Mur arah kap tal-partit, jaqq
All these years of agitating and moaning and kvetching and bitching because Lawrence Gonzi became party leader and he did not. All these years of having Saviour Balzan and his miserable rag persecuting the prime minister because they thought it should have been J Dalli BA instead.
All these years of having to listen to the squat, humourless, inarticulate so-and-so tear the government to shreds on the Labour Party’s television station, and saying that he feels he no longer belongs to the PN or recognises it for what it used to be.
All these years of having to put up with his protests about unfair accusations and email hacking and Evil Clicks and ‘personal attacks from evil bloggers’, and now there he goes.
Yes, whose fault is it?
And how does Harry Vassallo, who as AD chairman made it his mission to be on a permanent anti-corruption crusade, feel now? He works for John Dalli, remember. Or at least, he did until today.
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Issa J lura Dal liBA kap tal-Evil Klikk.
Bi-snus as usual.
Well said, Daphne. John Dalli tas-Super One proved you right all along.
My question is to Dr Gonzi..
Why did he feel the need to get rid of Dalli and Louis Galea?
You certainly have the wrong impression about Dr Gonzi.
Contrary to what many believe, Dr Gonzi is a true leader that does listen and works well with all those of goodwill, but finally he decides.
[Daphne – Yes, and he took the catastrophically bad decision of nominating Dalli as EU Commissioner.]
He is highly focused on steering Malta to optimum levels. That’s why Malta has not ended up like Spain, Greece and Portugal, but is achieving one certificate after another in all aspects of the organization and the economy.
Also, his MO was never to get rid of people – another misconception. I am sure both Dr Galea and Mr Dalli thought at the time to move on (after all they are both much older than Dr Gonzi) and being offered the post of EU Commissioner was to them a promotion not a demotion and certainly not to get rid of them.
[Daphne – Don’t confuse the Louis Galea issue with Dalli. Dalli was not made EU Commissioner because he was fit for that purpose. And sending him there was a very high-risk decision. The chances that he would stick his finger in as many pies as possible and end up badly were really good.]
His chances to be leader of the PN have now gone up in SMOKE.
Er, PN’s electoral chances have also gone up in smoke. Dalli was selected as EU commissioner by none other than Gonzi himself. As if that were not enough, the other party to this whole mess is a PN local council (raspberry!) grandee.
I’ve been saying this rather too often this week, but: way to go, Malta.
OK, Baxxter, You’ve got a point, However, should we replace momentary sub-standard thinking with permanent sub-sub standard lunatics?
You already know the answer. We should go for the least worst option. That’s the way with most choices.
Yes, let’s elect the PL and shove Karmenu Vella into Dalli’s vacant seat, put Leo Brincat in charge of public contracts and social housing, Sceberras Trigona in charge of special relations with pariah states, Debono Grech in charge of law and order, Anglu Farrugia in charge of human rights and
(raspberry) as you would put it.
LA REDOUTE: Fejn se tinheba wara l-elezzjoni ?
What about the Deputy Mayor of the “reformed” Sliema Local Council?
Tails I win, heads you lose. :)
I am no fan of John Dalli. But I think this blog is jumping to dangerous conclusions without the slightest idea of what the report is actually saying.
We also know that many Maltese people tend to boast of their ”connections” with politicians and on many occasions it turns out to be all false.
The most basic principle of justice and decency is ‘innocent until proven guilty’ and sometimes I wonder how such highly knowledgeable and educated people like yourselves forget these basic principles for political gain.
”The legal concept that the guilt of an accused person cannot be presumed and that they must be assumed to be innocent until proven otherwise.”
Well, if you can explain what Silvio Zammit was doing there, you will have a point.
If he ever becomes PN leader, PN will definitely lose my vote.
I have serious doubts about the timing of this resignation.
Given the present state of the PN, I find it difficult to understand how it could be even worse with Dalli as its leader.
He put the blame on Gonzi for his email being hacked! His suspicion of hacking was probably right but the culprit was not Evil Gonzi but probably OLAF!! The time-frames make sense as the complaint was filed in May and the above article is dated June.
He put the blame on Evil Gonzi for his email being hacked. His suspicion of hacking was probably right but the culprit was not Evil Gonzi but probably OLAF. The time-frames make sense as the complaint was filed in May and the above article is dated July.
Now is the time for Lawrence Gonzi to execute another astute appointment.
How about Richard Cachia Caruana for Commissioner?
That would really burn Franco’s ass to a cinder. To say nothing of Jeffrey’s.
Right! That’s what the retards of this country can think of. Paying back Franco?!
If he’s such a nothing, why does he bother so much?
And then Malta would have a Commissioner who was forced to resign by the Maltese parliament ! That would indeed be the biggest joke in the history of the EU, not that its history isn’t already full of shamefull episodes. But this would be the cherry on the cake !
[Daphne – You bloody idiot, Mr Privitera. Haven’t you just told me that I know nothing about the European Commission? The Maltese parliament has NO JURISDICTION over European Commissioners. The Maltese EU Commissioner does not represent Malta. He represents the European Commission.]
The reality is that even if the AG decides not to prosecute, or Dalli proves his innocence, the fact that he has twice been implicated in shady deals, starts looking less like someone picking on him, and more like someone who has not understood that in his position he not only has to be clean, but he must appear clean at all times.
And for those who say he did the gentlemanly thing by resigning, I’ll let you in on a little secret. All EU regulations talk about the ‘fit and properness’ of an individual holding top positions. It therefore cannot allow anyone in his position to remain in that position, following the conclusions of the OLAF report.
I will leave you to draw your own conclusions on his resignation.
Why isn’t anyone mentioning Silvio? What about Silvio Zammit?
Can anyone confirm if these two even knew each other? As far as I know, Silvio’s friends are much, MUCH worse than Dalli can ever be.
But maybe that’s just my impression. I hope someone can shed some light on this.
[Daphne – Read OLAF’s statement.]
I did, and I’m hoping that everyone gets what he or she deserves when all the investigations are done.
I’m pretty sure there are many who are laughing now but won’t be laughing so much in the near future.
Miskin Johnny, just went up in smoke.
WARNING: smoking is a fraud hazard.
Kemm hu kbir Alla li jippermetti li z-zejt jitla f’wicc l-ilma.
U z-zejt se jkompli jitla ftit xhur ohra !
Talk about inarticulate:
Now it’s the fault of Big Tobacco. Also, shouldn’t he be a bit more careful about blurting out the contents of a directive which has not yet been published?
It seems the tobacco lobby has succeeded in getting rid of an inconvenient commissioner. The directive seems to have now been suspended, not postponed !
jekk jilhaq hu kap tal-partit x’taghmel Daphne?
[Daphne – Which party, Labour? Yes, he has a good chance. Look at their track record.]
Silvio Zammit fil-gurnata tal-elezzjonijiet tal-membri parlamentari ewropej kien organizza mawra bil-bahar ghal grupp kbir li kienu hbieb tieghu sabiex dawn ma’ jivvutawx.
B’dan l-ghagir tghidx kien ftahat u dan ghamlu ghax dak iz-zmien kellu bzonn xi haga u ma’ nqediex.
Dawn huma in-Nazzjonalisti li huma hbieb kbar ta’ John Dalli BA.
Iz-zejt dejjem telgha f’wicc l-ilma u sa l-elezzjoni nisimghu hafna aktar praspar minn dawk li dejjem taparsi imilitaw fil-Partit Nazzjonalista biex akwistaw dak li riedu.
Gonzi tajjar hafna minn dawn in-nies imma fadallu hafna hmieg u biex dan isehh ghandu bzonn l-ghajnuna ta’ nies b’kuragg u determinazzjoni.
Il-korruzzjoni organizzata mhix facli teqridha specjament meta jkun hemm irjus kbar imdeffsin.
Does Swedish Match actually benefit from the removal of the EU commissioner?
I mean, if they ultimately wanted access to the wider and larger EU market, why ruin the possibilities of negotiating with a supposedly corrupt politician, or at best renegotiating a cheaper arrangement?
Have you ever heard of a wholly honest tobacco company? I haven’t!
Issa ic-cans jibaghat lil Franco Brussels, u jehles minnhu darba ghal dejjem.
[Daphne – I trust you are not serious.]
If you really want to be ‘Makjavel’ then Austin Gatt is the perfect choice, both politically and experience wise.