The kohlrabi is stuck in treffic
September 27, 2012 at 8:42am
You just have to read the traffic news from Luciano Busuttil in the link I’ve posted below.
I wish the author had been equally scathing, though, about the fact that this ruddy gidra quite obviously uses sat-nav to get from his home, Il Sogno, to Chiswick House School and thence to Valletta.
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Still using miles and gallons too. And they say the PN is living in the past.
Forsi illum in-nies ma hargux bil-karrettun ghax-xoghol, ghalhekk.
I read the Luciano thing: It just shows you how Malta has progressed since joining the EU.
At the moment, I think there is no household in Malta that has not got a car (or two). I watch people coming to register for their unemployment benefit in this Toyotas and Mercedes, with gold chains and all.
If Luciano did not see this progress, then he needs to grow up.
I can volunteer that I do not own a car, but it’s a personal choice. I just hate driving
Gotta love the way you lumped Toyota and Mercedes in the same boat, especially since they both seem to attract the same type of person – which is not a compliment.
Chavs drive Toyota cars.
I love this, thanx you started my day in a good mood !! Totally agree!!
Mhux ovvja hawn it-traffic, jekk regghu bdew l-iskola t-tfal?
Qabel, fis-sajf, kienet tohrog nofs Malta ghax xoghol. Issa li reghgu bdew l-iskejjel, tohrog nofs Malta ghax-xoghol u n-nofs l-iehor ghal l-iskola.
Does he still do his mathematics in miles? Haven’t we changed over to Kms?
Nofs Malta ma tohrogx ghax-xoghol. According to the latest Labour Force Survey, 49% of the adult population of working age are not economically active, not in paid work and not seeking a paid job.
They can’t all be scrubbing around the toilet, can they? Who watches all that day time TV, replete with wall-to-wall advertising?
Ijja sorry insejt li hawn il-faqar, tant li 49% qas jinteressahom imorru jahdmu :)
What a moron.
He’s posting on Facebook while driving? Isn’t that equivalent to being on the phone while driving?
Yes. See my comment below. The charge is not for talking on the phone, but – from what I recall – for handling a communication device. Posting on Facebook is handling such a device, unless he’s Uri Geller.
But Facebook is so…..ermmm Chav.
Biex iridu j…u tal lejber.
Fl-antik bniedem injurant kien isejhulu mhux gidra, ghax dik kienet tkun titolu ta’ unur, imma kromba. Bl-ingliz ma nafx x`jghidula.
Meta isejhulek kromba ifisser li int minti tajjeb ghal xejn, bhal haxixa minghajr ma taghmel il-frotta.
He cannot understand the reason for the huge volume of traffic.
I will enlighten him in the vernacular just to be on the safe side.
L-ghaks Luciano. L-ghaks li gieb fuqna GonziPN.
L-ghaks u l-guh li kawza taghhom had ma jista jixtri karozza u min ghandu wahda m’ghandux flus ghal-petlol.
Jekk Alla jrid jitla il- PL dalwaqt u jehlisna minn dan il-mishut ghaks. Hekk kulhadd ikun jista jixtri karozza u petlol.
Int ikolluk tixtri chopper biex tmur ic-Cisik ghaliex is Sat Nav jibda jghidlek ETA 12.00.
Bhala ministru fil gvern tal-PL ma ghandu jkollok ebda problema biex tixtri chopper.
The funny thing is that, despite me having to negotiate two major traffic zones in the morning, I still manage to get from San Gwann to Valletta in around 15 minutes.
And I don’t leave at 7.20am. I leave at quarter past 8. And use alternate routes of course.
Perhaps Luciano should look into one or two of those.
Maybe he’s too busy diverting to Sliema Road, Gzira, after Chiswick, and needs to account for the delay in arriving at his final destination.
Is he suggesting that fuel is too cheap?
No, I think he wants to do Transport Malta.
I ruddy well hope that, given the evidence the culprit himself posted online, he is fined for using his mobile phone to post Facebook updates whilst behind the steering wheel, even if in stationary traffic.
When being stuck in a complete jam for some minutes a little while ago, and picking up my mobile phone from the seat next to me (picking up, not actually dialling), I was immediately booked by a strategically-placed warden for “handling a communication device” (or a similar charge) whilst being behind the driving-wheel, despite not actually being in the process of dialling, texting or whatever.
I could probably have contested it, but never bothered. My point is that what is sauce for the goose should be sauce for the (well-fed) gander.
I was thinking same thing. I was booked by police man twice for same stuck in traffic use of mobile. 1 because i was using the phone and another one because i was not in full control of the car.
Why jump to conclusions. Maybe he was being chauffeur driven – the poor man. Ghax vera hawn faqar. Faqar tal imhuh.
During one of my recent visits to Rome, I met a nun who advised me to be careful with people who moan, fuss and complain ad nauseum.
I told her to explain and she said: ‘uuuuu, there are people and there are people. There are those who complain about everything under the sun, who when they do that, you have no other choice but to start feeling sorry for them.
With time and some common sense in the head, you realise that they are the ones who always have it good, and are very cushy in life.
They moan and blow things out of proportion to make you feel sorry for them so that they’ll get what they want from you and others…..and they manage.’