Social loafers like the one pictured above already have it well subsidised.
What the PN should promise is free botox and breast implants to all ‘deserving’ cases. Socjalizmu …. biex hobz il-biezel jieklu l-ghazzien.
Ara ma jigix xi hadd u jipprova jghid li l-Labour ghandu xi dover jiddefendi dan l-irmiexk.
Jekk qeghda fuq Facebook tiftahar li ‘ma’ nahdimx ghax tat-tajjeb LOL’.
Hawn kemm trid minnhom, kollha fuq il-Maltastar.
With pictures like these, it is going to be the Most Sexy Government in Matese History.
If that’s your version of sexy..
Sexiness needs a functioning brain.
… and a little bit of decency. As much as she has all the right to wear what she pleases, she has no right to complain when what she is wearing, displeases us.
I like the graffiti tits on the right corner – “najs touch”
Is this in reality what is meant by ”Il-Futur li jaghqqadna” ?
At least she shaved her underarms.
Imnalla li ma hawnx flus fl-idejn.
Anyone noticed how Franco Debono’s so-called blog has been transformed into a Labour Party notice board with links to articles from Maltatoday, Maltastar and a handful of obscure cyber ratholes that so far no one had ever heard of?
Maybe he is training for the job of messenger boy at the DOI once the feminist heart-throb is safely enthroned at Castille.
How utterly chav….taken from Facebook?
The one in the middle is a little plump for me but I would not kick either of the other two out of bed.
Dik ma tantx tghereq malajr jekk taqa’ minn fuq boat. Ghanda lifebelt built-in.
Cyrus Engerer
Franco Debono says It’s Time for general elections
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…..covers the number-plate with her body, then goes to Facebook to show the world who she is.
Bla sens. Heqq partit ta’ nies kontroversjali mimlijin kontradizzjonijiet.
Canova’s ”Three Graces ”, Thalia, Aglaia and Euphrosyne they sure aint!
Or maybe ,their pose was inspired by the femminist artist Saint Phalle?
Rajtux kemm huma kultured u educated il femminists ta Joe.
Delacroix’s Marianne is alive and well and leading the feminist movement for Joseph in Qormi.
I was thinking – those two bottoms made me think, really think hard – that they’re angry at you not because of your blog, but because it is successful. Actually THEY help you make it successful.
I’m sure those two butts must have made your readership numbers soar higher and higher …
Oh look,
‘The adoption of a balanced budget rule envisaged by the fiscal compact is included in the baseline.
The agency warned that the main long-term threat to the public finances is the unreformed pension system. Pension expenditure is projected to increase from 10.4% of GDP in 2010 to 15.9% of GDP in 2060.
“Failure to implement reform and secure the long-term sustainability of
the public finances could lead to a downgrade in the medium-term,” it said.
It explained that the baseline envisaged that the election outcome would not disrupt the medium-term objective of fiscal policy, which is to realise a balanced central government budget and stabilise the public debt ratio.
“Should post-election fiscal policy significantly fail in achieving this, it could have negative rating implications. A new intensification of financial stress, particularly if it led to a deeper and more prolonged recession than currently expected by Fitch, would also hurt the creditworthiness of Malta.’
Put Labour in and watch your final paragraph unfold.
This is really great news. Malta must continue on the present positive road..
Meta tkun ġurnata sħuna addio fwieħa għax riħa ta’ plastic jinħaraq tinxtam.
Tsk tsk tsk Daphne, drivel drive drivel. You ought to put your writing skils to better use. Ever tried the art of Haiku?
[Daphne – I’m worried that Franco will keel over and die, you know – like the parrot in that comedy skit.]
Issa bil-garanzija tax-xoghol, taghmel ‘tami takk’ u tigi ‘seks-bombb”
Kelma wahda biss tigini f’mohhi: jaqq.
On a different note:
How come he’s coming out with all this inside info? He says they were close friends, but now I’m starting to suspect they were reeeeeally close.
You are not the only one harbouring such suspicions.
Eqq , it would seem that is-Salvatur ta’ Malta kien verament ragel fuq l irgiel.
U tista’ zzid li kien ihalli lil ta’ madwaru skantati kemm kien jilhaqlu.
Ijja. JAM sar spokesman tal-mejtin.
Who is she?
Femme fatale
With such a fan base no wonder Michelle is always besides her Joseph…..
il-vilta sider bhal dak wisq probabli b’xi operazzjoni umbad ingergru li bla flus fl-idejn.